Keith's Real Second Grow - Banana Jealousy

Same here the humidity is gone, and the sun is shining. What a day and tomorrow will be the same. It is a blessed day. 🍋
Same here, just came out of an epic heatwave and it's wonderful! :)
It is going to be another nice day. Just fertilized my veggy garden. My weed plants are looking OK but they have not gone into flower yet hopefully they will. I have never dealt with my plants flowering early then going back to veg. We will see what happens. 🍋
Three of them are older pictures these are new today



Plants look great Keith bushy & green
Highya KL,

Normally, it's not time for flowering mode yet. However, my ladies are stretching like crazy! Must be really near. I know the receding light schedule is what the flowering mode keys on. I also wonder if heat might have a play on that, too. This year has been a phenomenal growing season! So they may flower a little early. One can hope!! Happy Smokin'
Looks like we may get a little rain this afternoon and I hope we do. These 15-gallon pots dry out real fast, so I need to water daily. It looks like my plants will be a lot smaller than with the 20-gallon pots. I was hoping for smaller plants this year and I am getting them. I have some yellowing fan leaves at the bottom of my plants but I think this is normal and I am not to worried about it. 🍋
I hope my plants go to flower again
They will, once their hormones settle down...they're working toward it right now, but it's a while off...

They look good doing it, though!👍
They will, once their hormones settle down...they're working toward it right now, but it's a while off...

They look good doing it, though!👍
I once told my wife she needed to let her hormones settle down & got slapped in the head with a slipper....
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