KingJohnC's Brainstorm Haze Soil Indoor Grow Journal

Vegetative Day 90




Dem'er some big ass canna plants man! How much longer do you intend to veg for KJC? Did you set your indicator to flip when they hit 6' tall?
The clones that were taken will be allowed to root for 1 week then flowered to determine sex of the plants. 1 more clone of each of the female Brainstorm Hazes will be taken, then the large Brainstorm Haze plants will be flowered.


Why flower the clones first to determine sex rather than letting the clones continue through full vegetative growth while determining sex on large plants?

I have always flowered large plants immediately after taking clones (being confident I had healthy clones) and then destroyed the male plants along with the corresponding clones once they were identified.

I know there are multiple schools of thought on this, I was just curious as to why you selected your method.
as I am growing for regular seed the sex of the plants is unknown. we were just discussing the same issue last week and have decided to flower the large Brainstorm Haze plants and keep the small clones in vegetative growth until the sex of the plants is known.
Good choice KJC. This same logic is what sold me as I had the same train of thought as you prior to my new decision. If mom is female, she continues through flower giving you some nice dank bud and her clones veg for that entire time. If mom turns out to be dad, then trash the whole lot of'em with minimal time wasted.
as I am growing for regular seed the sex of the plants is unknown. we were just discussing the same issue last week and have decided to flower the large Brainstorm Haze plants and keep the small clones in vegetative growth until the sex of the plants is known.


Understood. Sorry I didn't catch that discussion.

That was my same thought as my seeds were non-feminized as well.

Good on ya King John, looking forward to seeing those flowers!
Vegetative Day 92

brainstorm Hazes were watered with a nutrient mixture consisting of 10 millilitres per gallon of Flora Gro, 7 millilitres per gallon of Flora Micro and 5 millilitres per gallon of Flora Bloom and 5 millilitres per gallon of calcium and magnesium.
Happy New Year KJC and all :420: members and guest on this great website
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