King Tut In RDWC

Super ccropping is a valuable tool.
Just had to supercrop my gypsy haze. They been under 12/12 for a little over a week and shes stretched about 3-4inches above the other 2 and even the lemon skunk is a couple inches above the critical. Genetics are a bitch lol
Just had to supercrop my gypsy haze. They been under 12/12 for a little over a week and shes stretched about 3-4inches above the other 2 and even the lemon skunk is a couple inches above the critical. Genetics are a bitch lol
Fuckin plants
So the scrog is slowly filling. The right side is damn close to full. They all look pretty good. That little Pink Candy clone has to be the fastest growing plant ive ever seen. Its not thick, but its done well.

The plant im giving away looks so different out it the sun. Makes me want to keep it.

These little clones are loving life, or at least the 250 watts of CFLs. They are putting out new growth, the roots are crazy. Most of them are going away Friday

There it is. Things could be worse.
do you keep those clones in red cups? O was under the impression light is bad for roots.
Ive heard that too. I have a been told that the problem with light and roots is that you will wind up with green roots which changes the Ph.... i dont know, but i dont believe that light and roots dont mix... these this were planted almost 2 weeks ago

They seem healthy, but maybe they would get all filchy if given more time. They are going bye bye tomorrow. Hey wait a minute! Your the clone clown... you should know definitively whether or not its bad haha
Ive heard that too. I have a been told that the problem with light and roots is that you will wind up with green roots which changes the Ph.... i dont know, but i dont believe that light and roots dont mix... these this were planted almost 2 weeks ago

They seem healthy, but maybe they would get all filchy if given more time. They are going bye bye tomorrow. Hey wait a minute! Your the clone clown... you should know definitively whether or not its bad haha
Well lol that was my subtle way of saying get them in red cups cause you’re stunting your roots:rofl: I dislike telling people what to do but am happy to offer suggestions.
Well lol that was my subtle way of saying get them in red cups cause you’re stunting your roots:rofl: I dislike telling people what to do but am happy to offer suggestions.
Haha gotcha. Do you really think their stunted? The plants are putting out new growth on top and praying. Im really not worried. They will be transplanted in a few days anyways.
Haha gotcha. Do you really think their stunted? The plants are putting out new growth on top and praying. Im really not worried. They will be transplanted in a few days anyways.
Last time i cut holes in a box and set the cups in there. That was when i was afraid of roots and light. The roots are going off on these little plants, i really dont think light affects roots. I think most people have sprouted an avocado in a jar of water. Those roots are always in the light. Matter of fact they do better in a window sill. Im not worried
Haha gotcha. Do you really think their stunted? The plants are putting out new growth on top and praying. Im really not worried. They will be transplanted in a few days anyways.
There is an old story that goes something along the lines of a boy walked to school everyday and on his route there was a fork in the path. To the left was a well worn path that was used frequently by many people and it was safe but longer, the path to the right was known to have a wolf that ate children that lived along but he was only ever out for a short period each day and never at the same time. This path was much much shorter but much more dangerous. The little boy chose the shorter path and made it to school with time to spare to play so he chose he path again the next day and again not a thing happened. So he began to grow comfortable with the dangerous path and thought there must not be any danger. Then one day he ran into the wolf and it ate him. Moral of the story you might get away with dangerous habits once or twice or even many times. But growing false confidence in something due to confirmation bias can have poor results. Anyhow I’m high and killing time at work hope you enjoyed story hour with OG:rofl:
Last time i cut holes in a box and set the cups in there. That was when i was afraid of roots and light. The roots are going off on these little plants, i really dont think light affects roots. I think most people have sprouted an avocado in a jar of water. Those roots are always in the light. Matter of fact they do better in a window sill. Im not worried
A "like" Ontario? Is that it? You know i love you like a brother but i expected a battle over light on roots. So disappointed...
There is an old story that goes something along the lines of a boy walked to school everyday and on his route there was a fork in the path. To the left was a well worn path that was used frequently by many people and it was safe but longer, the path to the right was known to have a wolf that ate children that lived along but he was only ever out for a short period each day and never at the same time. This path was much much shorter but much more dangerous. The little boy chose the shorter path and made it to school with time to spare to play so he chose he path again the next day and again not a thing happened. So he began to grow comfortable with the dangerous path and thought there must not be any danger. Then one day he ran into the wolf and it ate him. Moral of the story you might get away with dangerous habits once or twice or even many times. But growing false confidence in something due to confirmation bias can have poor results. Anyhow I’m high and killing time at work hope you enjoyed story hour with OG:rofl:
Thats more like it !!!!
There is an old story that goes something along the lines of a boy walked to school everyday and on his route there was a fork in the path. To the left was a well worn path that was used frequently by many people and it was safe but longer, the path to the right was known to have a wolf that ate children that lived along but he was only ever out for a short period each day and never at the same time. This path was much much shorter but much more dangerous. The little boy chose the shorter path and made it to school with time to spare to play so he chose he path again the next day and again not a thing happened. So he began to grow comfortable with the dangerous path and thought there must not be any danger. Then one day he ran into the wolf and it ate him. Moral of the story you might get away with dangerous habits once or twice or even many times. But growing false confidence in something due to confirmation bias can have poor results. Anyhow I’m high and killing time at work hope you enjoyed story hour with OG:rofl:

The little boy had a brother and so did the wolf. The brother took the path less traveled and saw the second wolf. He ran home and got his YZ250 and ran that fucking mutt down. Then he got a Jerry can full of gasoline and ammonium nitrate, found the rest of the wolf clan and blew the living shit out of them
Moral of the story ‘Murica:rofl:
Youve seen the movies.. nothing but automatic weapons and high explosives down here.... well, and unhealthy food, poisonous water, foul air, but at least we have great relations the world over
Im officially in flower. I set my timers for 9 at night to 8am. These plants were put in hydro on 420, so they almost got 2 months veg.... but there was that time they almost died. So, there it is. King Tut is notoriously quick in flower, 60 days according to the write ups. There are quite a few tops on the three plants at the middle and right sides. I think they should do well. Home stretch
Im officially in flower. I set my timers for 9 at night to 8am. These plants were put in hydro on 420, so they almost got 2 months veg.... but there was that time they almost died. So, there it is. King Tut is notoriously quick in flower, 60 days according to the write ups. There are quite a few tops on the three plants at the middle and right sides. I think they should do well. Home stretch
No more stretch goddamn I’m sick of stretch.
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