Looking sweet Joe, will be ready for bloom real soon.

Thansk buddy :passitleft:

They I am going to raise my lights tonight see if I can help encourage some stretch . Been busy looking at them no yes should I fack hope this is right . Lol dont Want to play to much in stretch but had to I think.

Girls are looking good Joe!

Thanks Dutchman.

Feeling good just wishing these would stretch north so think I am going to move lights .

Nice stuff joe, glad your ww x atf is coming along
Ya I thought it was looking better nice feel to thenew growth. Or that dead crispy feel any more vibrant bright growth . Good signs if a slight sign of reaching .

Think in a week I’ll see a noticeable difference.
Trimmers what trimmers lol

We need the weed whackers lol

I dunno man I like them pruned really nice lol

There's just something about a big bushy triangle that reminds me of the 70's!
Sorry to hear your under the weather King , The plants are looking good and i like the bounce back Bomb , the one you lost control of and dropped is even coming along Nicely ! My C-4 is in Bud stage so yesterday took off a few plate leaves and one limb , added some more soil and just watered forgot to take the PH tester with me but the leaves were looking like over fead .
Few shots of thc bomb by bomb seeds more pics to come Sunday evening ✊

Been really trying to see the girls

Thanks boyz :passitleft:

Ate another browie just coming down from high now . I had to hit up some cbd oil to help balance my high as I was heavily medicated. Lol

Alive and well and about to eat some Brie (cheese) with my peach snaps jello I bought locally at first light. While back.. Lol. Got the munchies like a mofo... then will smoke a wake me up sea warp J .
Yup not a bad a idea I hit threw it but about three hrs was intense sweating yet cold lol

Waiting for a buddy I gifted one to hear what he thought of it ?
We’re cruising now folks welcome back to the kingjoegrow show baby .

That coco is working a charm, the girls like it!
Yeah I got some serious tap roots sticking out all over that cherry bomb bottom bro I am so pumped
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