Keith's Real Second Grow - Banana Jealousy

What do you think is it time to start using bloom nutes. My plants still look like they are in pre flower. I have been using veg nutes with not much change in flowers showing. Today was just water day and tomorrow will be feed day. I think maybe I should use bloom nutes next feed. Man, it is hot and humid here with no end to it till next week. Please tell me what you think. :thumb: 🍋
Those plants are really looking terrific no matter how long they're taking! :thumb:
What do you think is it time to start using bloom nutes. My plants still look like they are in pre flower. I have been using veg nutes with not much change in flowers showing. Today was just water day and tomorrow will be feed day. I think maybe I should use bloom nutes next feed. Man, it is hot and humid here with no end to it till next week. Please tell me what you think. 🍋
My thought is if the flowering nutes are lower in N than the veg nutes that you stay on veg a while longer. If they're not done (or haven't started!) stretching they'll need the N to support the growth.
I have some afternoon pictures still waiting for flower to set in and it looks like it is taking it’s time at it. My plants are looking healthy.
I just had a flashback to last year with the floodlight situation, so I wanted to make sure there were no lights on back there after sunset.
What do you think is it time to start using bloom nutes. My plants still look like they are in pre flower. I have been using veg nutes with not much change in flowers showing. Today was just water day and tomorrow will be feed day. I think maybe I should use bloom nutes next feed. Man, it is hot and humid here with no end to it till next week. Please tell me what you think. :thumb: 🍋
Keith, I'm not the one to advise outdoor growers. But I will say that indoors I kept using the veg nutes a little past when my plants went into flower. Like Shed said, they'll still need veg nutes for at least a few weeks. When I switched over the first feed was half veg and half bloom, then I went bloom all the way.

Your plants look noice! :Rasta:
Like Shed said, they'll still need veg nutes for at least a few weeks

I use CANNA Terra nutes and their schedule is doing the same way. They even say 2-4 weeks...

Thanks, Shed for the advice and yes, I remembered the night lights but appreciate the reminders. Looks like we have some thunderstorms coming through. But radar shows them just missing me (Thank you Higher Power) Till later have a happy safe afternoon. 🍋
Thanks, GDB and congrats you are all that and more. I appreciate the advice, and you do have the outdoors growing down. I will listen to your advice any day we all have little things we do or not do differently than others and it is good to hear them. Skies are looking dark and there is thunder. Later 🍋
Morning Keith, I'm just blown away on how good they look. back in the 80's when I grew outdoors I had to keep the plants so camouflaged I never got to see them out in the open like that. even harvesting was done in the dark, I'd lop it off and run in the house with it lol. back then I never knew about flowering newtz and there was no interwebs to get any info, except for the few books and I think there may have High Times magazine. I just use to use a 10-10-10 all the way thru and I vaguely remember using a folieir feed with kelp if some sort. I envy your plants... But I don't know if I could ever survive the trimming.
Highya KL,

I don't use a formulated nutrient system. I have lots of organic matter in my soil, and add nitrogen organic fertilizer when necessary. My plants are stretching like crazy, so white pistils aren't far behind. They need phosphorus and potassium at this stage as well as nitrogen, as they're developing bud sites while stretching. So, I think GDB's idea of using both is right on! your ladies are a nice green color. May want to thin the biomass to let air blow through to keep botrytis at bay. Happy Smokin'
Morning Keith, I'm just blown away on how good they look. back in the 80's when I grew outdoors I had to keep the plants so camouflaged I never got to see them out in the open like that. even harvesting was done in the dark, I'd lop it off and run in the house with it lol. back then I never knew about flowering newtz and there was no interwebs to get any info, except for the few books and I think there may have High Times magazine. I just use to use a 10-10-10 all the way thru and I vaguely remember using a folieir feed with kelp if some sort. I envy your plants... But I don't know if I could ever survive the trimming.
Thank you Chris I have great neighbors so growing out in the open is no problem. 🍋
Hi Kieth, just curious when the outside grow season ends these days ? 40 years ago I'd be lucky to make it thru the first two weeks of October. if that with a rainy September.
My grow ends in October early November usually. But these plants are indica dominate so I hope to be done in October. 🍋
Highya KL,

I don't use a formulated nutrient system. I have lots of organic matter in my soil, and add nitrogen organic fertilizer when necessary. My plants are stretching like crazy, so white pistils aren't far behind. They need phosphorus and potassium at this stage as well as nitrogen, as they're developing bud sites while stretching. So, I think GDB's idea of using both is right on! your ladies are a nice green color. May want to thin the biomass to let air blow through to keep botrytis at bay. Happy Smokin'
Thanks, Bode and I agree with GDB as the nitrogen drops like 50% from veg to bloom nutes. I was thinking of maybe using some Prescription Blend part B which is nitrogen added to the bloom nutes. I just need to figure out how much to use. That is what I am thinking right now. 🍋
Thanks, Bode and I agree with GDB as the nitrogen drops like 50% from veg to bloom nutes. I was thinking of maybe using some Prescription Blend part B which is nitrogen added to the bloom nutes. I just need to figure out how much to use. That is what I am thinking right now. 🍋
Keep it simple, Keith! :Rasta:
Good morning 420 it rained like hell here last night so I will hold off watering till later this afternoon if needed. My plants are still not in full bloom, soon, I hope. It is going to be a hot one today and I am still thinking about mixing a small amount of Prescription Bland part B to my Maxi Bloom, so I still get the nitrogen needed. I think I will ask @InTheShed if he has any idea how much PB part B I should use. I would be guessing how much to use. As GDB says keep it simple. 🍋
Thank you Chris I have great neighbors so growing out in the open is no problem. 🍋
I had a retired Boston police captain with an FBI agent son. But I supplied him with lots of fresh strawberries and big beefsteak tomatoes, not as a bribe just as a good neighbor. one Labor day weekend his FBI employed son was visiting and I saw them pointing out my plants an kinda joking about it. I guess he figured I was a good guy and didn't want to ruin me and my young family. must be a relief not to be worried about breaking the law and loosing everything
Highya KL,

You could go by the directions for blooming plants to help make up your mind. Happy Smokin'
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