Thank you so much dresdenrow79, that's very flattering, and much appreciated.
I am learning as I grow, along with everyone else here. Its the love of the plant, in so many ways, that brings us together here on this site. I'm glad you find my journal so informative, I'm certainly trying to run a pretty tight ship/closet, as far as keeping track of all my major stats and including them in each update.
Its to help others
and myself that I post this info. This is only my first and second round grow in this closet and I intend on growing many many more.
I am planing 2 royal AK automatic from seed for my next grow in the smaller closet and gonna grow out 1 or 2 Master Kush clones in the big closet. Every round in the closet, I'm going to try and improve some aspect of the grow.
As far a flushing I know I have to flush at least a week with RO water and NO nutes, probably gonna go for 10 days just to be sure, I want the smoke to be nice and smooth. This is another reason I've recently started feeding by PPM number instead of the directions on the bottle, trying to keep my plants super healthy but keep the nutrients as low as possible.
I'm still on the fence about a flushing agent, gonna have to look into it more before I decide one way or the other. Gonna hang to dry in the closet for 7-10 days or until ready, then gonna cure in my CVaults (Air tight, Humidity controlled containers) for 2-4 weeks or indefinitely. Won't be able to smoke any of the meds I'm growing till mid-november probably, but it should be worth the wait.
Thanks again for the kind words, after a long day at work, and stressful night with the kids and wife, you made my night.
+reps to you for that. Cheers.