KingJohnC's Brainstorm Haze Soil Indoor Grow Journal

Incredible girls! I'm guessing they've got a ways to go yet, too, only to get bigger.....and bigger.....and frostier. Wish I could smell them! Keep it green.

we need smell o vision someone invent it I demand it :rofl:
Happy Munchday KJC and Lab :thumb:
Hey John just doing a drive thru. I got to say those plants are filling in nicely. anything with the hazes in it is generally a slower flowering plant, but looking at your last few pic's she's looking like she's pretty fast. I also see your using GH fert's. You know with the internet which gives us excess to all these new products, I have noticed a lot of people, me included, have them tendencies to branch out and try all them other products, but most seem to come back to GH. GH still sets the standard in my eyes. I've been using a product called Cutting Edge Solutions. The numbers and ingredients seem to match up with GH. But the cost is a lot cheaper at 30$ for 2 1/2 gallons for any of the three. I've had pretty good results with it. Ofcourse I hit it with cal-mag and abit of the dry Kool Bloom. Plants are filling in nice Dude Keepem Green
I have had better germination rates with the Rapid Rooter rooting starter then with Jiffy peat moss pellets. So far i am impressed with the Rapid Rooters. I germinate the seeds in a glass of pH adjusted water until tap roots appear 36 hours later then place the seeds individually in a saturated Rapid Rooter mat in a seed stater tray, I leave the Rapid Rooter uncovered and moisten once a day with pH adjusted water. rapid rooter

I wonder if that is why I had issues with my seeds. My water was not PH adjusted. I am reading everything to help minimize my HUGE PH mistake. When things click I felt so dumb. Thank you so much for your help
~ looking good John. glad to see the girls getting back up on their good foot. I myself prefer growing Sativa dominant, Haze is a fav...
that being said. This strain can be so picky and problematic... But more than worth it, right!!! ~ I lost just about all my problems when I ... " started using half the nutes, focused on the roots and a constant 6.5 PH " ... I haven't bought a bug product or anything for pathogens or fungi or what ever else I can't remember anymore right now. When you have a healthy organic plant in a clean environment. Nothing can hurt your plant, and if I ever had a soil issue...because I reuse my media. I just sprinkle some ground cinnamon over the top soil in the container... gnats and lil' creatures just go bye bye. I don't know if they left or just died. ~ I am so subb'd on the grow my friend ~ :Namaste:

The cinnamon does not hurt the plant or do anything funky to the soil? I am really new to this and had no idea about cinnamon for gnats. I use neem oil on my plants.
Flower Day 45


























I expect the Brainstorm Haze to Flower for a full 90 days, the plants will be harvested by trichome maturity.

Flower Day 45

Brainstorm Haze was sprayed with foliar spray of 1.5 millilitre per litre of Snow Storm Ultra.

Looking brilliantly epic King John & Lab :adore: I see you have no fear of mold growing with the foliar sprays, what does the current humidity read? It looks like the room is really clean. :thumb: Another 45 days from now... and they're already putting on decent chunkage for just 6 days growth. When will you discontinue foliar feeding? I am probably not the only one who would have a hard time sitting on these bushes for another 45 days :rofl:.

Going to be real interesting :popcorn: :bravo:
The cinnamon does not hurt the plant or do anything funky to the soil? I am really new to this and had no idea about cinnamon for gnats. I use neem oil on my plants.

I have never used cinnamon in my soiless mixture.
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