Keith's Real Second Grow - Banana Jealousy

I fell a few pages behind, Keith. I stop getting your notifications for some reason.

Anyhow, the plants look wonderful.

A quick thought on the Maxi nutrients. I noticed a few posts back where you were concerned about upping the dosage.

I don't know if you decided to use the schedule I posted here but if you look at it you'll notice that there's a lot of flexibility regarding how much you use. Since the schedule is divided into 3 parts for Aggressive, Medium and Light feeds, I take that to mean that one should be safe as long as they stay within the limitations outlined in those different sub-schedules.

So, for example, their recommendations for early growth are:

Light Feed: 2.7g
Medium Feed: 3g
Aggressive Feed: 3.8g

I take that to mean that any dosage between 2.7g and 3.8g for early growth should be safe.

Of course you want to pay attention to the plants and what they're showing you when deciding how much to use. But you've clearly got that part covered! :)
I am using the outdoors schedule light feed that calls out for 4.6 g but I only mixed 4.0g and will move up to the 4.6g on my next feed which will be in my final pots. I am going with the 15-gallon pots and hope the plants are a bit smaller. I know if I use the 20 gallon pots my plants will be very large and I would like a little smaller plant. I will have to do some training to keep the plants on the smaller side. Your plants are looking great and I really like you little plant that you have picked out a space for already. Have a great day and happy growing. 🍋
I am using the outdoors schedule light feed that calls out for 4.6 g but I only mixed 4.0g and will move up to the 4.6g on my next feed which will be in my final pots. I am going with the 15-gallon pots and hope the plants are a bit smaller. I know if I use the 20 gallon pots my plants will be very large and I would like a little smaller plant. I will have to do some training to keep the plants on the smaller side. Your plants are looking great and I really like you little plant that you have picked out a space for already. Have a great day and happy growing. 🍋
Shoot, I forgot about the outdoor schedule. (I was wondering where that 4.6 number came from!)

You've got this Keith.

I, on the other hand, probably have no business trying to advise an outdoor grower! :straightface:
Good afternoon it is a showery day today temps 76 degrees. I have my plants sitting on the back porch out of the showers. My plants look fine, and I will water all three tomorrow. The sun is trying to come out, but the clouds are overpowering the sun. Tomorrow is going to be a sunny day with highs around 81 degrees. Up potting the plants tomorrow and it couldn't be any sooner as my plants are over growing the pots they are in. I have to go pick up a couple bags of Happy Frog soil I believe 2 bags and the one I have will be enough to fill 3 15-gallon pots. I still may use 1 20-gallon bag for the sativa plant I have the other 2 are indica dominate plants. :thumb: 🍋
In the tent with some light action

Highya KL,

Glad you have a tent setup. Will make inside growing a lot better. Looks like a nice setup! Happy Smokin'
Those are gonna be so happy in their bigger pots and outside under the best lamp ever created. Mine are growing 3" since monday.
Yes, they grow like crazy outside. This will be my second year growing by seeds outdoors. 🍋
Highya KL,

Glad you have a tent setup. Will make inside growing a lot better. Looks like a nice setup! Happy Smokin'
Howdy Bode I hope to have my first tent grow this winter. I should have enough to get me started then it is listen to what I am told and follow the advice I am given. 🍋
I hope to have my first tent grow this winter.
Looks like we're in the same grow cycle! First grow last year outside. Second grow started in a tent then moved outside. First tent grow this winter.

Setting up my ventilation system right now. Is it better to have the ducting go thru the ceiling or the side of the tent? Does it matter? Going thru your journal right now to try to see which you went with...
Up potting is complete, and the root system looked great I am getting better at this. It takes a whole bag of Happy Frog to fill a 15-gallon pot. I will have pictures later today. I watered them in good and hopefully they will not droop to bad but It will droop as normal. One good thing about these pots is that I can move them, but they are small compared to the 20-gallon pots. 🍋
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