Keith's Real Second Grow - Banana Jealousy

Good afternoon 420 I have a little PM going on, so I sprayed with Citric Acid, and I will see how it works as soon as it drys off. I only have it on one plant the Banana Jealousy, I made it last year without getting any PM, but it should be no big thing. Outside of that the plants are looking good. I used 2 teaspoons Citric Acid to 1-gallon distilled water. 🍋
2 level tsp of citric acid weighs 7.6g in 3,785ml for a 0.2% solution, which is about what I used to recommend. I'm moving on to 0.3% canola oil spray described in this post here:

Worth reading for those who get powdery mildew.
2 level tsp of citric acid weighs 7.6g in 3,785ml for a 0.2% solution, which is about what I used to recommend. I'm moving on to 0.3% canola oil spray described in this post here:

Worth reading for those who get powdery mildew.
I need to try this for my cukes !! Lol :blunt:
Hey rookie, lol my big brother used call me that with what ever sport he was trying to beat into me, the weather person promised me sun later today candy tomorrow a beautiful sunny and low humidity. but we've all herd that B4. "candy" good thing I didn't get in her in van huh. I enjoyed the cool day yesterday but but it does feel more humid today, an I can smell the ocean, where was the sea breeze when it was 95 outside. Keep up the good fight with that P/M 👍
Some afternoon pictures




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