Keith's Real Second Grow - Banana Jealousy

Hello 420 had another beautiful day today I watered the 3 plants this morning and sprayed both Banana Jealousy and Mack and Crack with canola oil 3%. I took a good look at Banana Jealousy and cleaned out the middle of her. Pineapple Chunks and Banana Jealousy are different plants for me. They are indica dominant I am not used to these plants. I do love them they are beautiful. Now Mack and Crack is sativa all the way 90/10. Banana Jealousy still looks like crap, but her flowering buds look great. Have a great night and beautiful Monday. I have the dentist in the morning, and I hate going to the dentist, but I am happy I can. :thumb: 🍋
Just wanted to clarify for anyone reading, it's a 0.3% mix of canola oil.
Thanks for clarifying that and how grateful 🥲 we all are for providing the link 🔗. Shedster is a great resource for information ℹ️ and learning about our favorite 😍 plants. :thumb: :thanks::nomo: CL🍀
Here’s some flower pictures










Highya KL,

Buds are growing well, and the frost is looking strong. Yeah, only 4 more weeks to grow! They'll get much bigger, and frost up more as well. And hopefully, nice weather all the way to harvest! Happy Smokin'
Good morning 420 hope you are having a great morning. It is cool and foggy here, but the sun is going to come out around 10 am. I have to spray my plants with canola oil this morning. 🍋
Good morning Keith hope your plants are nice and happy today.
Thanks Stark I just took a morning look at my plants, and they are looking good this morning. It looks like the sun is trying to pop out now, got to love this nice weather. All I need is 4 more weeks of this weather. Fingers crossed. :cool: 🍋
Thanks, @Ramblinrose1965 spraying is every other day thing now. I had PM on the first plant I grew, and it was a lot easier to deal with. Not so with Banana Jealousy she is a mess, but her flowers are doing fine so far. I just hope she makes it to harvest. 🍋
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