Keith's Real Second Grow - Banana Jealousy

They're looking great and they've stayed a manageable size so far!

And don't be afraid to pull a few fans a day from the middle, eventually they'll add up to better airflow and a lower chance for mold and PM.
Thank you Shed and I plan on a little trimming today. As you know trimming has never been a thing, I am good at, but it needs to be done. Have a great day. :green_heart: 🍋
Did a little trimming




So true I hate trimming I just think plants look really good not trimmed.
I know, right?
I hate trimming/thinning as much as you do, Keith... in fact, I usually skip it...but I may have to do a little of it this time...
My plants are doing OK I will trim a little more in a day or so. I feed the plants today and I gave them veg nutes because they are not ready for bloom nutes just yet. I find these pots dry out real fast, so I have to water every day. I hate the fact that the plants went into flower early this spring and now I have to wait for reflower. They are getting ready to flower again I would say they will flower in the next week or so. I do not have much for patience so waiting sucks. :green_heart: :lot-o-toke:🍋
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