Keith's Real Second Grow - Banana Jealousy

I feed my plants this morning, but they are still drooping I do not understand why they are not perking up They need to perk up and look a little healthier I am not sure if they need more nutes I gave them 3.5 grams of MaxiBloom with a gallon of water. It recommends 4.6g per gallon light feed but I am still playing it safe with the 3.5g. I think I will do 4.0grams per gallon my next feed. It will be plan water tomorrow if needed maybe they need more water I have been watering/feed every other day, but these pots dry out real fast, so I am going to give them water/feed when the pots are dry. I will keep my eyes on them to make sure I do not over water. 🍋
If they're drying out enough to need daily watering aren't they ready to be transplanted?
They are ready but I am not. The next pot is their final pot, and it is still to cold at night as it gets down in the 40s at night. I have been hoping I could wait another week. If I can find 3 pots that are bigger than the ones they are in I would up pot them. All I have is 15 and 20 gallon grow pots. They are too big to bring in the house at night. I also have to get some more FF soil I only have 1 bag and that's not enough for 3 pots. OK I found 3 larger pots so I will up pot tomorrow, they will only stay in those pots a few weeks. If I had not watered today, I would up pot them now. I can wait till tomorrow. 🍋
I think my plants are a little on the unhappy kind of way. They look all droopy and they have sense last night. I think they need to get feed and watered but I watered yesterday. IDK Anyone got any ideas I welcome them. The reason I say feed is that I keep feeding the less than the recommended. 🍋
Are you using the light as well? Coz I’d be thinking either the light is too close or too hot.
Highya KL,

My seedlings have been outdoors since May 13th. Been in the mid 40's. I checked yesterday and they're at 27 inches (grew 5 inches in 2 days with strong sun). They can tolerate lower temps than you think for. I did have them in the cold frame (outdoors) for 2 weeks prior to setting outdoors. They still have until August something to veg. Happy Smokin'
I feed my plants this morning, but they are still drooping I do not understand why they are not perking up They need to perk up and look a little healthier I am not sure if they need more nutes I gave them 3.5 grams of MaxiBloom with a gallon of water. It recommends 4.6g per gallon light feed but I am still playing it safe with the 3.5g. I think I will do 4.0grams per gallon my next feed. It will be plan water tomorrow if needed maybe they need more water I have been watering/feed every other day, but these pots dry out real fast, so I am going to give them water/feed when the pots are dry. I will keep my eyes on them to make sure I do not over water. 🍋
Good morning 🌞 I have no idea why I'm awake right now. Anyhow, keep in mind as they grow their leaves will slowly motion up an down as they grow . I think of it as a heart beat, or a pulse, it's just in plant time and we cannot see it. We see the leaves wilted, then praying, or at a stand by.
Good morning 420 another beautiful day in the Neiborhood. My plants are looking OK not as droopy this morning they are sitting in the sun on the back porch. The plants are standing at attention which is a lot better than yesterday. I have a birthday party for my great niece this afternoon I think she is 3 or 4 years old it's one of those things you really have to go too. Hopefully it is only 3 or 4 hours. One good thing is I get to see all the little ones and the babies. My pots are still damp and that is very good, but they will be dry by the end of the day. The plants will be needing water tomorrow morning. I hope you all have a great Sunday and a good week to follow. 🍋
Good evening I have no pictures, but I spent some time with my plants. I gave them a little more soil all around the top of the pot. I also gave them a little later next watering is feed time. I take that back I feed on Saturday, so it is just water tomorrow. Do any of you wipe down your plant leaves. I have tree Polin on my plants and would like to lightly wipe them down but do not know if I should or not. 🍋
Good morning 420 the sun has come out and it is looking like a nice day. I have neem sprayed the 3 plants and they look good it is going to be hot today. I will need to put my plants in the shade this afternoon. The RH is 48 so my plants dried off very quickly, so I see no problem with neem spraying. I will leave the plants be now that they have been neem sprayed the spray removed most of the pollen from the plants. :thumb: 🍋
Some afternoon pictures I think they are doing fine



My plants are ready for their final up pot, but I will wait till Friday and get some more Happy Frog soil I think I will need 2 more bags. My plants are looking good and not drooping like before. The neem spray makes the plants nice and healthy looking if I do say so myself. I will water later today if needed. 🍋
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