Thanks man well I ph my coco for the ww x atf and cherry bomb today to 5.5-5.8 see how she responds to it back to bed fur few hrs now

Catch up soon bud :Namaste:
One of the little packages of liquid is for pouring in the pen cover. It keeps the things in there right. Pretty sure I packed it. Let me know if I didn't and I'll send you a pick of the stuff.
Yeah four packages they all say ph 7 and one says +01 other says .02+ Temps 77 f ?

Which pack do I use and once the soloution is opened how do I store the stuff? I can use an air sealed jar or something so I am not wasting product ? Any idea on Best storage method to keep calibration soloution in? Etc: fridge, cool room temps?

Need to see if any expiration dates ?

And every two weeks re calibrate ?
I'm in coco, Dyna Gro recommends 6.0-6.5 ph for there nute line. Love the photo of the ice rink!

So what I am getting is to know what the nutrient line company suggest for ph depending on growing mediums?
Yeah four packages they all say ph 7 and one says +01 other says .02+ Temps 77 f ?

Which pack do I use and once the soloution is opened how do I store the stuff? I can use an air sealed jar or something so I am not wasting product ? Any idea on Best storage method to keep calibration soloution in? Etc: fridge, cool room temps?

Need to see if any expiration dates ?

And every two weeks re calibrate ?

I kept my solution I got with my pen in a small glass jar with all my nutrients. Not sure which one you'd use for storage... maybe check the manufacturer's website site
Yeah four packages they all say ph 7 and one says +01 other says .02+ Temps 77 f ?

Which pack do I use and once the soloution is opened how do I store the stuff? I can use an air sealed jar or something so I am not wasting product ? Any idea on Best storage method to keep calibration soloution in? Etc: fridge, cool room temps?

Need to see if any expiration dates ?

And every two weeks re calibrate ?
Hmm what I'm talking about is called storage solution . If it's not there I probably put it in before I sent it. I put new batteries too. Here's a pic of what I use. There's probably other manufacturers. 3 to 5 drops every 2 to 3 weeks should do it in the cap. They say it shouldn't dry out. The 7 solution I use every month or if I get the impression something is different than the last time I used it. Sometimes more often if I'm particularly high phing. I gots to be sure.
Hmm what I'm talking about is called storage solution . If it's not there I probably put it in before I sent it. I put new batteries too. Here's a pic of what I use. There's probably other manufacturers. 3 to 5 drops every 2 to 3 weeks should do it in the cap. They say it shouldn't dry out. The 7 solution I use every month or if I get the impression something is different than the last time I used it. Sometimes more often if I'm particularly high phing. I gots to be sure.
Okay I’ll grab some pics I see the cotton swap in it . Bit unsure what you want me to add to it every 2 weeks the 7 soloution packs there are four of them I’ll grab pics don’t want to screw this up lol
Having the t-shirt in your avatar removed?

Good luck with the surgery! Hope you've got a great medical team :thumb:


If the T-Shirt were removed this might be another forum, especially with all the Euphemisms that fly around here about 'Tha Ladies!'
Alright quick Sunday update

Well more just wanted to share good new one purple monkey balls up and seems to loving life . Other is up too but having hard time openinh jackets were stuck but all fixed hope tomorrow see better on second pmb.

However I am really debating going upstairs to show you my cherry bomb .by bomb seeds since I have adjusted ph.

Thanks man well I ph my coco for the ww x atf and cherry bomb today to 5.5-5.8 see how she responds to it back to bed fur few hrs now

Catch up soon bud :Namaste:

Well it looks photo of the month worthy to me . Screw it I am going to grab a pic .

Remeber i said to me ...
Alright here are few shots of the 3x3 tent and my cherry bomb .

I think she looks darn beautiful.

So I made and used magic butter tonight olive oil and infused brownies to try tonight bout to eat thanks @Preston9mm and @InTheShed for the help tonight on cooking with chronic thread ! Will post link for anyone who wants to know what I did swing by there good group of boyz .✊

Few shots of my day

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