KingJohnC's Brainstorm Haze Soil Indoor Grow Journal

That's using your nugen Colorado. Reverse testing. I have a decent size order by my standards at the Post Office I'm about to go pick up. Let's see the results.
Out of ~50 of my regular (non-feminized) Hong Kong OG seeds, about 40 of them have the volcano like depression, I know that all 40 of those likely will not be "guaranteed females". One of my feminized seeds does not have the depression.

Since we are talking about probability outcomes, if we have 5 feminized seeds and they all have the volcano depression, and they all grew out to be females -- one cannot immediately "call it a day", like I said in the other thread, it would take hundreds if not thousands of seeds to be able to prove that it is true. And I'm guessing along the line the environment would take its toll.

Another thing that raises a red flag about the "chart" is that it uses the word "morphodite" which actually is not a recognized word in the English language, and is a slang term first coined in the book To Kill a Mocking Bird. For a scholarly paper, this word would not be used. Yet another reason to be laughed out of the bar.

Think about what it is saying, it is actually saying you can pick and choose which ones are the hermaphrodites. Do a lot of people not claim to have seen their plant gone hermie due to environmental stresses, and seek help as to why this is happening? Cannabis was originally a monoecious plant (hermaphrodite) because that was the most advantageous way for it's survival in nature. When humans got to it we have done selective breeding and have suppressed certain gene expressions into hiding. So humans turned them into dioecious plants (male versus female organs), however genes can go into hiding for thousands of years, but they can show their faces given the right environmental triggering, and revert sex if need be.


Ok, that's the order I just picked up & after going through only 5 feminized beans I have to agree with Lester. Only two out of the five had the volcano.
I've only ordered from Herbie's. Haven't had a problem yet.
Anyway let me stop posting on this thread. I'm suppose to be the Innocent By-Stander here. I consider John's journals to be my "how to guide" journals. He post every step so I just follow & learn.
I've only ordered from Herbie's. Haven't had a problem yet.
Anyway let me stop posting on this thread. I'm suppose to be the Innocent By-Stander here. I consider John's journals to be my "how to guide" journals. He post every step so I just follow & learn.[/QUOTE

Thought it looked like a herbies delivery.... Personally, their service and packaging is awesome... Mine took less than 24 hours from order !!... They about 40 miles from here...

Good luck with ya beans !!

Hey King

It's been a long time since I last checked in. First my congratulations (if a little late)

on your MOTY win and recent promotion to Staff writer. Well done Sir !

What an amazing read it's been doing the catch up. Outstanding turnaround from those

early days of this grow. Again well done my friend. Looking forward to the harvest now

as I'm sure many are. Brilliant work, thanks for sharing.
Out of ~50 of my regular (non-feminized) Hong Kong OG seeds, about 40 of them have the volcano like depression, I know that all 40 of those likely will not be "guaranteed females". One of my feminized seeds does not have the depression.

Since we are talking about probability outcomes, if we have 5 feminized seeds and they all have the volcano depression, and they all grew out to be females -- one cannot immediately "call it a day", like I said in the other thread, it would take hundreds if not thousands of seeds to be able to prove that it is true. And I'm guessing along the line the environment would take its toll.

Another thing that raises a red flag about the "chart" is that it uses the word "morphodite" which actually is not a recognized word in the English language, and is a slang term first coined in the book To Kill a Mocking Bird. For a scholarly paper, this word would not be used. Yet another reason to be laughed out of the bar.

Think about what it is saying, it is actually saying you can pick and choose which ones are the hermaphrodites. Do a lot of people not claim to have seen their plant gone hermie due to environmental stresses, and seek help as to why this is happening? Cannabis was originally a monoecious plant (hermaphrodite) because that was the most advantageous way for it's survival in nature. When humans got to it we have done selective breeding and have suppressed certain gene expressions into hiding. So humans turned them into dioecious plants (male versus female organs), however genes can go into hiding for thousands of years, but they can show their faces given the right environmental triggering, and revert sex if need be.


Just adding to this....I had two feminised here and neither one of them had the volcano as described on the "chart". One end flat and one end was pointy.
I saw that chart when I first joined the site and thought it would be interesting to check seeds in the future, but now that I have I don't believe it is accurate to count on.
Out of ~50 of my regular (non-feminized) Hong Kong OG seeds, about 40 of them have the volcano like depression, I know that all 40 of those likely will not be "guaranteed females". One of my feminized seeds does not have the depression.

Since we are talking about probability outcomes, if we have 5 feminized seeds and they all have the volcano depression, and they all grew out to be females -- one cannot immediately "call it a day", like I said in the other thread, it would take hundreds if not thousands of seeds to be able to prove that it is true. And I'm guessing along the line the environment would take its toll.

Another thing that raises a red flag about the "chart" is that it uses the word "morphodite" which actually is not a recognized word in the English language, and is a slang term first coined in the book To Kill a Mocking Bird. For a scholarly paper, this word would not be used. Yet another reason to be laughed out of the bar.

Think about what it is saying, it is actually saying you can pick and choose which ones are the hermaphrodites. Do a lot of people not claim to have seen their plant gone hermie due to environmental stresses, and seek help as to why this is happening? Cannabis was originally a monoecious plant (hermaphrodite) because that was the most advantageous way for it's survival in nature. When humans got to it we have done selective breeding and have suppressed certain gene expressions into hiding. So humans turned them into dioecious plants (male versus female organs), however genes can go into hiding for thousands of years, but they can show their faces given the right environmental triggering, and revert sex if need be.


So, that chart was done around 1960s. And your right is the paper would have been a scientific research paper proper language would have been used. Unless they :lot-o-toke: to much of the research LOL. Back then to publish a paper you did not have to go through a chain of boards to get it out to the public like you do now.:circle-of-love: :popcorn:
Well main thing is we all know that chart is an anecdote
Happy Munchday KJC and Lab :thumb:
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