KingJohnC's Brainstorm Haze Soil Indoor Grow Journal

I guess you must have missed my post on 10/23/2013, the plants were already transplanted into a soiless mixture consisting of peat moss, perlite and vermiculite. the plants have been recovering and doing well. the plants are now receiving full strength nutrients. thank you all for your concern.

I know, but that looks like the same soil as the first batch, and it's doesn't look good! does it drain well?
I'm a little confused about the chronology here KJC. Those pics are from before transplant, right? I agree they look like burnt plants. My moms look(ed) exactly like that due to being put into my own, WAAAAAY too hot, soil mix. They are recovering now, and look exactly like yours (gross lower leaves with spots, but nice new growth).

I think/hope you got it all sorted out though. :thumb:
Just to show the ironies which come with this hobby...I had some troubles with my soil mix and while my strongest and biggest female continues to struggle through flowering, she's not looking that bad. I just wish those yellow leaves were not so prominent. Anyway, I had a male that grew up with her and I 86'ed a week or so back after gathering and storing the pollen sacks. But long ago, before I knew this one was a male, I cloned it and had it going in a small cup of dirt. So a week ago, I took that thing and transplanted it into the dirt in my backyard, where it will be well camoflauged from the world by other tropical plants. And today I notice that thing is really starting to take off growing. And that's the irony I'm talking about here. I went to all kinds of expense, time and effort to get the nutes, mix them just right, purchase a big light kit, etc...etc...etc... and I've had my share of troubles with lockouts even though I did my best to follow the plans laid out by others. And this thing in the back yard, with no nutes, only 9.0+ ph water right from the garden hose, natural sunlight and some rain now and then in the last 10 days and it's make a real grow out of itself. I can see that in about another month I may have trouble with this thing growing taller than the fence and becoming a risk. Not to mention that I know it is a male, but right now it has no pollen sacks on it. I will gather more pollen given the chance but it's just an experiment to see what it will do. Now, if I could just produce the same kinds of results with my intensive indoor grow efforts...!
Vegetative Day 50

Brainstorm Haze has recovered well. All 3 Brainstorm Haze plants were topped and cuttings were taken to root into clones. The cuttings were placed in my Aeroponic Fog Cloner where they should root in 11 days. Here are some photographs of the plants before they were topped and after.






here the plants are after they were topped






here is the cool mist humidifier that was added to the 600 watt grow cabinet

Thanks KJC, and I have a question for you on the GH products. I continue to get yellowing leaves, not just from the bottom, on my girls in 32-ish. It seems it is a nitrogen deficiency. Is there one of the GH products that you might beef up on to correct this?
I don't want to go the urine methods etc., just wondering if you've ever adjusted the GH to suit this.
Hope that is okay to ask here!
Thanks KJC, and I have a question for you on the GH products. I continue to get yellowing leaves, not just from the bottom, on my girls in 32-ish. It seems it is a nitrogen deficiency. Is there one of the GH products that you might beef up on to correct this?
I don't want to go the urine methods etc., just wondering if you've ever adjusted the GH to suit this.
Hope that is okay to ask here!

If you mix nutes with RO or distilled water (and some cases tap and well water too), Calcium/Magnesium (calmag, CaMg, CALiMAGic etc) must be added also. If the medium is deficient of these 2, your leaves yellow.
there may be several causes of your yellowing leaves. If it is low nitrogen then increasing the Flora Micro which does have nitrogen and micro nutrients in it may help with the yellowing leaves. If you use distilled or Reverse Osmosis water you will need to supplement with calcium and magnesium to make up for what the water is lacking. also plants flowered in small pots which are root bound can exhibit yellowing of the leaves due to insufficient quantity of a nutrient before the pots have again dried.
Good weed to you KJC and Lab :thumb:
what happened to wildrosebud I haven't seen any updates?
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