KingJohnC's Brainstorm Haze Soil Indoor Grow Journal

Great pics, are you concerned with that one plant splitting down her main stalk any further.....maybe some twine or something to keep it from splitting more later on?

Love your work man, thanks for the help and guidance bud.:high-five:
I think i'm a little more concerned then the King is, and it's already wrapped with wire that has a green rubber coating on it. DL the pic and zoom in too see it. If it appears to split more, the branches will be supported with some string from the ceiling to reduce the stress of the weight of the monster buds forming.

I know it's early, but.
Any guesses thus far as to weight ?
Each plant=
Both plants together=

Lets hear some guesses.
Lets see who among you are psychic.
I think i'm a little more concerned then the King is, and it's already wrapped with wire that has a green rubber coating on it. DL the pic and zoom in too see it. If it appears to split more, the branches will be supported with some string from the ceiling to reduce the stress of the weight of the monster buds forming.

I know it's early, but.
Any guesses thus far as to weight ?
Each plant=
Both plants together=

Lets hear some guesses.
Lets see who among you are psychic.
Ill guess now 318 grams of dry buds at over 5 ounces each plant:cheer:
I think they put on some heavy crystals after that foliar feed and look happy Labexperiment:high-five:
Flower Day 31

The Brainstorm Haze was watered with a nutrient mixture consisting of 6 millilitres per gallon of Flora Gro, 7 millilitres per gallon of Flora Micro and 11 millilitres per gallon of Flora Bloom, 6 millilitres per gallon of Liquid KoolBloom and 5 millilitres per gallon of calcium and magnesium.
Those gals have come a long way, and are looking absolutely delicious! I can almost smell them through my computer screen.:thumb:
Congrats on MOTY KJC . . :high-five: + REPS . . . . . :passitleft:
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