Let It Grow With Barney's Farm

Very nice, Ramblin. I love the way they stand at attention! :Rasta:
Better get those trimmers ready! It looks like you have a good stint of trim-jail in your future😎🥰
Hey Gee I hope your right. But your gonna have a life sentence in trim jail when you harvest your outdoor gang.
Evening all......just had a peek at the girls. PP is still stretching and the bss is not looking any worse. In fact she looks better cause a bunch of yellow leaves just fell off all bythemselves.

I gave them a 1/2 dose of some cal/mag on the last watering. And it's looking like tomorrow they will be thirsty again. So I think I'm gonna dose them with another 1/2 of calmag.

Hey Geeman...I got the pump pliers to squeeze out some juice. Got 10% ....which is low but lights had just came on.

More importantly the line was very defined. So your suspicion was right.

Thank you for the the help.

Also maxed out the height of the light and adjusted the intensity accordingly.

That's all for now folks.
1 month since the flip on the BSS.
16 days since the flip on PP


Hey @Gee64 I'm gonna give them the squeeze and at least see what the calcium is looking like in the tank.

Hey RR man! :high-five: Those are some gorgeous ladies. Yummy! 😋Sooo many colas! Making me drool:drool:🤤
:hug:From Granny
Hey RR man! :high-five: Those are some gorgeous ladies. Yummy! 😋Sooo many colas! Making me drool:drool:🤤
:hug:From Granny
Thanks for the kind words Granny420. Hang on I will get you a lobster bib. :rofl:

Just got home from work and I'm ready to put one in the air:ganjamon: and get the weekend started. Have a wonderful day filled with weed and hugs.
Thanks for the kind words Granny420. Hang on I will get you a lobster bib. :rofl:

Just got home from work and I'm ready to put one in the air:ganjamon: and get the weekend started. Have a wonderful day filled with weed and hugs.

I don't even need to know the significance of lobster bib and it's still funny. 😂😂😂

Listening to my show now, top three, 10/28/79. It's a show I listen too in the afternoon. Some shows are Saturday night shows for me, this one is a beautiful daytime back porch show for me. I hope you give it a try sometime if the mood strikes.

It really smells like weed on the good ole back porch now with these plants. 🙂☮️
I don't even need to know the significance of lobster bib and it's still funny. 😂😂😂

Listening to my show now, top three, 10/28/79. It's a show I listen too in the afternoon. Some shows are Saturday night shows for me, this one is a beautiful daytime back porch show for me. I hope you give it a try sometime if the mood strikes.

It really smells like weed on the good old back porch now with these plants. 🙂☮️
The lobster bib...the ones they used to give you at red lobster. Always cracked me up the lobsters still in the water were red like they had already been cooked. Well any way it's to catch Grannys drool.
I'm gonna give that show a listen tonight. Only after a few lung burners.
The lobster bib...the ones they used to give you at red lobster. Always cracked me up the lobsters still in the water were red like they had already been cooked. Well any way it's to catch Grannys drool.
I'm gonna give that show a listen tonight. Only after a few lung burners.

That's very cool that you may listen tonight.

Otherwise with Granny's bib . . . 😂😂😂
That's very cool that you may listen tonight.

Otherwise with Granny's bib . . . 😂😂😂
I just peruzzed the setlist......looks like its chocked full of goodies. Sorry to say I have not listened to a 70's Brent show in a looooong time. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
:high-five:Thanks for the kind words Granny420. Hang on I will get you a lobster bib. :rofl:

Just got home from work and I'm ready to put one in the air:ganjamon: and get the weekend started. Have a wonderful day filled with weed and hugs.
Hey RR man :high-five:

Ivan Pavlov was the Russian scientist who conducted experiments on dogs that led to the discovery of classical conditioning and salivating dogs:

Pavlov's experiments involved training dogs to associate a stimulus, like a bell, with food, which would cause them to salivate. This process is called classical conditioning, and the learned response is called a conditioned reflex.

Pavlov's experiments showed that dogs could learn to associate stimuli that were previously unrelated to a reflex. For example, dogs would salivate at the sound of a bell if that sound was repeatedly presented at the same time as food.

Pavlov also discovered that a previously extinguished conditioned response could return after a rest period, a phenomenon he called spontaneous recovery.

Hmmmm… I think the salivating is a conditioned response for ganja users faced with glorious looking buds and trichs… like yours and so many others here at :420:!!!

You give me bud, cola, and trich images, I salivate! Can’t help it! :rofl:

:hug:from Drooling Granny!:hug:
Hey RR man :high-five:

Ivan Pavlov was the Russian scientist who conducted experiments on dogs that led to the discovery of classical conditioning and salivating dogs:

Pavlov's experiments involved training dogs to associate a stimulus, like a bell, with food, which would cause them to salivate. This process is called classical conditioning, and the learned response is called a conditioned reflex.

Pavlov's experiments showed that dogs could learn to associate stimuli that were previously unrelated to a reflex. For example, dogs would salivate at the sound of a bell if that sound was repeatedly presented at the same time as food.

Pavlov also discovered that a previously extinguished conditioned response could return after a rest period, a phenomenon he called spontaneous recovery.

Hmmmm… I think the salivating is a conditioned response for ganja users faced with glorious looking buds and trichs… like yours and so many others here at :420:!!!

You give me bud, cola, and trich images, I salivate! Can’t help it! :rofl:

:hug:from Drooling Granny!:hug:
Put the bib on and lets get to smoking!
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