KingJohnC's 400 Watt LA Confidential Seed Cabinet Soil Indoor Grow Journal

Well played KJC! +reps!
Morning John, hope all is well for you today :)

I have a question for you if its not too much trouble. Firstly thank you for always being so supportive to me and everyone in 420 magazine.

So I noticed that you do an incredibly good job staying on top of all the journals, are you using a panel or navigation within 420 magazine to remember which page you left off at in journals and is it possible to get an alert when a new post by the journal creator is added?
I think you can get alerts when theres new posting private msgs etc..
im sure about the msgs I get emails when I get a private msg you might wanna check in your ok I don't know exactly its somewhere in your cp or user profile thingy
I hope I helped a bit and haven't confused you more:thumb:
Good day Maharaj, I hope all is good an you have a great weed day:cheesygrinsmiley:

Good afternoon Jaga

Morning John, hope all is well for you today :)

I have a question for you if its not too much trouble. Firstly thank you for always being so supportive to me and everyone in 420 magazine.

So I noticed that you do an incredibly good job staying on top of all the journals, are you using a panel or navigation within 420 magazine to remember which page you left off at in journals and is it possible to get an alert when a new post by the journal creator is added?

I think you can get alerts when theres new posting private msgs etc..
im sure about the msgs I get emails when I get a private msg you might wanna check in your ok I don't know exactly its somewhere in your cp or user profile thingy
I hope I helped a bit and haven't confused you more:thumb:

thank you for the compliment
I use the subscription folder and have most of my subscriptions set on daily and use the journals in progress page where any new posts are highlighted to manage all the journals i am subscribed to. this lets me see visually when there is an update to a thread. i usually click the First Unread Unread tool at the top of the journal to jump to new posts, as well i often go back to the last thing i have written to refresh my memory if someone is having an issue or review the whole thread to see how a problem may have progressed before i answer.
to manage your subscriptions go to top right corner, Settings>Subscribed Threads, click the box next to any subscriptions you wish to change how you are updated and go to right bottom, Select Threads and click which type of action you wish to change.
when you click user cp it lists the journals your subscribed to, then if you look at the list you will see pictures of an envelope, well just to the right of the envelope is a round circle with what looks like 2 down arrows in it, well sort of arrows, if you click on this it will take you to the same place you was when you was in that journal last, what i do is right click on it then choose open link in new tab,

looking good king, hows the silver solution working out, have you noticed signs of stress yet,
when you click user cp it lists the journals your subscribed to, then if you look at the list you will see pictures of an envelope, well just to the right of the envelope is a round circle with what looks like 2 down arrows in it, well sort of arrows, if you click on this it will take you to the same place you was when you was in that journal last, what i do is right click on it then choose open link in new tab,

looking good king, hows the silver solution working out, have you noticed signs of stress yet,

good suggestion.

i have not noticed any pollen sack formation yet, small pistils continue to grow. i am spraying LA Confidential number 2 daily with silver thiosulfate, i hope to see changes shortly.
i was just intereted in how quick it works, wasnt sure if it stressed the plant strait away and gave damaged leaves and stuff like that,

its been a while since i read the last journal that used the silver method so wasnt to sure how quick it started to work, ill follow along and see how it goes, might be the method i try next to make some more fem seeds,
Getting to know 420 is like a stoner on a space shuttle, "just start pressing buttons and see what happens". I am subbed to a few different journals. Some I get a daily digest (an email saying there's 11 or 12 new messages to a journal). Some I get an email for each individual new message to a journal. So far I can say that the veterans journals get pretty busy b/c they have so much to share, are trying uncharted techniques, have way cooler toys to play with and their girls usually come out lookin like a stipper in a plastic surgeons office with the winning powerball ticket. Whereas us noobs have journals that are disorganized, little to no experience, tied shoelaces together, the mismatched bicycle (no good toys) and are just generally running around like chickens with our heads cut off stressing about issues that have been resolved by these vets a hundred times over in older journals. Look no further than my journal, I admit, it's a frickin mess.

With all of that said, I get a digest for the vets cause the message volume is gonna be more intense and frequent and get individual emails for the noobs cause the frequency is not gonna be like that of the vets.

Plus, there is a lot of cool ways to surf in the "Forums" tab on the top/left of the page like "New Posts" and "Todays Posts", but being a noob myself, I spend a lot of time in the "Grow Room" tab in the "How to Grow Marijuana" subtab. There's a but load of info in there. I hope this added to what was shared above. Peace!
i would like to thank everyone who voted in Member of the Month - June 2013 and voted me Member of the Month - June 2013. the second shipment of my prize package arrived, i thought i would share it here with you. the MagicalButter is a high tech blender that combines butter, oil, tincture and cannabis to heat the mixture and infuse the cannabis into the medium. the MagicalButter is a little larger then a regular size blender.

MagicalButter contributes the following item to our winner.






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