KingJohnC's Brainstorm Haze Soil Indoor Grow Journal

To tell you the truth.. If I'm judging the size correctly that's closer to 2 lbs.. Minimum 12 oz a plant there.
Hello John. Your innocent by-stander needs some assistance. Could you stop by "The Lady Cave" when you get a chance?
Flower Day 38
















And that is exactly why KJC is the man in my book!
She looks amazing. What is Brainstorm Haze?

taken from the breeder Delta 9 Labs
Brainstorm Haze

strain type Sativa: 90%; Indica: 10%
buzz upbeat, creative, motivating.
taste/Smell sweet/fresh, fruity
flowering time 70-80 days
parents (Land Race Thai (mother)) x (father Stargazer (Sensi Star x Warlock x AK-47))
yield yield 500-600g/m2 (1 1/2-1 3/4 oz./ft.2)
environment indoor/outdoor

The Brainstorm Haze came to fruition after 8 years of traveling throughout Thailand and collecting seeds from every source possible. The phenotype that was eventually selected was a robust and multi branched specimen that had the old-school Sandalwood fragrance one would expect from a pure land race strain from Thailand. Due to the tall characteristics and long flowering times of SE Asian Sativa strains we decided to cross the female into our stabilized Stargazer which is a fast finisher and quite short with tight bud structure. The results of the cross put out hybrid vigor with tremendous buds and yields. Although the flowering time may still require a little extra patience, the wait will well be rewarded! The Brainstorm Haze strain prefers a heavy feeding for the first 6 weeks of flowering and then it will take care of itself. Allow the foxtails to swell up at the end of the harvest for optimum trichome production. When you are ready to harvest the Brainstorm Haze, we suggest waiting one more week for the perfect ripeness."

taken from a popular seed bank

"Indoor: 10-12 weeks Variety Mother: Pure Thai Haze Breeding Stock Variety Father: Stargazer (Sensi Star x Warlock x AK-47) The Delta 9 Labs Brainstorm Haze is best grown indoors in a controllable flowering environment for 10-12 weeks to achieve full maturity. Brainstorm Haze can be grown outdoors however warmer climates and a southern latitude are necessary to fully develop the plant. All of the Delta-9 strains are developed in soil in their own Labs. This strain has been developed specifically to give increased yields in a slightly shorter flowering time, especially when grown hydroponically. The plant grows tall and creates many long side brances allowing for less plants to be grown in a room allowing for optimized plant growth and yield. Gauno fertilizers of high nitrogen keep this variety rich green throughout it's growing period. In a heat stress test experiment this variety continued to thrive over others tested. The average flowering time is between 10-12 weeks depending if grown in soil or through hydro methods. The average height of the plant varies depending on how long the plant is allowed vegetative growth, however the plant grows at least twice it's height when put into flowering within the first 3 weeks. This variety has a tremendous yield even when grown in the smallest of closets. An average room size with proper ventilation and lighting will give you a minimum of 50-75 grams per plant with the plant being no taller than 1.5 meters. The Delta 9 Labs Brainstorm Haze stretches significantly within the first 2 weeks. The buds are light and airy while they are filling in for about 5-8 weeks and then in the last 3 weeks they get very hard and dense. The calayxes swell up and become tight. The leaves are long like typical sativa plants however they are not as thin. They are narrower than a typical indica plant so the end result is a broad elongated leaf blade. Regardless of the stretching, once the buds start to fill in the plant stops growing any taller. It looks more like a tree with many branches and leaves rather than a bush."

taken from

"Strain: Brainstorm Haze
Breeder: Delta 9 Labs
Location: indoor, outdoor
Type: mostly sativa
Flowering: ~77 days
No feminized seeds.

Delta 9 Labs - Brainstorm Haze

Variety Mother: Pure Thai Haze breeding stock
Variety Father: Stargazer (Sensi Star x Warlock x AK47)

Growth Factors: Indoor in a controllable flowering environment for 10-12 weeks to complete flowering cycle. Can be grown outdoors however warmer climates and a southern latitude facilitates proper completion.

All new strains are developed in soil exclusively at Delta-9 Labs. This strain however will have increased yield and perhaps a shorter flowering time if grown hydroponically.
The plant grows tall and creates many long side brances allowing for less plants to be grown in a room allowing for optimized plant growth and yield.
Gauno fertilizers of high nitrogen keep this variety rich green throughout it's growing period.
In a heat stress test experiment this variety continued to thrive over others tested.

The average flowering time is between 10-12 weeks depending if grown in soil or through hydro methods.
The average height of the plant varies depending on how long the plant is allowed vegetative growth, however the plant grows at least twice it's height when put into flowering within the first 3 weeks.
Average Yield: This variety has a tremendous yield even when grown in the smallest of closets. An average room size with proper ventilation and lighting will give you a minimum of 50-75 grams per plant with the plant being no taller than 1.5 meters.

The plant stretches significantly within the first 2 weeks. The buds are light and airy while they are filling in for about 5-8 weeks and then in the last 3 weeks they get very hard and dense. The calayxes swell up and become tight.
The leaves are long like typical sativa plants however they are not as thin. They are narrower than a typical indica plant so the end result is a broad elongated leaf blabe.
Regardless of the stretching, once the buds start to fill in the plant stops growing any taller. It looks more like a tree with many branches and leaves rather than a bush.
With proper prevention needed with any strain, using Neem oil as our biological pest control we have found this strain to be bug resistant and very resilient to any conditions throughout growing. It prefers the hotter environments than the cold.

The high is very clear headed and uplifting. It has a creeper effect of about 10 minutes and the high is maintained very clear even during a period of work. Creativity and conversing skills flow easily.
This strain in 1 word: Motivating! The heartbeat rises with this strain creating a "get up and go attitude." From the first few minutes you want to change your state of being and get things done.
Since this variety is very clear headed and uplifting in a motivating way I would recommend this variety for any sort of activities.
When compared side by side to the Dutch national medical cannabis variety Bedrocan, the resin glands have a very similar appearance and texture.
The smell is very hazey. In fact the moment you ignite the bud the smell lingers throughout the room in seconds in a very thick white cloud of sweet smelling smoke. C. This variety has been developed during the past 3.5 years and is the latest creation from Delta-9 Labs. It has not yet been entered in any competition thus far.

The name Brainstorm Haze came to exist when the employess were completing a lunch break at the labs and Harry said to the crew, Hey, we need to have a smoke before we start work again and also brainstorm on a name for the new Thai cross being tested at the time. Our employee Jake said "Hey that sounds interesting what you just said Harry, the word brainstorm". Since we always chat and share ideas together during our lunch break how about calling the new strain Brainstorm Haze? We all looked up with excitement and said, that's an unusual but fitting name indeed.

Tips for other growers: In our growing stage nursery we like to alternate from a high nutrient tea mixture to a pure water supply in our reservoir. Many mother plants are top dressed with a well-balanced guano powder to maintain the extra food required for such large plants. The pure water helps break down the guano powder as well as refresh the plants with fresh clean water, allowing any residual nutrients to break loss and help get absorbed into the root system before the next feeding."
Is the last picture in that series a crack in the mainstem from all the weight of the branching on both sides? did you just wire it together? just curious as thats what it looked like to me.

Yes the last photograph shows the main stem of Brainstorm Haze #3 and wire was placed around the branches to support them. The stem was cracked when Brainstorm Haze #3 was tied down. Hopefully the crack in the stem will not deepen.
They look so great KJC!

Do you do a lot of defol?

Yes I do defoliate. Cannabis plants grown indoors grow very dense with foliage to the point the nodes at the branches receive little light and grow very little without defoliation.
Happy Weednsday KJC and Lab :thumb:
plants are looking wonderfully delicious yum lip smacking good
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