Keith's Real Second Grow - Banana Jealousy

I tied up the Banana Jealousy and Pineapple Chunks with felt garden tape. I will need to put in some more stakes to tie off too. I will do a little each day. I trimmed out the middle of each plant taking larf all underdeveloped small bud sites. This allows air to get in the middle of the plant and keep it dry. I have to be careful I do not take to much and let the plant heal up. :thumb: 🍋
Trimmed out the middle of the plants and tied the branches off.







She is still alive but not by much. I up potted her, and she was wet that pot and soil was waterlogged. I will see if she needs water on Friday before I leave for the Cape. She will have 3 days on her own. I do not know what I am going to do with this plant. :lot-o-toke: 🍋
She is still alive but not by much. I up potted her, and she was wet that pot and soil was waterlogged. I will see if she needs water on Friday before I leave for the Cape. She will have 3 days on her own. I do not know what I am going to do with this plant. :lot-o-toke: 🍋
She needs lots of water and a dome.
Use a pop bottle.
Cut the top off.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I am leaving Friday for a wedding at the Cape and will not be home till Sunday night. It is going to be on its own for 3 days. It is just going to have to hold on if it does, I will give it lots of love Sunday night. I should have never taken it. :lot-o-toke: 🍋
She is still alive but not by much. I up potted her, and she was wet that pot and soil was waterlogged. I will see if she needs water on Friday before I leave for the Cape. She will have 3 days on her own. I do not know what I am going to do with this plant. :lot-o-toke: 🍋
Sounds like a good start for her recovery. I'd say put her where the sun shines and maybe has a speckled shading at a point here or there. Definite morning sun. 3 days she should be fine.
Everyone's shared a good idea. I feel like her soil should be moist enough for life but not wet obviously cuz she was technically drowning. The soda pop 2 L dome is worth trying, although I feel that's an inside under the lamp type remedy. Or at least just a morning sun, afternoon shaded (speckled) sun with or without the dome. Which I might try that next spring when I attempt a garden again. Lol. I can grow weed why can't I grow veggies? I'm veggitarded.
Keith, this is what I'd do with the plant. I would hand moisten some fresh soil mix, so that when you squeeze a handful of soil together it almost emits one drop of water and will still fall apart. This is the perfect moisture for the plant, so that it can still access the oxygen it needs to live. Then repot the plant and either keep it under a gentle light, or put it on a dappled windowsill and hope for the best. If you have any myco, add that to the up-pot. What are you feeding the plants? Gee would recommend fish hydrolysate, kelp and earth worm compost. Do you have any of those? Good luck and have a great weekend at the Cape.
Today all 3 plants got feed. I am amazed how Banana Jealousy looks after a couple 3% canola oil treatments it works great better than citric acid and milk. A new lesson learned this year. My plants will miss a watering on Saturday because I will be at the Cape for my niece's wedding. It is going to be one hell of a wedding and will last 2 days Friday night and Saturday be coming hope Sunday afternoon. I believe they will be fine for one day and I could feed them on Sunday evening. I am very happy with the plants besides the PM on Banana Jealousy they all look very good, and the bud is stacking on all 3 plants. I really like the Pineapple Chunks the best and hope she makes to harvest with the other 2. GH Maxi Bloom is working well and 1 of the simplest nutes I have used. Hope you all have a great day and weekend. Happy growing. 🍋
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