Laquer Head's Indoor Organic Obsession: 2018

Hope everyone's weekend is going well! Mine took a turn for the better id say, Cindy seems to be growing on the side that split so that's pretty cool! Not sure she'll make it through to harvest being so lanky so I plan to take some clones as Pjs suggested just in case...I am also going to try to install a ring around her for some support and see how that works. Still dont have a picture of her however, forgot my phone when I went into the jungle. She honestly looks like nothing even happened to her...quite impressive really.

On another note, I sifted the top 6-8 inches of my worm bin. Stuff looks pretty good I think! The picture shows some of the semi composted stuff that was deeper as opposed to the purely worked through top. Got a solid cubic foot out of it though!

Then mixed up the remainder left in the worm bin and added some homemade compost and old soil/herbs - all grown using the mix I've posted. I think the quality of the plant is only as good as the soil its grown in! Hope to have some quality stuff in 4 months or so. Ill continue to add the occasional banana peel, coffee grounds, and green manure from the garden/herbs. Kinda need to get another pot actually, maybe even 2. Old lady's gonna love that :rofl:

Was quite the productive day! We were even able to get the last bit of soil mixed up, I shouldn't need to mix much of anything for another year or more...depending how much better the soil gets with time! Only made up about 25 gallons this time around, 15 of which went into this pot for either a Blue Dream or a Pineapple Express. Not set on that but thats where my minds at currently :yummy:. Soil recipe will follow, and all of you are in for a treat :slide:though its very hard to source, its worth the effort!

Its truly a very simple approach to gardening..and I encourage everyone to give it a try! Upfront costs are up there but it drizzles down to very little over time.

Especially when you buy in bulk, this neem cake should last me some years! It gets pretty cheap over a period of 10+ cycles!

Thanks for following along with me! :passitleft:
Okay, on to the soil mix! Forgive me for the crazy amount of inputs (diversity is most definitely what I'm shooting for). Its absolutely not necessary to over complicate it like I'm sure I have however. The fairly original base mix can be found in the first page or two! This one is a little of everything I had available. It made 25 gallons as I mentioned earlier

Base mix - 1:blushsmile:1 Humus, CSPM, Aeration

3 1/2 gal. of Malibu Compost
2 1/2 gal. of homemade vermicompost
1 gal. earthworm castings

7 gal. CSPM

3 1/2 gal. pumice
2 gal. lava rock (didnt take the time to crush it)
2 gal. perlite
1 gal. rice hulls (need to use them up)

Added 20 cups of bio char that's been "charged" so to speak (mixed 1:1 with compost for a week)

For the amendments I added per cu ft of total base mix:

2/3 cup kelp meal
2/3 cup crab meal
1/3 cup insect frass
1 cup neem
1 cup of oyster shell flour
~ 1 Tbsp garden lime (why not?)
2/3 cup gypsum
~1 1/2 cups brix blend basalt
2/3 cup St George's black
2/3 cup of malted barley powder

Those of you who may already do the LOS thing might have a considerable amount of these ingredients laying around!

Or for anyone that might want to get started, I should be able to answer the majority of your questions...or at the very least point you in the right direction! :Namaste:
Got around to taking some pictures of Cindy. She's still truckin' after the broken leg! Either way, I'm really not impressed with her stature! It's going to be a battle until the end I'm sure...maybe she isn't receiving the sunlight she needs? That's the only thing I can think of because she was beautiful as an indoor plant.

Dropped us a Blue Dream (Humboldt) seed today! Almost decided on Strawberry Glue but only have the 1 seed of it, so we'll wait to see if I can clone worth a darn before trying that.

Ahh! Maybe ill just buy a small Rubbermaid and turn it upside down...drill a couple tiny holes maybe.

My plan was actually to use aloe, by dipping the scraped cutting into it. Then roll in some cinnamon for its rooting hormones and help with damping off/pests! Ill consider going straight into the solo! Thanks

I have done indoor cloning in the veg area by cutting LARGE 8-12" stalks from the top branches and placing them direct in 1/2 gallon+ of good soil. For 2-4" cuttings, I really like my bucket cloner.
:popcorn: I'm just learning bout KNF so hope ya don't mind another visitor
Hey Smeegol! :welcome: I am too! Definitely don't mind a bit..let me know if you come across anything of interest or have any suggestions. It seems a pretty good way to "enhance" ones garden...for really cheap too! I probably won't be doing any fermented plant juices however, at least not for another year or so. I went with MOBT Sprout Tonic to cover that, kinda pricey but at least its done for me :slide:
I have done indoor cloning in the veg area by cutting LARGE 8-12" stalks from the top branches and placing them direct in 1/2 gallon+ of good soil. For 2-4" cuttings, I really like my bucket cloner.
Thanks for the tip! The problem is none of them are large by any means :rolleyes:. Maybe in another couple weeks she'll thicken up those stems! Her last watering included silica to hopefully promote that.
Cinderella XX - Day 60

Got the "cage" installed around her last night! Should help tremendously. Might decide to pull her to the outside of the ring though, don't want it being to crowded in there...but she's also pretty thin so we'll see. Got to thinking...she's not a very big girl (not very full anyways) for being on day 60! Hope I can get at least a couple oz's off her...

looking good man! They are resilient buggers these plants, gotta love it! Still 4-5? months to go on her, she should pick up steam soon enough!
Appreciate it! I'm guessing another 4 months or so...maybe a week or two shy of that. Still not sure how I'm gonna support her further down the road!
LA Confidential - Day 118, 24 of flower, 18 with hairs

Hope everyones doing well, and gardens are thriving! Got another little update here for LA! Leaves have started to take on the red-ish/purple tint that I've seen in most other LA's around the boards, kinda cool looking really.

Its also very hard to get a good shot of an entire shoot when the leaves are standing up in the way! She's been drinking heavily in the last few weeks. Also gave her a little top dressing of my vermicompost and a few tbsp of malted barley powder, she hasn't showed me in any way that she disliked the previous heavy dosing of neem and kelp so I figured why not. If she dont use it, it'll be there for the next round!

Thanks for following along! :thanks:
Isn't that fairly unlikely? Or not necessarily?
Probably unlikely and other than for cosmetic appeal, unnecessary. The plant will use that stored energy the last third of flower. Most all of my plants fade near the end.
Hey LH - looking great over here. Just wanted to mention that my outdoor babies really took off in their 3rd month. I did a lot of leaf tucking and leaning the branches back a bit during the day, to open the nodes to direct sunlight, and I think that helped a lot, but yeah - before that third month I was wondering when they were going to grow! As the Cinderella transitions to flower it could really take off!! Indeed, maybe it was because it was the month after solstice that they got ther it grow on. All I know is, with the CBDCC especially, on New Year’s Eve I had a little plant and in early feb I had a big one... and it got bigger before the end! :thumb:
Hey everybody! :ciao: Been crazy busy around here lately, havent had much time to scroll through the journals or even update here. Everything is still making good progress though so I can deal with it!

I suppose we'll start with our newest member...sorta. The first Blue Dream I dropped didnt want to show a tap root or even split, still tried letting it sit in the soil for a few days but nothing came of it. So I dropped another one 2 days ago and it looked very ready for some soil this morning so thats what i did. I say sorta because she hasnt peeked her head out of the ground quite yet, but im very confident she will! So really nothing to see lol.

After finding out the first blue dream didnt want to cooperate I decided to try and take a couple clones off of the Cinderella that's outdoors. This is the first time I've ever tried cloning so honestly not expecting much but would be stoked if it worked out! I took a rather large one, and a significantly smaller one...dipped and rolled them both in an aloe vera leaf, then in organic cinnamon, and stuck straight into the solo cup. I give them a misting once or twice a day (whenever i think about it really). So here they are!

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