Keith's Real Second Grow - Banana Jealousy

My wife is in the kitchen now making pizza and it smells great. As for my plants it has not stopped raining all day now. The minute it stops I have to go out and shake them plants. Stone I bet the sauce was great. :circle-of-love: 🍋
It was! I used fresh basil, oregano and thyme from the garden in it too! YUM! Italian sausages and my homemade meatballs didn't hurt on ravioli either.
The sun keeps popping in and out and no rain. I hope it stays this way the rest of the afternoon. My pistils are looking good, and they should start building bud soon. I ordered more MaxiBloom and it will be in on Thursday. No one had it in stock and I do not have any hydroponics grow shops in town or the next town over. The one in Easthampton closed earlier this year. I would think opening a hydroponics store would make a good business. 🍋
Spoke to soon it is spitting out no heavy showers hoping the sun will come out and stay out. My plants have dried out pretty much just sprinkles. Pistils have gained in size from yesterday and now I know where my buds are located so I can lightly trim around them to get more sun to them. I am happy with my plants so far and really glad I moved them out of the garden and put more space between them. They look better overall from last year's plants. They are a better size to a little smaller than last years. The Mack and Crack will be the largest of the three because it is the sativa dominant plant. I may have a time problem harvesting her, but I am hoping she will mature in time before my surgery. Banana Jealousy and Pineapple Chunks are indica dominant, so I see no problem with them. 🍋
Good to hear your plants made It through the storm
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What a nice morning sunny but cool in the low 70's My plants are showing nice flowers I feed my plants yesterday but I think the rain just washed all the nutes out so I will feed again tomorrow. Do any of you using GH MaxiBloom add any kind of bloom booster. My plants look fine, but I am wondering if I should add anything extra. I really do not need it from the looks of my plants, so I guess I answered my own question. My wife is going to the lake today, but I think I am going to stay home because it will be really cool there and my back and legs are not up for the walk down to the dock. Have a great day and happy growing, :thumb:🍋
I put some stakes around each plant because these pots are high. I wish I had run a stake down the middle of these pots when the plants were smaller. But I did not so this is what I came up with.



Did you tie the stem in the center to the steaks?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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