Lady Bud's 1st 420 Grow - Delicious Seeds Cotton Candy

Look at Lady Bud's lover gushing all about her like a school boy....dang, Green, I want some of dat perfume she is wearing......:rofl::rofl:
BG you are so sweet....
Look at Lady Bud's lover gushing all about her like a school boy....dang, Green, I want some of dat perfume she is wearing......:rofl::rofl:

We are soul mates:circle-of-love::circle-of-love: we are 2 mentally unstable, perverted, pot heads. nobody else could handle either one of us :)

I think my wife must ware the same scent :rofl:

When we met the scent was still horny:):rofl::rofl:

Thanks everyone for the kind words and encouragement, if my mm grow goes as good as my greenhouse is I got no worries:bitingnails::bigtoke:
Hey, First off I'm like super new on here and stumbled upon your journal while looking for peoples that are doing the same strains, and here I am. Looking very nice, although in full disclosure, I'm still new to this, in my first year yet, but learning everyday....I hope to get help plus good advice on here, and can take constructive criticism, but don't need the bashing that I've seen on here. How long has yours been in flower? My Cotton Candy is 36 days in on mine, and it's starting to look really, really good! I have it, along with her girlfriends, under a 400 HPS and Platinum P450 and I have a feeling she's just gonna keep getting sweeter everyday, like a good girl, haha. I'll get some pics loaded up soon... I lost my internet I was using and the only place to rig it up is right next to my garden.....Ummm yea, not going for that option, I can be a lil crazy at times, but I'm not fool. I'm high not stupid or blind... So anyways I hope to see more pics of your soon and how long in flower now?? Btw, you guys seem like a cool couple, that's tight! Makes me jealous I don't have a cool partner in crime girl yet...some day... haha
Welcome to 420 Kingsup, the greatest online weed community in the world. Are you sure you don't have us confused with another site. We don't do nor tolerate bashing here unless it's in the form of humor & then it's never about each others plants. We don't joke about our grows; quite the opposite. You've landed on the Plymouth Rock of Cannabis where everyone is here to help & get help from one another.
So buckle in, get your grow on, & fire away with any questions you run into.
Hey, First off I'm like super new on here and stumbled upon your journal while looking for peoples that are doing the same strains, and here I am. Looking very nice, although in full disclosure, I'm still new to this, in my first year yet, but learning everyday....I hope to get help plus good advice on here, and can take constructive criticism, but don't need the bashing that I've seen on here. How long has yours been in flower? My Cotton Candy is 36 days in on mine, and it's starting to look really, really good! I have it, along with her girlfriends, under a 400 HPS and Platinum P450 and I have a feeling she's just gonna keep getting sweeter everyday, like a good girl, haha. I'll get some pics loaded up soon... I lost my internet I was using and the only place to rig it up is right next to my garden.....Ummm yea, not going for that option, I can be a lil crazy at times, but I'm not fool. I'm high not stupid or blind... So anyways I hope to see more pics of your soon and how long in flower now?? Btw, you guys seem like a cool couple, that's tight! Makes me jealous I don't have a cool partner in crime girl yet...some day... haha

Hi ya and :welcome: KingsUp2,
I should know more about growing than I do because before here Green Dreamz would talk to me like I cared but I didn't so know I learn as I go. A very friendly and knowledge bunch of people can be found popping in on my journal & at this time I have found my answers from the men & women on GDreamz page, they are never disrespectful or rude and if one don't know they will contact someone that will and put you in contact with them. If you promise not to tell GDreamz he is really smart when it come to mm growing and enjoys learning more all the time. If I was a jealous woman it wouldn't be beer, babes and bars ,it iwould be more plants, 420 journals, and flirting with my man. My girl is still in veg at this time, she should have and would have been moved if GD would make up his mind about his girls :) I plan on growing and contributing to my journal more once I'm graduated but for now I do what I can. I will warn you we only work as a couple cause we are both Freaks:) well best of luck to ya, I will pop in on your grow when I can and never not ask a question we are all here to help and learn :passitleft: :Tokin:
Morning Lady Bud,

May all your math problems make perfect sense to you and the formulas come to mind so you can solve all your homework and have some fun with it.:idea:
I was going to keep this grow simple cause of pending surgeries but GD decided that I can handle it so ........... I took 2 more limbs to put in the cloner since the one don't look like it will make it. I have LST her and topped her but I forgot the topped pic:sorry: GD said we will move her to flower in couple of weeks once sure she has recovered from being violated. Also you will notice I have defoled the shit out of her, I can't help myself ......nothing sexyer than a naked woman......and I can't keep my hands off her:):) I guess I'll have to start molesting GD and yanking his clothes off:rofl: May all ya'lls days be filled with Peace, Love and some Really good Bud :grinjoint::allgood::passitleft:

Jesus, Lady Bud, you do like your girls naked......shaved to an inch of her life. Gawd girl, and you sound like such a southerner.....Gettin' your drawl on, I can hear ya! Sexy. I did not know about your surgeries, seems like a memory of Green saying something, but coming from you now, it is real. I am really good about sending healing vibes when you need them, powerful shit, let me know when to begin.....:circle-of-love:
I'm cracking myself up over here...when I look at your lady, I'm hearing "Living on the Edge" by Bon Jovi :rofl::rofl: oh, don't mind me ahahaha

I really like your cloner, tho.....can't take my eyes off it......
Dude....when i told her you said it was ok....she has been on it everyday.....she was suppose to go into flower a couple of days ago....about a week before that is when i questioned you about taking the small ones....we agreed that she would defol like you said that day and then wait about a week and put her into flowering:) high ass just noticed today while she was finishing takng some leaves off that she had been doing it everyday:rofl:.....i asked her what happend to stopping a week ago so she could recover for flower......she looked at me with puppy dog eyes and said...."I cant help myself" finished off with a devious smile:) that is why i suggested the topping and LSTing:) she can play a little longer:)
ahhhhhh, she's found her fetish :rofl::rofl::rofl:
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