Keith's Real Second Grow - Banana Jealousy

I will beat that horse to death until we all listen, go nuts and prove to yourselves what doesn’t work because most of us need to, better yet be wise and learn from all of our mistakes so you don’t have to revisit same rabbit holes. Wish I was wise enough to choose the latter on my path :) peace out
It's always good to when you stop by you are too funny How is everything with you and mom. 🍋
We had a little scare n she had to go to the er but she’s back home and feeling better. Somehow she got a hernia and will need surgery @ sometime. Hope you n yours are doing ok. When will start growing indoors with your new setup? CL🍀
My plan is to start an inside grow after my hip surgery so it will not be until late December. :thumb: 🍋
Happy to share what little I know to help that helped me. Happy to know your biggest concern isn’t life threatening!
Not trans fats (which are hard to find these days), just saturated vs unsaturated. But I don't fry steak and the poster of the article doesn't deep fry, so it's really two different types of cooking.
Sorry my mistake :)

I thought you were talking frying. Bran Rice Oil was suggested to me and I just love the way it cooks. I just wanted to share.

We obviously have a very different understanding of trans fats. And that’s okay :)
We had a little scare n she had to go to the er but she’s back home and feeling better. Somehow she got a hernia and will need surgery @ sometime. Hope you n yours are doing ok. When will start growing indoors with your new setup? CL🍀
Hey Lucky :)

Sorry to hear about your mum and nice to see you. I was just thinking the other day I hadn’t see you in a bit.
Here’s some morning pictures







Good morning 420 what a beautiful Sunday and my plants are doing fine I will be coring my pots this morning before I water them. My pots are getting tight lots of roots. I can smell the plants the minute I open the door going outside and it is wonderful. The Pineapple Chunks smells the loudest. Buds are getting heavy on the Banana Jealousy and Pineapple Chunks the Mack and Crack buds are smaller than the other two plants, but she looks good. If I have my times right Pineapple Chunks and Banana Jealousy will be close to harvest in another 4 weeks, I hope the weather stays nice with not much rain, so the dreaded bud rot does not show its face. I keep checking my flowers for bud rot and thankfully none found. Have a great Sunday morning all. :green_heart: 🍋
So far so good! I think we were snipping nugs by now last year Keith. I found a couple places where a bug ate its way into the stem. It left a pile of poop at the entrance and on the nug right there. I cleaned off the poop and took the nugs just to be careful. I'll look to see if the holes have more poop or if the bug's dead. The stuff I'm using, beauveria bassiana, is supposed to kill them in a few days so maybe already dead. Hope so! Another bonus day!
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