Let's Attempt A 1lb Grow!

Runoff or two soaking wet pots?
Actually when I first watered the gallon they started getting run off from the get-go it ran through them like diarrhea cuz they were so dry! So basically what I did last night even though it was run off I still gave him the whole gallon and a half went down smoked cigarette came up water was gone like there was never no runoff so evidently they sucked it right back up which I know is a no no but being as close I don't give a shit and this morning I gave him another half a gallon just in case there was some spots in the soil that wasn't hit.
Now before I came to work this morning and I gave him that gallon which was a half a gallon each there wasn't any runoff they hungerly drunk it I know they was needing extra water so I said what the hell I wanted to make sure that all the roots was good and soaked and they soaked up plenty of water for the chop we going to take some track home pics tonight and some pictures see where we're at but I'm pleased with where they are at to be honest with you but for the sake of everyone I want to dig off pictures tonight good pictures good trichome shots if I can keep my hand steady that's one of my problems my nerves are pretty much shot. Hard to keep a steady hand with shaky hands unless I push the bud up against the wall and take trichome shots then. That's how I usually take my trichome shots I have the bud pushed against the wall and I zoom in that way I can get good clear shots and it ain't all zigzagging to best I can for y'all if I can give it Crystal clarity with every shot I would but most try comes I'm seeing is very milky white I'm seeing Amber on the majority of all buds that I look at anyways most of the clear track homes that you see is from the foxtails with the new white stigmas I don't see none of that on the older calluses I see the yellowish color trichomes sum with red heads or amber color heads my buds are now White. Lmao I should have got that damn picture this morning it literally blinded my eye to look cuz I was still groggy from sleep
The main reason why I looked in on them this morning was to give them that extra water plus I wanted to see if their lease perked up because I thought I was at a loss I thought I was at the dead Wilt stage I kicked myself in the ass I believe I could have went without giving them water until tonight now the next time I do drought I know subtract and I will keep one branch most definitely not super cropped that way I can always get good reading with my drought monitor this was my fault all my super cropping and everything trying to keep this leaf angle that leaf angle sorry Keith but I still think I've done you justice I think you know a little more than what you did I'm still learning too on the drought by the way. Since yours is outside and if you're able to keep the rain off of it I would recommend you drouting them brother
If you're not worried about or not able to do the leaf wheel angle just let them drought for about 7 days or six even I can take your pictures and do your angle for you if need be. But if not it's all good teach its own brother I'm here to help anyway I can. My jars are going to be plum full last time with broken ass and Krissi I had 3 full jars 64 Oz mason jars Krissi and a smaller 24 oz coffee jar that I had some of her in which equaled out to a close to 10 oz all three jars of Bud. Broken ass only filled up 1 64 Oz and half of another.. I'm hoping I get at least four 64 Oz mason jars off these two sour g my 64 Oz mason jars when I weighed out the bud holds 3 oz each! But damn that humidity when I looked in at tent this morning 71% and I don't know why. I don't think that was real I think there might be something wrong with that hygrometer cuz hell like I said the hygrometers in my room was only reading 61% and if that was my room we all know that that's not what the humidity was in my tent figuring my exhaust is that full blast there's no way it was 71% can't be impossible ain't no Way in gallon and a half of water in those pots maybe humidity skyrocket like that and it's been dry with no rain and humidity is a lot lower cuz we don't have heat indexes I know that hygrometer's got to be fucked
But like I said we going to dig off on pictures tonight and try comb shots and if it ain't time to harvest it ain't just time to harvest I just have to wait cuz I want my shit right I'm not going to do no early harvest. I will make my final decision tonight tomorrow's my off day so I can harvest in the morning time and get my uncle to help me pretty much it only be me and my uncle at the house so I ain't got to worry about nobody perfect time to do it.. but I live a cool people who don't give a fuck anyways it's just out of respect.
You know what as far as droughts go I almost made it as far as Caplan 11 days huh mine went nine probably could have went one more to be honest but I ain't going to lie I was scared! Lmao 🤣
Thanks for doing this drought. I learned from it.
I did however take a knife and scraped all that shit off my thumb and my forefinger had a nice little round ball of some black shit I just tapped it in my pipe with along with a piece of Bud and smoke the hell out of it
Dunno about your flowers but most of mine aren't done bulking after 42 days!
This is why I got scared last night I've reached 79!

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