Let It Grow With Barney's Farm

Thanks @Ke0ncp for the proper dosing.
You got it. Hopefully it’s right :)

I suggested he start with 1g/gal at 6.0 ph to start and then increase by .25gr/gal as needed.

Sound about right??

Here's the BSS. The deficiency does not seem to be getting worse. I gave the pot a lift and it doesn't feel like it needs watering yet. Just a note.....my tap water has very low ppm. I always hit it with some vitamin C and bubble it for a minimum of 24 hours to try and get rid of the chlorine. I did use the recommended 1 teaspoon of calmag/ gallon two waterings ago. With my low (about 90 ppm) tap water any chance I'm not giving her enough calmag? It's ffof potting mix in a 5 gallon fabric pot.
You got it. Hopefully it’s right :)

I suggested he start with 1g/gal at 6.0 ph to start and then increase by .25gr/gal as needed.

Sound about right??
That's what I use for the first few feedings for a seedling, upping it every few feedings until I hit 1g/litre, about 4g/gal, until she tells me she needs more.
Sounds like a good starter dose to me.
Well hello, Ramblin!

Nice grow you got going here. I'd like to hang around and see how it goes.

I'll be bringing my entourage and we'll need a large, sectional sofa for seating.

Thanks! :Rasta:
Welcome aboard! :welcome:Thank You Grand Daddy Black! Bring the whole gang. I have a large sectional sofa right up front. We can roll some party favors and have a party.:yahoo:
Even though most of what you are doing here (as well as @Ke0ncp 's threads) is over my head I actually follow along to have exposure to these things.

Party favors are pretty cool. I would like to have some tea actually. 🙂☮️
Even though most of what you are doing here (as well as @Ke0ncp 's threads) is over my head I actually follow along to have exposure to these things.

Party favors are pretty cool. I would like to have some tea actually. 🙂☮️
You should come over to the mushroom threads then. Shrooms are easier to grow than our beloved weed. I'm gonna start a grow journal very soon over in that section. I will tag you when I start......hopefully very soon.
Even though most of what you are doing here (as well as @Ke0ncp 's threads) is over my head I actually follow along to have exposure to these things.

Party favors are pretty cool. I would like to have some tea actually. 🙂☮️
Man you are a heck of a grower. Those dam trees are absolutely amazing.
If it's just chlorine then sitting out will do and you can save the C for the fam. If it's chloramine then ascorbic acid will eliminate that.

Here's the stuff I use for the chloramine. I just bubble it cause I love bubbles. And I thought oxygenated water was better for the roots. Thanks Shed.

The girls are just waking up. I'm no doctor but I'm gonna take a peek.
I'm afraid I don't have a definitive answer for you. :( I mostly just said I added H2O2 rather than giving an amount, though there was this:

Which didn't seem to be enough or often enough given how quickly it breaks down.

And to support the temperature theory, NorCali :rip: posted this in my thread the summer I built the cloner:

So get the temp down and the green stuff might not be a problem (unless there's a light leak to the water).
Scuse me, RoseyMan?:high-five:

I know I’m out of order in your @Ramblinrose1965 journal thread… but @InTheShed wrote a quote in here about NorCali :rip: … I was sure sorry to see that he and OMM :rip: had both passed. I was afraid to look anymore of my old 420 friends up. Do you remember OldMedMan per chance? Loved both of them dearly.
Scuse me, RoseyMan?:high-five:

I know I’m out of order in your @Ramblinrose1965 journal thread… but @InTheShed wrote a quote in here about NorCali :rip: … I was sure sorry to see that he and OMM :rip: had both passed. I was afraid to look anymore of my old 420 friends up. Do you remember OldMedMan per chance? Loved both of them dearly.
I didn't even see that in Sheds post. I did not know them. So sorry.
I didn't even see that in Sheds post. I did not know them. So sorry.
Thank you, it is what it is. Again, I’m sorry to interrupt your journal/thread! I finally got caught up here!

Your girls in flower look magnificent! Oh the long colas on your tall girl and the gorgeous fat lady still in stretch, and the clones are well on their way, and a rescue mission gift! :thumb: Superb!:high-five:

May I join Mr RR man? I could get a comfy rocker to sit in a corner… somewhere over there ↘️ ?
Thank you, it is what it is. Again, I’m sorry to interrupt your journal/thread! I finally got caught up here!

Your girls in flower look magnificent! Oh the long colas on your tall girl and the gorgeous fat lady still in stretch, and the clones are well on their way, and a rescue mission gift! :thumb: Superb!:high-five:

May I join Mr RR man? I could get a comfy rocker to sit in a corner… somewhere over there ↘️ ?
Aww thanks for the kind words Granny. I love your enthusiasm and you can jump in anytime. Your not interrupting anything. Welcome aboard.
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