Keith's Real Second Grow - Banana Jealousy

Bode I have never had deer problems, but my cousin does he lives in the woods not too many houses around him just woods. I was up there today, and it was a great day. I have picture of his plants the ones I gave him. The deer did not get them this year, but they look small and one of them got beat up in a storm. :lot-o-toke: 🍋
Some pictures from Washington





Hello all hope your day was as good as mine. I got a chance to see my cousin Brad's plants. His plants are smaller than mine and they are the twins to my plants they were the same size as my plants when I gave them to him. The only thing different is the size of the plant and what he feeds them. So, if I use smaller pots I will get some smaller plants next year. His pots were not much smaller, but they were not full of soil. Oh well. I feed my plants today and checked out the buds a couple times. No bud rot some of the pistils are turning brown but it is just maturing bud. It is 7 weeks this Thursday. Man, I hate waiting but the weather will be good till Wed. If I have this figured right, I will have 1 day of rain Wed. 10/2 then rains again on Mon. 10/7 I should be close to ready then I hope. :lot-o-toke: 🍋
Hello all hope your day was as good as mine. I got a chance to see my cousin Brad's plants. His plants are smaller than mine and they are the twins to my plants they were the same size as my plants when I gave them to him. The only thing different is the size of the plant and what he feeds them. So, if I use smaller pots I will get some smaller plants next year. His pots were not much smaller, but they were not full of soil. Oh well. I feed my plants today and checked out the buds a couple times. No bud rot some of the pistils are turning brown but it is just maturing bud. It is 7 weeks this Thursday. Man, I hate waiting but the weather will be good till Wed. If I have this figured right, I will have 1 day of rain Wed. 10/2 then rains again on Mon. 10/7 I should be close to ready then I hope. :lot-o-toke: 🍋
Hey Keith! :high-five:

So good to hear your trip went well.:) The difference in yours vs his may also be the love and care you provide to your girls every day. I mean who else is gonna give their ladies a blow job whenever she needs it??? Harhar:rofl: :laugh::rofl:
No bud rot!:woohoo: Not long to go! Keep on growing!:thumb:
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