Keith's Real Second Grow - Banana Jealousy

Got rain going on here today and hopefully it will stop this afternoon. I would love to get a good look at my plants I have to harvest more tomatoes for making sauce. I also hope my tomatoes do not split due to the rain. Split tomatoes are ok if you use them right away so that is the plant for now. :thumb: 🍋
Morning Keith, ya know I really love left over cold pizza for breakfast 🍕. hope your not drowning after all this rain. this afternoon could be kinda bad out your way, you may have to get some big boat anchors to keep those giant plants from ending up in oz
Sorry about all the rain guys!
Hi Carmen, we have had enough rain, and I am looking forward to sunshine. We just have to get through todays showers. Hope everything is nice in your neck of the woods. 🍋
We have a sunny day for a change :) We receive our annual rainfall in winter and it is our winter now.
Some morning pictures my plants are a little wet and soggy but better days are coming






Hoping the PM on Banana Jealousy does not come back with all this rain. I will keep my eyes on it and use Sheds spray with oil if needed but I think she will be fine once the sun comes out tomorrow. I need to feed my plants today I should have feed them yesterday, but it was raining too much. I think it will be ok to feed today as long as it does not rain much today. 🍋
We have a sunny day for a change :) We receive our annual rainfall in winter and it is our winter now.
Enjoy the sun Carmen, tomorrow looks brighter for me. I gave my plants a little shake this morning to get some of the rainwater off my plants. 🍋
Girls look amazing Keith. Excellent work.
Just curious did you figure out a way to support them?
They are too big now to balance in those tall pots.
When they drain them they are susceptible to wind blowing them over.
A couple of those tall garden steaks behind them in the pic would work.
Put in 3 steaks in a triangle and wire the girls in the center.
Your going to need support for the big buds aswell.
Tok Tok, time is running out buddy. :Namaste:
Don’t let a storm ruin things.
It’s happened to me and I was devastated.
Great job so far :high-five:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I have heard of people using a small leaf blower for blowing the water off their plants but I do not have a blower so I just give the plants a little shake and this helps remove the water from the plants. The air is heavy here too the humidity is the problem, but it will go away in time. :thumb: 🍋
Girls look amazing Keith. Excellent work.
Just curious did you figure out a way to support them?
They are too big now to balance in those tall pots.
When they drain them they are susceptible to wind blowing them over.
A couple of those tall garden steaks behind them in the pic would work.
Put in 3 steaks in a triangle and wire the girls in the center.
Your going to need support for the big buds aswell.
Tok Tok, time is running out buddy. :Namaste:
Don’t let a storm ruin things.
It’s happened to me and I was devastated.
Great job so far :high-five:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thanks Bill I appreciate your advice and the fact that you have been here before. I do have some bamboo stakes so I will need to figure out a way to support them. Next year I will have to use some wider pots because the pots I am using now are a little narrow 15-gallon pots. I did have wider pots last year and wish I had wider ones this year. I did go down from 20-gallon pots to 15 gallons. My hope was to have smaller plants, and it worked out as my plants are smaller. Thank you Bill I appreciate all your knowledge and your willingness to share it. You are a great help to a lot of members here at 420 magazines. Your plants look great as usual. :thanks:🍋
I just feed my plants, and the bud sight flowers are looking really good. The pistils are filling in I think I have to order some more MaxiBloom before I run to low and get caught with my pants down needing more. I am happy with the progress of my flowers I just need to be more patient. Patience is a problem I have because I have no patience. It looks to be clearing up still overcast with no sun but no rain either and I am liking that. Nice little breeze is drying the plants out nicely. Today is a good day for a haircut and beard trim as soon as my barber can fit me in. Hopefully he can fit me in today or sometime this week. Hope you all are having a great day. 🍋
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