Keith's Real Second Grow - Banana Jealousy

Not full sun.

Gentle morning sun

A sick plant needs a bit of nuturing. Well for me they do.

And your big girls are bangin!
Baby her and she'll show you love in the form of sticky nuggets!!
Thank you, Trala. :thanks: 🍋
So back to a previous comment you made...

We can assume you Medicated between the upper and lower post because the...

Just showed up here...

Once the sun goes down, I will bring her in the house. :lot-o-toke: 🍋


I probably wouldn't ask if I wasn't Medicated myself!
Well, I started feeling bad for my Banana Jealousy, so I spent some quality time with her and cleaned her up a little. now see looks a lot better in my mind. She got dam PM but thankfully she was the only plant to get it. I have some pictures to follow. :lot-o-toke:🍋
I took the small underdeveloped larf and dead dried leaves I still have more that could be cut. I take no outside leaves unless they are turning. I am not that good at trimming. But I do find the more I do it the better I get at it. Now she can breathe better in the middle. Did that make any sense. 🍋
I took the small underdeveloped larf and dead dried leaves I still have more that could be cut. I take no outside leaves unless they are turning. I am not that good at trimming. But I do find the more I do it the better I get at it. Now she can breathe better in the middle. Did that make any sense. 🍋
Makes sense to me keep up the healthy defoliating routine 😀
Highya KL,

Trimming (like everything else) takes practice. The more you do, the better you'll get. I was like you at first, not knowing what to trim, didn't like to trim, etc. It does get easier! Happy Smokin'
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