King's True Grow: Autos, Mars Hydro LED 900, Tent, Pro Mix

I use a bic for my nicotine and my thc. I feel very old fashioned sometimes. .

I hit blunts like a boss. Got the wife going tonight ! All engines firing boys.
My old lungs cant do smoke anymore, vaping is perfect.

Ur not old I feel like cannabis makes me feel younger lol 50 is new 40 bud...

However some days it feel it in the joints more . That ddd of mine I tell ya. Back neck pains cannabis = relief - relief makes me happier .
What kind do you use? I've been wanting to get one but not sure what to get and don't wanna spend a bunch on something and not like it or use it. I've got off cigs by vaping for 4 years now.

Im using a Kind Tru Va
What kind do you use? I've been wanting to get one but not sure what to get and don't wanna spend a bunch on something and not like it or use it. I've got off cigs by vaping for 4 years now.

Got one for sale too azier air brand new pretty much lol 140$ paid 250$ lol
King's True Grow - Autos - LED - 900 - Tent - Pro Mix

So. Put weed in oz baggies in freezer Heard it helps with the crystal makes them active or something. As I will be trying to make hash once all parts come. Shake is dried and in freezer now pennywise
King's True Grow - Autos - LED - 900 - Tent - Pro Mix

So smoking a candy cane auto in a blunt . kingpin grape wrap be the name. And I'm in love. my friend stopped by,Had a single hit. And said he felt it in eyes and by time he left he was just giggles lol.

And yes folks it's only going to get better . thank you all for your help. And time but most of all. Your positive energy in this thread . Be bless and love one another . I know it's hard to love s stranger but try it. Feels good peace from Ontario, Canada .
Hey good deal Joe, the reason we put our shake and trim in the freezer with the alcohol we're gonna use is so all the water in the plant freezes. The cannabinoids dont freeze. It gives you a much purer product.
Hey good deal Joe, the reason we put our shake and trim in the freezer with the alcohol we're gonna use is so all the water in the plant freezes. The cannabinoids dont freeze. It gives you a much purer product.

Alcohol? Lol. I'm glad I found video on YouTube and thanks. Might have more questions about good link to how to make credible is the word I'm looking for and you've never steered a fella wrong yet. So see where I'm going with this lol

Really high and happy now too lol
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