Keith's Real Second Grow - Banana Jealousy

Banana Jealousy got delarfed

Oh, that's what larfing is. I thought it was you laffed so hard you barff-d
Hey Keith, sorry I missed this . I'm dealing with bugs. This weather has been a nice break,having the grow box under 90 a relief. the bug thing sux, I never have bugs in my winter grows... I think 🤔 it could also be fruit fly's adding to the problem I've been eating more bananas. I get organic bananas so with the lack of pestasides there full of pests. 😉
My wife just finished making homemade Salsa and it is to die for. Well may be not die but it is very good and will be better tomorrow. I think I will buy a basket of tomatoes for canning this weekend. I was checking out my plants and think they will go to flower this week. The main cola site looks ready to spit out some pistils. Have a good night. 🍋
My wife just finished making homemade Salsa and it is to die for. Well may be not die but it is very good and will be better tomorrow. I think I will buy a basket of tomatoes for canning this weekend. I was checking out my plants and think they will go to flower this week. The main cola site looks ready to spit out some pistils. Have a good night. 🍋
This entire paragraph sounds amazing :thumb:definitely keep it going with the salsa thing, I want to see it when complete:peacetwo:
Good morning Keith! Good growing weather!
My wife just finished making homemade Salsa and it is to die for. Well may be not die but it is very good and will be better tomorrow. I think I will buy a basket of tomatoes for canning this weekend. I was checking out my plants and think they will go to flower this week. The main cola site looks ready to spit out some pistils. Have a good night. 🍋
Do you blanch skin off and squeeze seeds out? I want to make some sauce soon and haven't done it from the garden and heard different ways.
Flower power soon man!
My tomato grinder is very old it belonged to my wife's grandmother. It is a hand crank grinder. 🍋

My tomato grinder is very old it belonged to my wife's grandmother. It is a hand crank grinder. 🍋
My mother had a hand grinder like that too. it attached to the table, she used it to grind up green tomatoes and made, I have no idea how to spell this word an neither does spell check so I'll sound it out pick-a-lilly. the old Yankees didn't waste anything they grew and that was a way to use all the green tomatoes up. it was tasty, more of an acquired taste but as kids we'd all stay out of the house for the day cause the smell was horrible.
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