Keith's Real Second Grow - Banana Jealousy

Thanks, Bode and yes 15-gallon pots. To tell you the truth they are bigger than I thought they would be, but they are not as big as I normally grow, and I am happy for that. One thing I did learn this year is something Shed said the plant may be a little smaller, but I would have to water and feed more in smaller pots. I find this true with the size pots I used this year I need to water every day. 🍋
They look like they are in preflower but no pistils like I had earlier. I am surprised they are not further along. 🍋
Hey Keith. I noted it on one of the photos. I am still seeing one and three pronged leaves on at least one of the plants, which would indicate that it is still revegging. That process takes 4 to 6 weeks usually. How long have they been transitioning?
Hey Keith. I noted it on one of the photos. I am still seeing one and three pronged leaves on at least one of the plants, which would indicate that it is still revegging. That process takes 4 to 6 weeks usually. How long have they been transitioning?
I started these 4/20 I think that would be the Mack and Crack which is the only sativa. If that answers you. 🍋
Good evening 420 What a nice day. My plants are still not in flower, so I went out last night to see if there was light coming from anywhere. Found nothing. I do not get it they should be in flower by now I would think. I fed them today and gave them veg nutes. I will just have to wait. The PM seems under control, and I am happy about that. 🍋
Good evening 420 What a nice day. My plants are still not in flower, so I went out last night to see if there was light coming from anywhere. Found nothing. I do not get it they should be in flower by now I would think. I fed them today and gave them veg nutes. I will just have to wait. The PM seems under control, and I am happy about that. 🍋
Heya Keith!! Those girls are looking thick!! About 5 years ago I had a plant that waited until the last week of of August. It went absolutely berserk after that. It was the last plant I had outside and I actually let her go until later October. I was worried about the cold but she handled it like a champ. Got really purple. She was really sticky. She was the smallest out of the bunch but the quality was awesome!! No worries buddy. She'll do her own thing. I bet she'll be fine. Happy Monday to you buddy!! 😎✌️
Patience my friend. Based on the pics and your reporting on the stretching you’re fine. Patience is not easy. Tom Petty said it best: the waiting is the hardest part.
Good morning I have some pictures






I do have that beautiful light in a 4x4 so I am going to try a grow this winter, I hope. I am getting hip replaced 11/26 so I will have to see how I move. Even with the tent being big I have a hard time moving around in there. But I am inspired be Jon and others, so I have to try. :lot-o-toke: 🍋
I just tried to take some larf from my Banana Jealousy and it seems impossible there is so much, and it is thick. I am not too good at this.
Be bold! Since you're out checking for pistils every 20 minutes or so, bring your trimmers with you. :thumb:
so I went out last night to see if there was light coming from anywhere. Found nothing.
It's also about the light that goes on and off, so you might need a lawn chair and sleeping bag!
Hey Keith. I noted it on one of the photos. I am still seeing one and three pronged leaves on at least one of the plants, which would indicate that it is still revegging. That process takes 4 to 6 weeks usually. How long have they been transitioning?
Hi Carmen I f understand your question I have had them outdoors ever sense they were solo cup size then 1 up pot. I do not have a count. I suck at keeping good records. :lot-o-toke: 🍋
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