KingJohnC's Brainstorm Haze Soil Indoor Grow Journal

just to clarify to everyone today the plants are 15 days old but this is the 8th day I am counting them in a vegetative state.

09/24/2013 the seeds broke ground
09/26/2013 the Rapid Rooter was transplanted to a 4"x4" pot
10/01/2013 the seedlings entered vegetative growth
10/04/2013 the light was raised to 2.5 inches above the canopy
10/06/2013 the seedlings were placed under 3xT5 Ho 54 watt florescent light bulbs
Although you always have very good pictorial documentation; I really enjoy the filming and commentary much more. Nice looking plants as always. Your approach to the subject shows real professionalism
Vegetative Day 09

there is some leaf damage on Brainstorm Haze number 1 and 3.




ouch. Was it heat maybe that hurt the leaves? Sorry to see injured gals. But sometimes they come back stronger than ever! Good luck, John, and keep 'em green. Stay frosty, mate!
I would cut those leaves off because I think that's mold? or is it just sacrificing the leaf itself and using it as food? either way itll mold up eventually so keep an eye on em!
the pH is being adjusted to 6.5 so i do not believe that is the problem. the soiless mixture may have too many nutrients for the seedling, the top of the seedling did get close to the T5 HO Florescent light. I believe it may either be from the soiless mixture and heat damage or a combination of both.
I was going to comment earlier, sorry I had gotten sidetracked :reading420magazine:

I agree. This in my opinion looks like a case of 'hot' soil, which varies in degree depending on strain and what have you.

in this case it looks to be Phosphorus related in nature, and as others have said added heat stress could well have increased the rate of degradation. I saw you mix your soil with Gypsum. What parts do you mix, and what's the NPK value of your brand of gypsum.

I ask because this usually has high ratings of Phosphorous, and I have seen P lockouts look like this in my plants before.
probably heat. I had heat stress on my thc bomb, but that's only cause I wasn't feeding it properly so it wasn't strong enough to withstand the heat

on a side note im high and I miss my hid sorry for the spam lol

master kush (kush skunk)



diesel 32 oz container LOL (chemdawg super skunk)

thc bomb (created under cfls? LOL)
b.real, I always enjoy the bud porn you share. I'll have to make my way over to your journal cuz I got 3 THC bomb beans and when I get growing again, da bomb will be the flagship grow.
Vegetative Day 09

there is some leaf damage on Brainstorm Haze number 1 and 3.





I only have a few years at this growing thing, so my advice may be disputed here. Regardless of how old the seedling going into veg is, if the plant size isn't there (growth at the nodes starting to turn into little branches) I skip the nutes and soil additives entirely. Mine usually go 18 - 20 days, the green color gets a little lighter, and that's when I start week 1 of most part chem feeding programs (I go full bottle strength all the way for organic/natural nutes). I always seem to do well not going by scheduled feedings, but watering w/RO and CaMg+ until I see the healthy color lighten up, even if the plant goes as many as 3 waterings. I always water according to plant size when they are small too.

I hope those seedlings pull through.I have a problem with one of my seedlings also,the first set of true leaves has small brown spots but the set above is fine?

I am sure you will figure it out anyway:)
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