Keith's Real Second Grow - Banana Jealousy

Hello 420 my plants are in pre flower again and moving along slowly. I hope they start flowering a little heavier as they are very small. Today was feeding day and I feed them veg nutes. I will start bloom nutes next feeding. I hate the fact that they already been in flower early. All three plants are at the same stage of flower showing pistils. It has been a cloudy humid day here with no sun showing. Hope everyone had a good day and happy growing. :green_heart: 🍋
Highya KL,

I'm glad that you have pistils already. Surprising too. Maybe they'll mature earlier this year! That would be great!! Anyways, a picture would be great. I looked at mine this a.m. Didn't see any pistils, but fans are being cannabalized pretty fast, so changeover must be pretty soon!! Happy Smokin'

This was June 13 then it went into reveg.
Some of the leaves on my plants look a little rough but that is from living outdoors. All and all the plants are doing well. I was wrong on the flowering they went back to veg but should flower at any time now. Tell me what you think, and I have lots of tomatoes on my veggy garden plants. I get 1 or 2 ripe one a day, most are still green. It is another cloudy humid day but only in the 70s which is nice for temperature. Hope you all have a great day. :green_heart: 🍋
Highya KL,

Your ladies look very nice! They should produce much buds!! I usually remove a lot of vegetation inside so air flow is better. Larfy stuff. The fan leaves are the solar power, so I don't remove them. Have you grown outdoors before? They look great so far! Happy Smokin'
Hello @KeithLemon . Your plants are looking amazing. I will be following along. Looking forward to seeing more good growing tips and techniques as I go along.
I have a grow journal but haven't figured out how to attach it to my signature yet. "i'm old"
Later, Wayne
Hi Wayne, I'm on a laptop and when i add something to my signature I open the journal up to page one and copy the url. Then I go back and click on my name and choose to click signature where I'll paste the copied link. Then I think there's a save at the bottom. Good luck :)
Hello @KeithLemon . Your plants are looking amazing. I will be following along. Looking forward to seeing more good growing tips and techniques as I go along.
I have a grow journal but haven't figured out how to attach it to my signature yet. "i'm old"
Later, Wayne
Thanks for following along and I am now following your journal. 🍋
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