King's True Grow: Autos, Mars Hydro LED 900, Tent, Pro Mix

Okay you sure...

Lol i sint going to die or anything..

Not even sure how trim it wjen buds are trim its self. Lol fkushed the way angel tipped me idk.
Your fine King its near her time lol
Kool habe two others like it bith nyc d auto. Not sure ill ever grow it again boo.

But candy cane autos fats where its at.. .
Do you have a scope to check you trics?
Says hete this Tuesday coming honrstly these atnt even buds lol haye to say it. I screwed them i know. Live and learn i guess.
Wait until you try the Early Miss Lmao your going to wish you started them sooner
em drop in soil properly tomorrow hete we go no feeding for 7 daysbph down to 5.5 or 5.8 and then start nutes slowly first true set. Sound good. Also emptied that pro mix with seaweed stuff out penny and refilled anf flushed with rain water read 6.3 thoughts?
Thanks penny and angel again fir still being there 4 me.

Apprecaite it i let you know final whieght on thst one nyc stipl two more weeks almost on on3 and about three weeks on orher.
em drop in soil properly tomorrow hete we go no feeding for 7 daysbph down to 5.5 or 5.8 and then start nutes slowly first true set. Sound good. Also emptied that pro mix with seaweed stuff out penny and refilled anf flushed with rain water read 6.3 thoughts?
Is there a way to stop the root from curling in towel guys?
It'll be good smoke, if you're using AN remember dont try to adjust ph. In coco i would mix a very weak nute solution to water with. Make sure they get plenty of light from the start without heat/light stress.
It'll be good smoke, if you're using AN remember dont try to adjust ph. In coco i would mix a very weak nute solution to water with. Make sure they get plenty of light from the start without heat/light stress.
Yeah they will be going outsoor starting for first week or two inside.
How much water do i put penny in coco for seed.
Are you growing these outside in coco or soil?
These early miss will be one pro mix hp one coco both early miss autos both going outdoor inn3 gallon pots. Using ph perfect advance nutes with nirvana on week 3 to 6 and will be trying to purchase something from advance nutrients somethingbthstvwill garantee extra whieght or puffy buds lol. Any suggestions penny.
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