Lemon Haze auto issue of watering

The lemon haze today. And the others..all are lighter. But we're all watered 6 days ago. And tomorrow two get nutes and water. The next day another and the next day another.

But the lemon haze is still a bit heavy. But it is getting lighter. It's moving fast now again as far as flowering growth. And the height of the two tops.

My roommates lemon haze had yellow tips at about the same time and his came out of it. So maybe this one will too.

I think gold leaf is going to need its own house when it stretches.

And white truffles leaves are gigantic. That plant is in a 7 gal. And Gold leaf in a 5.


So If I'm past 14 weeks and my plants have not hermeed I'm pretty much letting them grow too long? I'm looking at the Amber trichomes and trying to get about 5 to 10%.
No. If you let them flower for a long time then it is possible that they will form male flowers. If you do not want your plant to grow male flowers or if you do not want a couple of seeds then harvest earlier to avoid what you do not want.
No. If you let them flower for a long time then it is possible that they will form male flowers. If you do not want your plant to grow male flowers or if you do not want a couple of seeds then harvest earlier to avoid what you do not want.
Now I get what you're saying. But if my resin production seems down when it hermies and there are just a few ambers....is it my lights? I just bought a deep red to clamp to my light. In fact two of them. For one on each corner.

I was giving my lemon haze 1-1-1 every other day when it had a yellow streak through it. And it darkened it up. But as soon as I went back to a regular schedule it lightened up in the same streak through the center of the plant. I would like to avoid that. But I was told in another thread during that grow that too much nitrogen during flower will cause hermis. But I don't know who said it. But some people liked the post who I trusted so I believed it because of consensus.
Now I get what you're saying. But if my resin production seems down when it hermies and there are just a few ambers....is it my lights? I just bought a deep red to clamp to my light. In fact two of them. For one on each corner.

its autos and how they are being grown.
its autos and how they are being grown.
It has been stated that Lemon Haze auto should not amber. At least not before a proper harvest. And they say it should be 50 to 70 days. Well if I had harvested at 90 days it would have been way smaller. But I did get fox tails. I also heard that too much nitrogen in flower causes that too.

But it has a multitude of trichs because the old bud that grew started getting amber as the foxtails covered most of it.

My roommate had a lemon haze auto as well and it was harvested before it got hermies and foxtails. About 102 days. Mine went 122 days.

His seemed way more standard.

He got not even a gallon in his harvest. I got nearly 2 1/2 gallons.


It sounds like you keep putting pouring water to solve a water problem. I read your first message and you said "I watered it when it was transplanted on the first day it popped. Then 2 weeks later the bucket still weighed like a ton of bricks. Which was still wet up top as well.
So I watered it with one 64 ounce bottle because it was sitting at an inch and half tall with four nodes on it. Dark dark dark green almost black."
A good chance that the dark green leaves was because the plant was already adapting to the soaking wet soil

Then you wrote:
"I felt like maybe the perlite layers I did in the medium was dry and the roots couldn't grow past it. So I watered it to get the perlite wet."
This sounds like you believed that the layers of soil were soaking wet and not the layers of Perlite.

Then again:
"Then I watered again about 3 days ago. When I watered it again it was still heavy and wet on top."
If it was wet on top and the container was heavy you do not need to give it more water.

And again:
"And the bucket weighs like 25 30 pounds when I just watered it anyway because I felt what could it hurt?"
You are having an issue with a wet soil mix and the solution is not to give it more water.

And then:
"It does have two pounds of worm castings in a 50/50 mix of promix BX and Promix organic in the yellow bag.
What on earth would cause this thing to never drink the water up?"
I do not have time to look at the web site for Pro Mix but if I am remembering right the company uses a lot of Peat Moss and then some Perlite. One of the reasons many gardeners of any type like to use Peat Moss is because it absorbs a lot of water and takes a long time to dry out.

Read the thread on How to Water a Potted Plant. It will give tips and describe how to water a pot of soil by learning how to tell when it is dry.
ProMix for me goes both ways, it either gets super soggy and collects the wetness, or it won't get wet for anyone. I find it to be a very bipolar substrate. Just sharing my experience. The plant looks healthy, hoping you figure it out, no one enjoys a battle with frustrations.
The lemon haze today. And the others..all are lighter. But we're all watered 6 days ago. And tomorrow two get nutes and water. The next day another and the next day another.

But the lemon haze is still a bit heavy. But it is getting lighter. It's moving fast now again as far as flowering growth. And the height of the two tops.

My roommates lemon haze had yellow tips at about the same time and his came out of it. So maybe this one will too.

I think gold leaf is going to need its own house when it stretches.

And white truffles leaves are gigantic. That plant is in a 7 gal. And Gold leaf in a 5.


Damn I saw them big ass leaves before I saw the rest of the post!!! Should name her Bette Midler!
you missed the point. autos often don't roll into the high amber notes before they hermie. letting them go long waiting for it often has no advantage.
you missed the point. autos often don't roll into the high amber notes before they hermie. letting them go long waiting for it often has no advantage.
Maybe that's where I'm going wrong with my autos...I keep waiting for that Big amber wave to hit..an that's probably what's up...damn..thank you @bluter
Maybe that's where I'm going wrong with my autos...I keep waiting for that Big amber wave to hit..an that's probably what's up...damn..thank you @bluter

if you want decent amber and a great final 2wk swell you need photos.

edit : flat out sativas are also handful and many never really amber
if you want decent amber and a great final 2wk swell you need photos.

edit : flat out sativas are also handful and many never really amber
I have one plant that is 75 sativa 25 Indica with a high 30% THC. I bought a deep red 660nm bulb and about to get another one. I will clip light hang them right off the corner of my light and let one of them on the Lemon Haze auto for now.
The bucket is finally light and dry. Took long enough. But I think the holes i drilled at a downward angle helped a bit.

So I am about to water it and give it some Bud Doublin grow bloom and micros. One teaspoon each. Its a weekly dose so it should be fine.

I think its possible that the yellow tips are from the light. Only because they are very pliable. They never dried. They feel just like the rest of the leaves tips that are not yellow. Also the plant is starting to lighten on one side and is still dark on the other side though its not light. Just not as light as the other half of the plant.

I was thinking about putting some Wiggle Worm castings on it but I will hold off for now because its already in early bloom. I hope the red light helps it finish on its regular time schedule. That would be a first.

Edit: I went down and felt the bucket and it still seemed a bit heavy. So I am holding off again.
The red light doesn't even show up on the lemon haze until you turn the light out completely and then it shows up really well. So I guess its getting it whether I can see it or not.
Would you all pull those huge leaves once it gets a bit larger? I mean they are on the top covering up a bunch of growth that may get up top faster without those huge leaves on top.

I tend to not want to pull leaves but when I look at the growth under those leaves its moving but some of the secondary growth hasnt even started yet and I wonder if those leaves were gone would it allow the leaves under it to get more light and force the bud sites that have yet to even start up faster?
What i mean is the main stem has branches growing well. But then those branches have other leaves growing up and down those stems and usually between the leaf stem and the stem the leaf is on the bud stem grows in between them above the leaf. But some are either so small or none existant so I am concerned those big huge leaves are stopping them from getting any light at all. OR is it true that those leaves feed that entire plant and they will come up when they are supposed to?

That plant is White Truffle + JR14 (a new strain from Humboldt not even released yet but given as a freebie. Everyone who grows it says it grows fast. It was put in the pot on 05/24 and in that photo it was probably within a few days.

I dont know what they mean by growing fast. Maybe they defoliated it. I didnt. I just topped it. And it seems all these nute companies start flowering at 4 weeks. I go 6 because it seems at 4 weeks they are way too small still.
My roommate had a lemon haze auto as well and it was harvested before it got hermies and foxtails. About 102 days. Mine went 122 days.
If I get this right you are saying that it is the amount of time the plant stays in flower that causes it to start to show male flowers and not a micro dose of Nitrogen.

Are you suggesting that if your plant had been harvested 20 days sooner then it might not have become a "hermaphrodite" or produced male flowers or seeds?
If I get this right you are saying that it is the amount of time the plant stays in flower that causes it to start to show male flowers and not a micro dose of Nitrogen.

Are you suggesting that if your plant had been harvested 20 days sooner then it might not have become a "hermaphrodite" or produced male flowers or seeds?
My plant was 10 days behind my roommates. He was micro dosing Pot of Gold liquid 1-1-1 and wasnt telling me because he was worried I would get angry with him for using it without saying something. Which to me is stupid because I know when someone is lying If I know them. I knew he was BSing me but didnt know what it was about until I asked him exactly if he was putting pot of gold in his plant. Then I still had to prove it because he still said no. I knew he was BSing because everyone has a tell. His tell is long pause before he responds. Like unusually long.
But he did it before the plant was in heavy bud. It was probably pre and before mid flower then he went back to the schedule but cut all the nutes to half until the plant was finished.

When I proved what he was doing because he left a bottle of it mixed in the basement and he messed up and used my colored water bottles instead of his colored water bottles i confronted him and asked him again once more. Then when he said no I said, "Then why is there a bottle mixed with pot of gold in the basement behind the pillar?
He knew at that point he was busted. I told him its 18 dollars a bottle, so stop BS me about things because I take every piece of info into consideration. You had me scratching my head for two weeks wondering why my plant was yellowing through the center but was dark as can be on two of the four ends.

Then mine by that time was in mid flower so I started micro dosing mine. To get it darker because it was yellowing through the center of the plant. The micro dosing worked and it did darken it up. But as soon as I stopped micro dosing and went right back to the normal schedule it started lightening up again through the same center.

The problem was I knew how much to use biweekly but in the translation from my first grow and my second I forgot it was 1 tablespoon per gallon and had been giving it 1 teaspoon per gallon. So I assumed that was the issue.

When I was dosing it to darken it up I dosed it every watering (which was every other day it was drying out on top and was light) for about 10 days.

By that time the flowers were really large. So I cut back. No tip burn no nute burn. So all seemed well.

It was only at about 80 days at that point. So then I just let it go on the regular schedule because it fox tailed. It was nearly ready to harvest but the fox tailing caused me to cut a few of them off then someone said why cut them off its just more bud? So I said then I will just let them grow. That is how mine got to 122 days. I just kept letting it go until I saw all the fox tailing with nice white trichs. They overgrew the flowers that were there almost totally. Making them way larger. And some of the under bud had ambered. Which Lemon Haze is not supposed to amber. But the foxtails had nice milky trichs.
At 90 days I saw seeds starting to grow and I thought they maybe came from my other plant (a mixed strain of Blueberry Pancakes and Pistachio) because it also hermied. And had a lot of them.
It was the same age. But it was still no where near 10 percent amber trichs. So I let it keep going too.
I also found just a few hermies on the lemon haze but after the seeds started forming.
At 122 days I harvested them both.
The reason I let the Lemon Haze go is because I figured if its screwed up Im going to let these seeds mature so I dont have to buy more.
And sure enough... Now I am growing one of those Lemon Haze Auto seeds. And come to find out the BBP Pistachio plant did NOT fertilize the Lemon Haze. The Lemon haze fertilized itself.
If I get this right you are saying that it is the amount of time the plant stays in flower that causes it to start to show male flowers and not a micro dose of Nitrogen.

Are you suggesting that if your plant had been harvested 20 days sooner then it might not have become a "hermaphrodite" or produced male flowers or seeds?
So time causes hermies not too much nitrogen?

I freely admit I could be mixing up information. I usually have a great memory but it's been failing me just a bit lately.
I would show a photo but my damn phone died on me when I went to check on my plants.
The lemon haze, which in the last photo above looked like its nodes on the topped portion were just a bit separated. Usually two nodes but I noticed on the last lemon haze they were slightly off by about a half inch.
Looked that way on this one too. So I figured the offset two across from each other counted as ONE node.

But this even when I got home the half inch between the two bud stems(nodes) turned into an inch and a half or more between them. So instead of a two node grow on each side the damn thing has one node on each side.
I dont know if you all call them nodes or what. But I just mean where usually two leaves grow off the stem then a bud stem or bud starts growing between the leaf stem and main stem.

So now test has been useful. Dont top an auto. Its worthless. lol
So now test has been useful. Dont top an auto. Its worthless. lol

many here both top and train autos. it is a more matter of experience and timing.
i personally rarely grow autos.
So time causes hermies not too much nitrogen?

I freely admit I could be mixing up information. I usually have a great memory but it's been failing me just a bit lately.
The female Cannabis plants will often start to produce some male flowers if the plant does not get pollinated. The longer it is kept in flower the more likely that the plant will do this.

If you do not want the plant to form the parts of the male flower that produce the pollen then you have to think about harvesting earlier. You might even like the buzz or high better this way instead of the "couch lock" from growing for those 11 or more weeks.
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