Lemon Haze auto issue of watering

Anyone have a clue what this is?
It appears it may be from an aphid and so far I've found none. But I usually find them with my camera and not my horrible eye sight.

Anyone have a clue what this is?
It appears it may be from an aphid and so far I've found none. But I usually find them with my camera and not my horrible eye sight.

As @bluter said, it's natural, called guttation , won't hurt a thing.
I am considering transplanting that auto. Just to see what happens. I can only put it in a 5 gal felt pot. I would think a 7 would be a waste but it's going to move those roots around. They will collapse on themselves. And if they didn't grow to the bottom then I will just pull the soil off to where they did grow. Then hopefully the felt pot will dry out faster. More holes didn't do it and neither did raising it off the floor three inches and blowing fans under it. It's just odd. It slowly yellows and I gave it some nutes too. Maybe I should water it one more time with some liquid nutes before I try it.

It's an experiment at this point.
Good I was gonna suggest just transplant it into something else. It shouldn't be too much a pain in the patootie. An mayhap with an uplifting you'll get a visual of what the F is going on beneath them sheets.
I figured out the issue. Underwatering.

Even though it was heavy....it was only very slightly moist.

Roots all the way to the bottom..

Man that threw me off.

When I transplanted it....the five gallon bucket wasn't enough soil to fill the felt bag so the felt bag is bigger than a five gallon bucket if two inches of the top rim is cut off of the plastic bucket. It's at least a half gallon bigger.

This plant was probably stunted from that mistake. But it is growing buds.

At least now it can finish well.

No question it's being under watered and now it won't be.
I'm ignoring the weight and the stupid meter that said it was wet as can be and going with a gallon and a half to run off every three days for the rest of the grow.

I figured out the issue. Underwatering.
Even though it was heavy....it was only very slightly moist.
Roots all the way to the bottom..
Man that threw me off.
...and once again a transplant helps to figure out what is going on with some of the stubborn plants.

Or as Lotus says you can get a visual confirmation....
An mayhap with an uplifting you'll get a visual of what the F is going on beneath them sheets.
...and once again a transplant helps to figure out what is going on with some of the stubborn plants.

Or as Lotus says you can get a visual confirmation....
I was told I probably had nitro tox. and I see why. Yellow tips. But turns out its a deficiency of N. It was SO black green back when it was young it used all of the Nitrogen. It was an inch and a half tall and would not move. But man was it black. WIth no burning though. Then it took off after I watered it. I think it had to be sucking up whatever it could and most of it was N darkening it because it was so small for so long.

The difference, according to online charts is n tox shows burnt tips that grow out into the lead but n deficiency starts with yellow tips still pliable no burn... then the leaf turns yellow and then eventually dies. There has been no burn anywhere. Just yellowing of leaves.

So i think I may just give it some worm castings. I dont know if its too late in bud for that. But I dont think so.
I think its so stunted from not knowing what was wrong that I didnt want to make a wrong move and hurt it so I never gave it N when it needed it.

If it will do no harm to it then I am going to N it up a bit with some worm castings.

Wiggle worm calls for topping it with an inch of worm castings at the budding stage. Like right when it starts. But since it got none from the fear of it being toxic I am thinking a 1/4 inch to a 1/2 may do it. If its bad for it then I guess I will find out.

On another note... When that plant was throwing me off in the bucket from being so dang heavy... when I transplanted it I found it its not wet. So the meter I have is way way off and so was the weight method. I think that may cause me to actually use a scale from now on because when I watered it, in just a 5 gal felt pot I cant believe how heavy it was. WAY heavier than any of my other fives and those plants are way bigger. They get super light within days and this one just wont.
I cant see how that happened because every time we mixed up amendments with medium we did two at a time. Either two 7s or two 5s and the other one that got the same exact base is nothing like that.
I wonder if the auto just doesn't need as much water but because of that you have to get the nutes perfect every water or it just keeps getting worse.

It has to be nitrogen deficient. No burning. At all. Just yellowing. No sign of spotty leaves. But oddly, just like my other plant in that dang plastic bucket it has very green first few nodes but much lighter upper nodes and the yellowing leaves here and there. I pulled them once to see how fast they would yellow again and it was two days later just as many totally yellow leaves.

I wonder if since it doesn't really need to be watered at the moment if i could throw some worm castings on top and just water in it a bit. Just enough to get the N half way down. Also its in bloom so should I even be worried about drying out and not watering at this point. To an extent I mean. Or is the plant just stressing a bit from the transplant. I disturbed nothing. Just got it to come out whole and go back in the felt and just filled in around the edges to max the felt pot out. It didnt collapse anything or smash anything.
So I just happened across this thread and I use Gaia Green in my grows. I'm not super experienced with it but I'm on my third grow with it now. The top feeding plan during flower that I'm currently using- Every week, 1 tbsp of Power Bloom/gallon of soil scratched into the top 1" of the soil and then watered in. I add 1.5 cups of Earth Worm Castings every other time I feed and I've also had to supplement CalMag with each watering because Gaia Green Bloom seems to be lacking it.
So I just happened across this thread and I use Gaia Green in my grows. I'm not super experienced with it but I'm on my third grow with it now. The top feeding plan during flower that I'm currently using- Every week, 1 tbsp of Power Bloom/gallon of soil scratched into the top 1" of the soil and then watered in. I add 1.5 cups of Earth Worm Castings every other time I feed and I've also had to supplement CalMag with each watering because Gaia Green Bloom seems to be lacking it.
Gia Green is way better than what I'm using. It last longer per dose and the plant I am using it on is doing great.

All Purpose Gia Green has 7% Calcium. And Bloom has 12% Calcium. But NO magnesium. That certainly eliminates issues with calcium deficiency for the most part.

According to Gia Green you should be giving both bloom and all purpose throughout the entire grow. Just at different percentage rates.

30%Bloom/70%All Purp for veg. 4 weeks from seedling ( I always go 6 weeks because I want larger plants)
50/50 for transition 2 to 3 weeks during stretch.
75%Bloom/25%All Purp when in bloom. till finished.

The way you are doing it is still going to work. Both bags have all you need just at different quantities of NPK and Calcium.
I think the only way you would need to add Cal/Mag with Gia Green if used according to their schedule would be if you have a Mag issue. Which Epsom Salts is Magnesium sulfate. I have a friend who uses that for her plants. I really dont know anything about it. So I would stick with the Cal/Mag if I had any Mag issues. But as it has gone for me so far Gia Green is excellent.

Using RO water makes a difference though. Then Cal/Mag with every water is what most on this forum recommend.

To be fair... I am only using it on one plant and just started dosing it to see how it goes.

I just read the Gia Green chart a few days ago and I never forget what I read so I'm fairly sure my info above is accurate. This is of course for best results.

The way you are using it seems like you cant overdo anything at least. But if you are in bloom and If you are doing just a TBSP a week I would still try to measure out 75 bloom and 25 percent all purpose just to make sure I have that calcium and other levels to be optimized. The only way you can measure out the 75% Bloom and 25% All purpose would be to use 1/4 Tablespoons at 3 to 1. IF you keep doing the 1Tbsp a week method. Which is probably better than guessing if your plant needs a full dose on the 3rd week or 4th I would bet the plant and medium and watering frequency makes that vary.

You may never see a calcium deficiency or a mag deficiency. And if you did see a mag deficiency you could just use epsom salts and keep going.

This is from my zero experience with Gia Green. But I do know the one plant I have used it on I was giving it Cal/Mag for a calcium deficiency and I stopped giving it Cal Mag when I started the Gia Green and the calcium deficiency stopped immediately.

I dont know if anyone here thinks differently. But since it calls for 4 tablespoons of Gia Green every 3 to 4 weeks your method has to work decently. No matter if you used the bloom or the all purpose it would still produce a decent grow. That stuff lasts a long time. Much longer than the Dr Earth I am using and I will definitely be switching.

Are your plants finishing nice?

What you said about worm castings every other week makes me want to run downstairs and throw worm castings at my yellowing plant. lol

I know I write too much. I try to be thorough.
This is the chart I'm basing it off of

My soil is 4 gallons worth so I use 4 Tbsp of Power Bloom every week. I also water in with RO water.

I'm growing in SIP buckets and there have been some odd deficiencies springing up with SIP's and organics. For the most part the plants have been pretty decent. I can say that switching from feeding every two weeks has helped with trying to mix in 8 tbsp of dry amendments+ EWC, I usually ended with a mess lol.
This is the chart I'm basing it off of

My soil is 4 gallons worth so I use 4 Tbsp of Power Bloom every week. I also water in with RO water.

I'm growing in SIP buckets and there have been some odd deficiencies springing up with SIP's and organics. For the most part the plants have been pretty decent. I can say that switching from feeding every two weeks has helped with trying to mix in 8 tbsp of dry amendments+ EWC, I usually ended with a mess lol.
You got your schedule from Gia Green so I cant say its wrong. lol

But this is where I read that from. The one I got wrong was the bloom. It was just a reverse of the veg state of 70/30
Bloom was 30/70

Here it is....

Nutrient Schedule for Typical Strains

This schedule is for top dressing plants every 3-4 weeks. Double everything for amending new soil.
Vegetative Stage:
70/30 of All Purpose 4-4-4 & Power Bloom 2-8-4; Add 1 tbsps per gallon of medium.
7 tbsp of 4-4-4 and 3 tbsp of 2-8-4 for 10 gallons)

Transitioning Stage:
50/50 of All Purpose 4-4-4 & Power Bloom 2-8-4; Add 1 tbsp per gallon of medium.
(Ex. 5 tbsp of 4-4-4, 5 tbsp of 2-8-4 for 10 gallons)

Blooming Stage:
70/30 of Power Bloom 2-8-4 & All Purpose 4-4-4; Add 2 tbsps per gallon of growing medium.
(Ex. 14 tbsp of 2-8-4 and 6 tbsp of 4-4-4 for 10 gallons)

slide 6 to 8 of 5

Wonder why its so different.

It's getting there. This is so heavy and a gal and a half would run off like mad if it were actually wet enough. But a gal doesn't run it off at all.

So it's weight is heavy as hell for some reason. It's hard to figure since the other plants which are way way bigger get light as a feather in three days.

And it was mixed with another plants medium at the same time.

This is one of those anomalies I always seem to deal with no matter what i do.

If I told you all of the anomalous things I have ran into in my life it would be a book. A long book.


You got your schedule from Gia Green so I cant say its wrong. lol

But this is where I read that from. The one I got wrong was the bloom. It was just a reverse of the veg state of 70/30
Bloom was 30/70

Here it is....

Nutrient Schedule for Typical Strains

This schedule is for top dressing plants every 3-4 weeks. Double everything for amending new soil.
Vegetative Stage:
70/30 of All Purpose 4-4-4 & Power Bloom 2-8-4; Add 1 tbsps per gallon of medium.
7 tbsp of 4-4-4 and 3 tbsp of 2-8-4 for 10 gallons)

Transitioning Stage:
50/50 of All Purpose 4-4-4 & Power Bloom 2-8-4; Add 1 tbsp per gallon of medium.
(Ex. 5 tbsp of 4-4-4, 5 tbsp of 2-8-4 for 10 gallons)

Blooming Stage:
70/30 of Power Bloom 2-8-4 & All Purpose 4-4-4; Add 2 tbsps per gallon of growing medium.
(Ex. 14 tbsp of 2-8-4 and 6 tbsp of 4-4-4 for 10 gallons)

slide 6 to 8 of 5

Wonder why its so different.

I'm not totally sure lol but I saw that chart when I first started. I was worried to add in that extra 4-4-4 on top of the 2-8-4 because of all that nitrogen. I mean I could be way off base as I don't have a ton of experience, but I can say that the plants have been CalMag needy every grow.
I'm not totally sure lol but I saw that chart when I first started. I was worried to add in that extra 4-4-4 on top of the 2-8-4 because of all that nitrogen. I mean I could be way off base as I don't have a ton of experience, but I can say that the plants have been CalMag needy every grow.
Do you use Reverse Osmosis water? Because I know that requires it.
I heard a lot about too much nitrogen while in flower. But, I have since also heard that it is not an issue at all for a plant and some people here have even stated that your plant should never be yellow and that if it is there is an issue. That makes someone like me a bit insane because I want to always find and fix an issue.
Do you use Reverse Osmosis water? Because I know that requires it.
I heard a lot about too much nitrogen while in flower. But, I have since also heard that it is not an issue at all for a plant and some people here have even stated that your plant should never be yellow and that if it is there is an issue. That makes someone like me a bit insane because I want to always find and fix an issue.
Ya I'm now starting to use it. Lol there is so much stuff out there I can't keep it straight anymore. I go to members here to help with sorting stuff out. You ought to check out @Gee64 GeeSpot thread, he's an organic guy and has tons of insite on everything and also has plants using Gaia Green. He's actually helping me sort out my own issues right now.
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