Keith's Real Second Grow - Banana Jealousy

Hi Carmen I f understand your question I have had them outdoors ever sense they were solo cup size then 1 up pot. I do not have a count. I suck at keeping good records. :lot-o-toke: 🍋
I'm just wondering when they began to reveg. When did they first go into to flower? Was it as a result of a change to the indoor lighting schedule?
Hi Carmen, they went into flower on June 14. It may have been because I had them both under lights and outside. I am new to the whole tent and light part, but I kept the total time the same as the natural day light time. If I had to put the blame on something I would say in was the tent and light. If it was an overcast day, I would keep them in and under the light that day. I must of gave them to much artificial light. Thank you for asking because I do not want to repeat this next year. 🍋
Good morning 420 Magazine I just took a look at my plants and still no flowers, but they do look pretty good. We have another nice day on tap so let's see what today brings. Today is feeding day so they will get some more MaxiGrow and water. They have been liking the GH nutes and they are easy to use just mix with water and go. I think I am going to do a little trimming today because the stretch has been good. With the stretch over they should go into flower anytime. Hope everyone has a great day. 🍋
Hi Keith, I wish I had some knowledge to pass on to you, but I've grown outside or inside never tried a combo of both. outside the daylight schedule is 14 hrs sun, an 10 darkness. when I grew outside I never saw any pre-flowers until September. I don't think I ever grew a plant outside that reached full maturity. In North East Fall is a crapp shoot it can go from one extreme to the other
Hi, ya Chris I have had the go to maturity and two of these plants are indica dominant and one that is sativa dom. the sativa will be a hope and prayer but the two indica should not be a problem going to maturity. We have another beautiful day instore for our plants. Hope everything is going good on your end of the state. Thanks for stopping by buddy. 🍋
Hi Carmen, they went into flower on June 14. It may have been because I had them both under lights and outside. I am new to the whole tent and light part, but I kept the total time the same as the natural day light time. If I had to put the blame on something I would say in was the tent and light. If it was an overcast day, I would keep them in and under the light that day. I must of gave them to much artificial light. Thank you for asking because I do not want to repeat this next year
I noticed last year personally that my own bedroom window was casting light into my garden during the night hours, I do have a curtain up however not a blackout curtain or enough to keep the light from coming through, a pole and some black sheeting solved my issue, I wish that I had noticed sooner, best of luck on your grow friend. Please message me anytime
Bud site pictures I you can see them good. In flower I do not know.








They look good tho too! They don't have them drunkered confused pistols that have no form and just go everywhere and do nothing all at once...those aren't good. Yours have the structured form and they look like they're gonna flow pretty well.
The pictures suck I know,
They're not bad at all, Keith👍
But, like you, I wish they showed a few more pistils...
Couple more weeks, though, and things should get into high gear..🚀
Looking good Mr Keith!!

my understanding is flower is a top down process, hormones must convince the top of the plant that it’s in flower and that can vary depending on untopped with 1 main cola or topped / lst with a canopy of a dozen even sized colas. Once it convinces the top it’s in flower then it works it’s way down the stalk to the next lower cola and so on down the line…

Wont be long- that plant in message 1570 above looks like she’s ready to get her groove on!
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