Lemon Haze auto issue of watering


Well-Known Member
My lemon haze auto is a bit over a month old.
I watered it when it was transplanted on the first day it popped. Then 2 weeks later the bucket still weighed like a ton of bricks. Which was still wet up top as well.

So I watered it with one 64 ounce bottle because it was sitting at an inch and half tall with four nodes on it. Dark dark dark green almost black.

I felt like maybe the perlite layers I did in the medium was dry and the roots couldn't grow past it. So I watered it to get the perlite wet.

Then it had a growth spurt and now is about 18 inches to 20 inches tall.

Then I topped it.

It started getting yellow tips like nitrogen burn but I never gave it anymore nutes.

Then I watered again about 3 days ago. When I watered it again it was still heavy and wet on top. I've used this bucket before and had two good grows in it.

It does have two pounds of worm castings in a 50/50 mix of promix BX and Promix organic in the yellow bag.

What on earth would cause this thing to never drink the water up?

Two watering in a month? And the bucket weighs like 25 30 pounds when I just watered it anyway because I felt what could it hurt?

The perlite layers are only three layers in the entire pot and they were only a bit under a half inch in thickness. bill284 (I think that is his handle) showed me the method. It worked great on all my other plants and I don't even know it's that.

I don't know what would cause it to not drink water but grow. It does appear stunted from the topping it.

I should probably flush it and put some bloom booster on it. But I won't use Dr earth after the buds are developed because it has a 3 of nitrogen and it seems to Hermie plants if the plant has to go past 12 to 14 week.





Still looks too wet, the yellow tips may be from that. I would not flush it, it doesn't look like it has a lockout, and unless you're using synthetic nutes, there's no chance of salt build-up. Plants do still need a little N in flower, never heard of it causing hermies, though too much can slow down flowering. I would not be worried about the Dr. Earth.
Still looks too wet, the yellow tips may be from that. I would not flush it, it doesn't look like it has a lockout, and unless you're using synthetic nutes, there's no chance of salt build-up. Plants do still need a little N in flower, never heard of it causing hermies, though too much can slow down flowering. I would not be worried about the Dr. Earth.
But what would cause it to stay wet for so long? My last Lemon Haze auto plants got water every 2 to 3 days at a gallon and a half each time and it dried out on top within that time.
So this has me a little baffled.
Still looks too wet, the yellow tips may be from that. I would not flush it, it doesn't look like it has a lockout, and unless you're using synthetic nutes, there's no chance of salt build-up. Plants do still need a little N in flower, never heard of it causing hermies, though too much can slow down flowering. I would not be worried about the Dr. Earth.
Also...why are my plants getting hermies?

I've grown twice now to completion and two of the plants hermied. I don't know how they were stressed. That tells me they could have been much better.

Also I think I'm going to get a deep red 680nm deep red bulb to add during flower. Does that actually do better?

And the reason for my concern about the yellow tips is because there seems to be nothing I can do to nute it or water it.

The concern is too much nitrogen late in the game. I don't think the nitrogen causes the hermies until It went past the 14th week and I was still.giving it 1-1-1 pot of gold from Dr earth to darken the yellowing leaves up
But what would cause it to stay wet for so long?

it isn't feeding. it's trying to work with the nutes and is having issues with them. it's doing fine right now but is about to hit the wall. be ready to get in there and feed properly. will be a massive harvest if you time it right.
Also...why are my plants getting hermies?

could be piles of reasons. sounds like they are stressed at a crucial point in the grow. possible it's related to the nutes as well, but i would expect that to only be one factor, not a cause on it's own.
But what would cause it to stay wet for so long? My last Lemon Haze auto plants got water every 2 to 3 days at a gallon and a half each time and it dried out on top within that time.
So this has me a little baffled.
It sounds like you keep putting pouring water to solve a water problem. I read your first message and you said "I watered it when it was transplanted on the first day it popped. Then 2 weeks later the bucket still weighed like a ton of bricks. Which was still wet up top as well.
So I watered it with one 64 ounce bottle because it was sitting at an inch and half tall with four nodes on it. Dark dark dark green almost black."
A good chance that the dark green leaves was because the plant was already adapting to the soaking wet soil

Then you wrote:
"I felt like maybe the perlite layers I did in the medium was dry and the roots couldn't grow past it. So I watered it to get the perlite wet."
This sounds like you believed that the layers of soil were soaking wet and not the layers of Perlite.

Then again:
"Then I watered again about 3 days ago. When I watered it again it was still heavy and wet on top."
If it was wet on top and the container was heavy you do not need to give it more water.

And again:
"And the bucket weighs like 25 30 pounds when I just watered it anyway because I felt what could it hurt?"
You are having an issue with a wet soil mix and the solution is not to give it more water.

And then:
"It does have two pounds of worm castings in a 50/50 mix of promix BX and Promix organic in the yellow bag.
What on earth would cause this thing to never drink the water up?"
I do not have time to look at the web site for Pro Mix but if I am remembering right the company uses a lot of Peat Moss and then some Perlite. One of the reasons many gardeners of any type like to use Peat Moss is because it absorbs a lot of water and takes a long time to dry out.

Read the thread on How to Water a Potted Plant. It will give tips and describe how to water a pot of soil by learning how to tell when it is dry.
Also...why are my plants getting hermies?

I've grown twice now to completion and two of the plants hermied. I don't know how they were stressed. That tells me they could have been much better.
The female plants you are trying to grow are known to produce some male flowers if or when the plant does not get pollinated. The longer it is kept in flower the more likely that the plant will do this.

The solution is to harvest sooner so the plant does not try to grow male flowers. You might even like the buzz or high better this way instead of the "couch lock" from growing for those 11 or more weeks.
And the reason for my concern about the yellow tips is because there seems to be nothing I can do to nute it or water it.

The concern is too much nitrogen late in the game. I don't think the nitrogen causes the hermies until It went past the 14th week and I was still.giving it 1-1-1 pot of gold from Dr earth to darken the yellowing leaves up
My belief is that many growers are Nitrogen starving their Cannabis plants. The only reason I can come up with to cut back on the Nitrogen is when the grower has accidentally over-dosed the plant. A fertilizer of 1-1-1 is not an overdose. A fertilizer with a Nitrogen amount of 3 is not an overdose.

You are right that the Nitrogen did not cause the male flowers or seeds; it was going all the way to the 14th week.
it isn't feeding. it's trying to work with the nutes and is having issues with them. it's doing fine right now but is about to hit the wall. be ready to get in there and feed properly. will be a massive harvest if you time it right.

I noticed today it started moving. The double top. But it did stunt after topping it. Then got two nodes on each top and stopped for a week. Now it appears to be moving again.

I drilled holes in the side of the bucket at a downward angle to allow the middle of that bucket to get air and dry it out a bit. It seems to have done a little bit it's still like a cement filled bucket.

I should wait till it is dry on top good to water and nute it?

I was thinking because it just started flowering too I should hit it with some worm casting and switch over to bud doublin grow micros and bloom and then cut the grow out at its next feeding.
It was so tiny and almost black when it started and hit a wall and wouldn't move.

I thought maybe the roots hit the perlite and because it has been so long since it had been watered that maybe the roots had nowhere to go. It had no burn on it anywhere but was near black leaves. One and a half inches tall with 4 nodes. Lol

You know I get paranoid about this crazy stuff.
My belief is that many growers are Nitrogen starving their Cannabis plants. The only reason I can come up with to cut back on the Nitrogen is when the grower has accidentally over-dosed the plant. A fertilizer of 1-1-1 is not an overdose. A fertilizer with a Nitrogen amount of 3 is not an overdose.

You are right that the Nitrogen did not cause the male flowers or seeds; it was going all the way to the 14th week.
So If I'm past 14 weeks and my plants have not hermeed I'm pretty much letting them grow too long? I'm looking at the Amber trichomes and trying to get about 5 to 10%. The only one I actually went way over on was my lemon haze plant and I went way over on that because that plant foxtailed And I hoped that it would foxtail for a while and then go back to resoning up.

So when you harvest a plant should the leaves be good and green? Or should they yellow and fall off? I've actually heard both are the way to do it So again very confusing information that I'm getting from online.
just let it work with what it has for now and dry up a bit. you're gonna have to give it something to help out in flower but you can't feed it yet or it might drown. the tips look like they might yellow fast, dry quick, and break off - it's a sign it's suffocating/wet and not handling the soil well.

Rethink the soil mix you make, 2lbs of worm castings in that pot? That's pure nitro.

have to agree with this. nute choices and soil mix is outta control.

at present it's mostly holding its own regardless of the mix and nute choice. haven't a clue how you'll balance it out when it wants a pk boost and less n during flower. it's hitting soon.
Dude you've over complecated the grow. No one but YOU can fix it. Man i've read most of all your different posts, so many good growers have tried to get you to understand but it's like someone don't listen? Rethink the soil mix you make, 2lbs of worm castings in that pot? That's pure nitro.

I put the amount of worm castings in that the bag said to put in for a 5 gallon pot.

And if the worm castings are only .5 It required 2 lb for 5 gal pots.

And I use mostly 7 gallon pots.

I didn't use worm castings at all before and these plants look way better than any plant that I've ever grown except the lemon haze. The rest of all of my plants look exceptional.
So I don't think it was a mistake or that I was not understanding.

There are people who told me they have grown in nothing but worm castings. So is it that I'm not understanding or that people are giving conflicting information?So is it that I'm not understanding or that people are giving conflicting information?
just let it work with what it has for now and dry up a bit. you're gonna have to give it something to help out in flower but you can't feed it yet or it might drown. the tips look like they might yellow fast, dry quick, and break off - it's a sign it's suffocating/wet and not handling the soil well.

have to agree with this. nute choices and soil mix is outta control.

at present it's mostly holding its own regardless of the mix and nute choice. haven't a clue how you'll balance it out when it wants a pk boost and less n during flower. it's hitting soon.
I guess I'll just have to find a way to give it PK and no n.

But the two plants I have in a tent which have the exact same mix in them are turning yellow. But those are the strain that always yellow a lot every time I've grown them and they have the same amount of worm castings in them.

I guess if I have to I'll flush them before I flip the photos to bloom.

So that two in the first photo are the blueberry pancake pistachio mix strain. And yes they are the same strain even though they look very different. With the same mix.

The other pictures are in the basement and they are not turning yellow. But they are seeds that came from Humboldt and are not mixed.

One is white truffle x jr14
One is Gold leaf
One is Guzzurple.
The only one having a real problem is the lemon haze Auto. Again they all have the same mix.

They are pretty much different sizes because they're all like weeks apart. Reason they are weeks apart is because the damn seeds would not pop. Finally I found a method that would pop them. But the method given by Humboldt would not work. I had to direct plant them in soil to get them to come up. Humboldt recommended napkin in plastic bag with deer Park water. Yep they literally had deer Park water bottles in the video. It didn't work this time and usually it did. So I had to go another route and direct plant them and it worked fine

Could it simply be that I topped the lemon haze Auto to test to see if topping was possible on an auto because I was told it wasn't and that's causing the issue?



Dude you've over complecated the grow. No one but YOU can fix it. Man i've read most of all your different posts, so many good growers have tried to get you to understand but it's like someone don't listen? Rethink the soil mix you make, 2lbs of worm castings in that pot? That's pure nitro.
It's a little funny that you say someone don't listen.... The whole reason I used this mix is because people told me I should be using worm castings and I should do it according to the bag. Lol

In my last grows I use zero worm castings and still had issues.

But they all worked out fine in the end except some of them hermied.

I think the problem is listening to different people with conflicting viewpoints.

It's confusing when one person tells you that's too much worm castings and another person tells you to do what the worm casting says on the bag. When you get a 6 lb bag of worm castings and it says to use two pounds on the bag for a 5 gal and you have 7 gal pots And the bag is 0.5%N then that's what I used And how can that be too much?

When the bag said 1.25% N worm castings.... I use the amount it told me to use which wasn't 2 lb because the bag wasn't as heavy. I don't remember the exact amount it said to use because that was like a month ago. But I did with the bag said.

Edit: I forgot that it was 2 pounds per mix. And we mixed for two pots. So I gave the forum bad info.
A made a mistake here. When we were mixing amendments and put two pounds in we were mixing for two plants. So two pounds went in 14 gallons of amendments. And a bit less in 10 gallons because we have 2- 5 gal pots.

And I had already been told that they weren't really 5 gallons by bluyer a few weeks ago so I just filled the pots with the promix to the top and then added the worm castings to the mix of two pots in the tote and mixed it together with my hands and then filled the pots then added water and it sunk down about an inch and a half after watering.

So. It's only 1 pound per pot. Not 2.

It was a month ago and I've been hella busy and forgot that it's per mix. Not per pot.

I used two pounds for the two fives and two pounds for the 2 sevens. Then did it again. At one point we had 8 plants but 1 nearly died and got planted in the yard. And the other one may be a male. So it's probably going to be cut down.

And as soon as my neighbors get lights(which will be within the next 2 weeks I am sending them each a plant which will leave me and my roommate with 4 in the end by the time they start the bud cycle. I was thinking about letting the photos go longer than 6 weeks this time because I have a 4 x10 growing area and a 4x4 tent. But two plants will take up a 4 foot space themselves. Then I hear the gold leaf will be a beast of a plant as well
you're not using a media mix or nute choice anyone can help you with. there is nothing standard in the current approach. can only react to what the plant is showing. any actions taken may have adverse effects with the given choices.

at present they look great. hope you continue to make the right guesses.
you're not using a media mix or nute choice anyone can help you with. there is nothing standard in the current approach. can only react to what the plant is showing. any actions taken may have adverse effects with the given choices.

at present they look great. hope you continue to make the right guesses.
A friend of mine used Bud Doublin and this guy literally didnt even measure it. He watered his plants when he could remember or if he checked them out and they looked like they were drooping. I thought he harvested a little early when he showed me photos of his plants cut up and everything was dark dark green leaves still on the buds. And they buds were enormous. Then his mother, who happens to be a lifelong friend of mine, told me it was some of the best she ever smoked. She thought he harvested early too. My harvest of the mixed strain had a narcotic affect. I took a hit and woke up three hours later. I felt like it was just way too strong. But if you want to sleep that is the best stuff I have to get sleep. Because you are guaranteed sleep. And I was sitting at my desk.
And I dont know how I messed your name up in the post above yours. Probably posting from a cell phone last night.
I was going to use Bud Doublin by switching to it after Veg. And the only reason I didnt use it the entire time is because once again Amazon screwed my order up. It was supposed to get delivered the next day and when it got here it had two bloom bottles and no grow bottle. I didnt need the bloom. I needed the grow bottle. Then I looked in the comment sections and sure enough other people got the same nonsense. So I had to order it again and the only thing I had was Dr Earth at the time. So that was what I had to use.
The bloom bottle bud doublin is 1-4-3

The grow bottle is 3 -2 -2

The micros bottle is simply micro nutes. No NPK.

So the system seems to me by the dosages that it's requiring it every time you water so if you overwater you will probably over nute.

But if you have the water schedule and the right medium it probably will work great.

I mean worst case scenario is I have to flush a plant if I see issues growing.

I may flush the lemon haze next time it needs water or just use the bloom and micros and leave the grow out so it doesn't get any high dose of n.

Ive been told bud doublin works great and it smells like sewage. There's no doubt the latter is a fact. It literally smells like a raw sewage system.

Next watering I am putting gold leaf in the 12/12 tent. It's six weeks old. I can't let it grow much longer because it's big now under 18/6.

This is like a shit show because of the timing of seeds popping.

I'm going to have to use four lights probably with three different grow areas.

I alcoholed all grow areas before putting anything together because of possible pollen from the last grow.

Just wanted to show you all what this stuff is and it's rates. It literally gives a dose for every week of growth.




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