KingJohnC's Brainstorm Haze Soil Indoor Grow Journal

I get faster rooted clones in soil than my cloner. My best soil method is a big cutting. I poke a deep hole in a rapid rooter fill it with cone gel. Insert clone. than place in a tall soil container with the root as far the bottom as you can I also cover all of the clone that will be under soil with gel. soak with a starter kelp or guano tea. place a baggie or dome over the container poke two hole near the top. place under a light , water when dry, remove the bag daily two exchange the air. after 5 days remove the baggie for 20 min and if the plant starts to wilt replace the baggie or dome. repeat until the plant does not wilt or you notice growth. Freaky Fast clones. 5-14 days no cloner.
i find, the temperature is one of the most important things.
i try 20, 24, and 30 celsius, and 24 celsius take the best result.
in light: i try t8, MH and HPS - for cloning the best for me t8.
soil vs coco: coco, because soil got mold.
and when i take cuttings, i take a 1-2 cm long cut in the plants skin, and i find, this place where the roots shown up first. one post above i put link to my cloning pics.
hope this help for you...
The innocent by-stander of all KJC threads speak;

Still trying to find what works for me. I still have about 4 more methods to try if the latest one doesn't work.
its interesting you say you get better success in soil with bigger clones, i find the total opposite to be true, some of my clones are only an inch high above the soil line, this way they cant wilt as the stem is not long enough to lean over, i always take small clones now and get 100% success in soil, so i guess once your used to one method then that method is always going to work.

i prefer to clone direct in soil as i grow in soil so using a bubble cloner means i need to stress the roots when i transplant and i did lose 2 clones after transplanting from bubble cloner to pots so i only used that method once, for me soil is the best way to go and if i can take just 1 cutting and root it everytime then its all good.

how ever their are some strains that just wont root at all, i took about 15 cuttings from one plant and everyone kept dying and i couldnt work out why, then i read that some strains wont root even when you take the clones in early flower when N is a bit lower. so i had to try something else as i wanted to grow it again, so i read my european grow bible and came across air layering method, i gave this a try and it worked, plus with air layering the clone can be as big as you want it to be, you could clone using a 1ft side branch.

air layering will work everytime as long as you keep the area you want roots from covered so no light gets in, once you see roots growing out the medium just cut the cutting off the plant and your good to grow.

then theirs soil layering which ive never tried, basically you have the plant your taking the cutting from then on top of the soil you place a small pot so that you can pull one of the side branches down and bury part of the stem in the new pot, then scrape back the part of the stem that will be planted below soil level and apply rooting hormone, then bury that part in the smaller pot and leave it joined to the parent plant, within a week or 2 their will be roots growing in the new pot so once you see roots when you gently dig down you can cut that branch off the mother plant and take it away in its own pot, the best things with air and soil layering is the cutting dont stop growing while its rooting as its still attatched and being fed by the parent plant until you cut it free once you know its rooted
thank you for answer, this things i cant see: "The cloner has a 250 gallon per hour pump attached to a spray bar with 6 misting sprayers that point upward. "
you use any rooting hormone? or just the water enough?

Rooting powder was used on the cut stems, Super B+ was added at 8 millilitres per gallon.
Flower Day 00

Today the plants were defoliated and Super Cropped with the branches being tied down due to height restrictions in preperation for flowering. Tonight will be the first day of flower and the light timer has been adjusted to 12/12 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness.
Flower Day 00

Today the plants were defoliated and Super Cropped with the branches being tied down due to height restrictions in preperation for flowering. Tonight will be the first day of flower and the light timer has been adjusted to 12/12 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness.

I wish u all the best for your upcoming flip, that and your M.O.T.Y. Contest.
I love your cloning setup John, the time lapse of the rooting is so cool mother nature is pretty amazing!
Flower Day 00

Before defoliation




After defoliation







One of the stems split

im behind a few pages so playing catch up so sorry ive im repeating something already spoken about.
is the plant in pic 1 and 2 having some sort of problem or has it had some sort of problem, the leaves look like their drooping down, its hard to tell by the light in the pics if its a N issue or some kind of watering problem, mine look like that if i let them go a day or to longer before watering but within a few hours of watering the leaves are strait out or reaching up for the light.

you got some great node spacing on them plants, looks very good to me, should produce some decent sized buds when them nodes join up later on in flower,
The plants in Flower Day 00 were watered 30 minutes before the photographs were taken and do look droopy. In the photograph under the High Pressure Sodium light you can not tell the leaves are a dark green.
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