Keith's Real Second Grow - Banana Jealousy

Good morning 420 it rained like hell here last night so I will hold off watering till later this afternoon if needed. My plants are still not in full bloom, soon, I hope. It is going to be a hot one today and I am still thinking about mixing a small amount of Prescription Bland part B to my Maxi Bloom, so I still get the nitrogen needed. I think I will ask @InTheShed if he has any idea how much PB part B I should use. I would be guessing how much to use. As GDB says keep it simple. 🍋
I'll get you some numbers in a bit, but once you start adding a bit of this and that you're out of the "simple" zone like GDB said.
Hi Keith, have the days gotten short enough for them to start flowering ? I think the weather could be an issue this upcoming week, I don't like when the weather map has "mostly , partly, or chance of clouds and rain for the next week. here along the coast even tho it seem like we've had lots of rain everything is dry the lawns are all brown. maybe mom nature could give us a break and send most of the rain east
Highya KL, guys,

I looked at my ladies this a.m. and thought there were pistils! Turns out, they're just the preflowers. So many it looked like there were pistils! Can't be much longer! Patiently tapping my foot, also, lol! I thought the stretch was over, but they're as tall as last year, and still going! We get what we get. Happy Smokin'
Toes are tapping and thumbs are twiddling all over the place! :Rasta:
We get what we get very well put. It also takes the time it takes.

And then, it is what it is...😁

I've been known to add about a gram of Turf Builder (lawn fertilizer/32-2-8) to the feed one time to green things up a little...any more than a gram, or adding it more than once, and you'll just get a lot of leaves that you don't need..
And then, it is what it is...😁

I've been known to add about a gram of Turf Builder (lawn fertilizer/32-2-8) to the feed one time to green things up a little...any more than a gram, or adding it more than once, and you'll just get a lot of leaves that you don't need..
Dude you are so fucking hillbilly funny as hell like me what's wrong with you man... I ain't going to lie when I first started growing the only nutrients my marijuana got was miracle grow! Lmao
No pHing no worrying about lockouts or nothing just fucking growling it. Some of it didn't turn out too bad if I remember correctly. Some of it got burned the fuck up.. worst case scenario you might be flushing the hell out of them if it goes wrong only way to fix it. I'm kind of liking this Geo Flora said and I forget it. Plants are looking good and green staying that way only thing I'm feeding them is potassium silicate and now the water is going through a filter so I ain't even got to worry about chlorine or nothing takes out 99.9% of everything. I don't know if the fruit flies is liking any of that shit ain't really seen too many of them been using mosquito bits and bug trap and my hand slaps. For real though maybe one or two every now and then but nothing like before. Plants are looking good bro keep it up!!!
Good afternoon 420 I have a little PM going on, so I sprayed with Citric Acid, and I will see how it works as soon as it drys off. I only have it on one plant the Banana Jealousy, I made it last year without getting any PM, but it should be no big thing. Outside of that the plants are looking good. I used 2 teaspoons Citric Acid to 1-gallon distilled water. 🍋
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