Let It Grow With Barney's Farm

Guest of frickin’ honor!
Hey Shed heres the guest of honor
Did you cook this? 👍👍
No there is a Phillipino restaurant near by that cooked that suckling pig. That thing was way to big for my smoker. It was a big hit at the bridal shower after all the party favors.

Well the clones are doing OK. It's off to a slow start but the small one is starting to dig the minisip container. How many nodes do you think to top her? Or should I do some lst on the clones?


Now on the other hand the blue sunset sherbert is looking like she's developing a deficiency.The purple punch is filling in nicely.

Hope everyone had a great Labor day weekend.
Looks like N to me from what the google says…..

It’s odd that would pop up now, I though the need for N decreases during flower and you didn’t show any signs before.

What’s your nutes again?
Looks like N to me from what the google says…..

It’s odd that would pop up now, I though the need for N decreases during flower and you didn’t show any signs before.

What’s your nutes again?
Geoflora.... just gave her her first dose of flower geoflora a few days ago. Maybe I should have given her another dose of veg but the stretch seems to be over.
Geoflora.... just gave her her first dose of flower geoflora a few days ago. Maybe I should have given her another dose of veg but the stretch seems to be over.
Hmm maybe a blend of the 2 to keep a little extra N in there?

I’m only guessing here so hopefully someone with some more experience chimes in here :)
I'm not so good at identifying deficiencies, but I'm going to go along with the crowd here and guess nitrogen. I don't see any sign of the ones I know for sure like calcium or potassium.
Most micros start at the top, and it's the wrong colour for phosphorus.
I'm not so good at identifying deficiencies, but I'm going to go along with the crowd here and guess nitrogen. I don't see any sign of the ones I know for sure like calcium or potassium.
Most micros start at the top, and it's the wrong colour for phosphorus.
Thanks Melville, I appreciate your input.
She looks too wet to me. She has leaf tips curled down in "The Claw" which is usually slight nitro toxicity, and nitro toxicity and over watering go hand in hand as nitrogen assimilation requires lots of water.

Do you have a soil moisture probe? Is she dry on the soil surface? If she is dry up top is the soil crusty? If it's crusty then you need calcium, which will unlock soil nitrogen. That's how Calmag greens up a yellowing plant.

Too much water means not enough O2, as water and air share the same space in soil, and O2 needs to be present for a plant to recognize food as food, so without adequate amounts she will starve and start to self cannibalize, even if there is tons of food in the pot. It will be locked out without O2.

If it is over watering and you add blood meal you could get yourself in trouble, so check soil moisture 1st before adding it.

Weed requires slightly drier but evenly moist soil in flower, with less of a wet/dry cycling and more of a constant proper moisture. Flower demands more O2 to assimilate all the minerals required. Too wet at this point will lock out lots of things, and lockout from overly wet soil is quite often prededed by The Claw, so start there before you start trying to feed your way out of it.

If you haven't got a probe just lift the pot. If she's really heavy then you know. If the soil surface is wet then you know.

If you have a refractometer you can use it to check the state of your calcium.

Is her soil/pot weight wetter/heavier than the other one, which looks fabulous btw😊👊🥰
She looks too wet to me. She has leaf tips curled down in "The Claw" which is usually slight nitro toxicity, and nitro toxicity and over watering go hand in hand as nitrogen assimilation requires lots of water.

Do you have a soil moisture probe? Is she dry on the soil surface? If she is dry up top is the soil crusty? If it's crusty then you need calcium, which will unlock soil nitrogen. That's how Calmag greens up a yellowing plant.

Too much water means not enough O2, as water and air share the same space in soil, and O2 needs to be present for a plant to recognize food as food, so without adequate amounts she will starve and start to self cannibalize, even if there is tons of food in the pot. It will be locked out without O2.

If it is over watering and you add blood meal you could get yourself in trouble, so check soil moisture 1st before adding it.

Weed requires slightly drier but evenly moist soil in flower, with less of a wet/dry cycling and more of a constant proper moisture. Flower demands more O2 to assimilate all the minerals required. Too wet at this point will lock out lots of things, and lockout from overly wet soil is quite often prededed by The Claw, so start there before you start trying to feed your way out of it.

If you haven't got a probe just lift the pot. If she's really heavy then you know. If the soil surface is wet then you know.

If you have a refractometer you can use it to check the state of your calcium.

Is her soil/pot weight wetter/heavier than the other one, which looks fabulous btw😊👊🥰
Thanks for the schooling Gee. I will hold off on the blood meal. I will let her dry out a bit and see if the old girl straightens herself out. I do not have a soil probe or refractometer. I saw a post of yours.....at least I think it was about using a refractometer. Could you recommend one?

Early on in the grow the purple punch was the problem child now the tide has turned and the blue sunset sherbert is giving me troubles. :rofl:

Thanks for the compliment on the Purple punch. Thanks a bunch for taking the time to explain what's going on with my troubled plant.

Well I ended up with 3 clones out of about a 18. The two larger ones in the minisips are the purple punch. The little runt in the solo cup is from the cloner5000. She's from the blue sunset sherbert mom.
I'm probably late but next watering their all getting dosed with some MegaCrop nutes. Thanks @Ke0ncp for the proper dosing.

I started some lst on the biggest clone and will follow suit as the Other Ones get a little bigger.
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