Lemon Haze auto issue of watering

The female Cannabis plants will often start to produce some male flowers if the plant does not get pollinated. The longer it is kept in flower the more likely that the plant will do this.

If you do not want the plant to form the parts of the male flower that produce the pollen then you have to think about harvesting earlier. You might even like the buzz or high better this way instead of the "couch lock" from growing for those 11 or more weeks.
Well that causes me to now want to know how to create more resin.
I believe its fine. But what I am trying to learn to produce is the stuff I used to see 35 years ago. I still see nothing like that and I dont care what people say about strength today. The stuff I saw just a few times when I was young, while already cured, looked like someone rolled it in sugar over and over and over again. This was rare. But when you saw this stuff you knew it was different. So far I have produced nothing like it and I've seen nothing like it at a dispensary.
Nowadays I hear people say "looks like it has sugar on it"
Um, the stuff I saw back then was super sticky, smoked excellent and it was in a regular zip lock bag. Everything I cure is way crunchier around the edges even with a RH of high 60s before its done. This stuff was unique.
Whoever was growing that stuff back then was a master. I know it was hydroponically grown. But I have seen Hydro grown today and it still is nothing like that stuff was.
So it wasnt the hydro that did it. It had to be something else.

I keep thinking its lights so I am trying deep red and adding it just to see. But the deep red bulb doesnt show up on the plant while the full spec light is on. But when I turn the full spec light out and test just the deep red bulb, sitting 36 inches or more above the plant at the plant photone says its over 700. So with the full spec light on i have got to be around 1200.

I still haven't got to flowering all my photos. Some are young and huge. Im going to run out of ceiling height I think.
But what I am trying to learn to produce is the stuff I used to see 35 years ago. I still see nothing like that and I dont care what people say about strength today. The stuff I saw just a few times when I was young, while already cured, looked like someone rolled it in sugar over and over and over again. This was rare. But when you saw this stuff you knew it was different. So far I have produced nothing like it and I've seen nothing like it at a dispensary.
You mean something like this. It is a photo shown in another thread. Click on the link, take a look and let us know...
You mean something like this. It is a photo shown in another thread. Click on the link, take a look and let us know...

That looks like someone rolled it on powdered sugar. If those are trichs that is impressive. But it doesn't look like trichs on those.

Wasn't like that.

It was very fresh looking. Very big detailed buds. So fresh it almost was like it just came off the plant. But it was clearly dried. Trichs are what made it super sticky.

I've been able to smoke buds at a relative humidity of 70 without a problem right after coming off the drying rack.

There's no way this stuff I'm talking about had just come off the drying rack because the guys who had it would hold their bag for a very long time because it only took one hit and you were blasted. Even if you were a daily smoker.
Well they didn't even keep it in a Ziploc bag. They had it wrapped up in something else and then put in a Ziploc bag.

When you squeezed it it would stay almost all the way squashed and maybe bounce back like 3 or 4%. And it burned great. The smell of it was phenomenal and the smoke taste was unlike something I have never tasted before or since. Now I have good smelling buds. Many different types. But nothing smokes like or
tastes like that stuff did.

It probably was being grown by someone who was so knowledgeable of every little tiny detail of what that plant needs and when it needs it and done in hydroponics and perfect lighting and all perfect conditions. Probably the only way you're even getting close to that.
That looks like someone rolled it on powdered sugar. If those are trichs that is impressive. But it doesn't look like trichs on those.
In your earlier message you said that the stuff you had when you were 16 looked like it was rolled in sugar. Plus, when we are 52 just about everything was better back when we were 16.

It was very fresh looking. Very big detailed buds. So fresh it almost was like it just came off the plant. But it was clearly dried. Trichs are what made it super sticky.
Grow for good sized buds and lots of trichomes and do not worry about the resin. The resin will be extracted from the trichomes and buds after the harvest.
run photos. you'll see a difference. there are exceptional auto strains, but for consistency photos will pretty much do you better.

long running sativas baybay ... will change up your world ... :cheesygrinsmiley:
In your earlier message you said that the stuff you had when you were 16 looked like it was rolled in sugar. Plus, when we are 52 just about everything was better back when we were 16.

Grow for good sized buds and lots of trichomes and do not worry about the resin. The resin will be extracted from the trichomes and buds after the harvest.
Well I remember dirt weed. Brick weed. All got you where you wanted to be. Then there was Kind bud. This was grown by people who went to Amsterdam and got seeds. Then came back and grew in hydro systems.

I knew two different people. The first persons stuff was unreal.

The second person's stuff was exceptional. But still not as good as the first person I met at work.

I worry about what it looks like and smell

Right now I have gallons and it all smells horrible. Been curing for 90 days so far. But it needs to probably go another 90.

The stuff I first grew ...it's now about 5 months old and my neighbor was blown away at how good it smells. I gave him an ounce two months ago and he actually thought it was something different the other day. So it does take a really long time to cure it seems.
And man I hope the smell comes back because some of what I got smells really bad.

If you use jars should you also use Bovada packs?

And are the bags better?

Sorry for all the questions.
run photos. you'll see a difference. there are exceptional auto strains, but for consistency photos will pretty much do you better.

long running sativas baybay ... will change up your world ... :cheesygrinsmiley:
I have photos.
Having an issue right now that sort of leaves me baffled.

Look at this....

If you look closw you can see what appears to be a calcium sufficient according to all leaf guides. This is the first time a plant has actually had only one issue.

So I gave it cal mag at last water and it's grown since. I pulled a few leaves that had it so I would know if it got more and sure enough....now many more leaves have it. Just under the top growth.

This plant also isn't stretching. It grew fast then slowed. But it's only been under 12/12 for a week. I guess it will take a while.

But in the mean time my younger plants grew past it in size and that is a gold leaf plant. It's supposed to get huge.

Does using cal mag take more than one water cycle to stop the issue?

Or am I missing something? Does it need a drink of milk? 🍼 😂

run calmag with every feed.
Check this out. I can't believe how big this plant got in a few days. The one on the left is white truffle + jr14. A new strain from Humboldt.
I can't believe how big it is and it needs to go 12/12 or I'm gonna run out of room if it gets much taller.

The other one on the right is Guzzurple.

It's doing well too.

Question is......would you pull all those big huge fan leaves and just stay away from the canopy?

The leaf stems are huge. Almost as thick as the stem.

And just so you know how big that leaf is....my ring size is 15 and my hands are extra large.


And the lemon haze....I am torn in what to give it for nutes.

It's getting some yellow leaves and no way to reverse the yellow tips.
But I am wondering if I should stay away from nitrogen because of the yellow tips but the plant was dark when it got those tips and now leaves are yellowing. So maybe it needs a bit more now.
I have wiggle worm worm castings and it calls for an inch on top when it starts to bud. But it's been budding for at least a bit over a week.

And for sure I would never grow an auto again but for the fact that now I have like 30 lemon haze auto seeds. 😆




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