I still remember buying a dime bag that was mostly leaves, stems and seeds. Of course I smoked it!
But I also remember holding a pound of some real Acapulco Gold. Man that was some good stuff. Then we got into the sticky icky Humboldt Indica and that just changed everything.
We had really great hash and Thai Sticks for a brief time but the weed was nuthin but Mexican brick and then some marketing genius came up with the name Commercial Colombian. It was supposedly Colombian but not Gold. Really was Mexican but they changed more. CL🍀
Thanks, jon for the kind words I do not know how but I would love to compare the different plants as they grow.
How about when we both have some buddage going on we both, in our own journals, offer a headline that says something about comparing a photo and auto of the same strain and approximate age, then say whatever, and we can maybe send one another a photo for the post? Then show your plant and my plant side by side (or top and bottom as the format goes. Sound like a plan? We can easily communicate on messenger to figure when, so neither of us clog our threads with that. ??
How about when we both have some buddage going on we both, in our own journals, offer a headline that says something about comparing a photo and auto of the same strain and approximate age, then say whatever, and we can maybe send one another a photo for the post? Then show your plant and my plant side by side (or top and bottom as the format goes. Sound like a plan? We can easily communicate on messenger to figure when, so neither of us clog our threads with that. ??
I am in cool.
Good morning, Rain Rain and more rain today is not a good day here but tomorrow will be better. I will still try and get some pictures out today. Going to have to keep my eyes out for powdery mold. Got it last year but I know how to deal with it if I get it again, Thank you Shed. I do not know much but little bit I retain I try to write down. I thank God I have this journal because I lost my notebook from last year, I have a new note book this year and I have been adding lost notes as I remember them. Hey, the sun just came out there's a little hole in the clouds, but it will not last. Hope everyone has a great day and happy growing.
Got some pictures not all that good but it stopped raining for a little bit .




My two sour d's grew and inch sense yesterday. Even without the sun. Hopefully tomorrow will be sunny.
Nothing promotes fast growth like the sun! Pretty good light other than it being 93,000,000 miles away. Can’t reach the dimmer.
Good morning and Happy Father's Day to all fathers My plants are growing taller and the new stems where I topped are showing great growth. I feed all three today with PB 1/2 gallon each plus Superthrieve. I am going to lay low today as my back is still acting up I guess the 9 screws and rods are hating the weather we have been going through. I would have loved going fishing with my son but there is no way I can sit in my boat for any amount of time. Maybe later this week it is supposed to be nice most of the week. I will try to get pictures later today, everyone have a great day.
Good morning and Happy Father's Day to all fathers My plants are growing taller and the new stems where I topped are showing great growth. I feed all three today with PB 1/2 gallon each plus Superthrieve. I am going to lay low today as my back is still acting up I guess the 9 screws and rods are hating the weather we have been going through. I would have loved going fishing with my son but there is no way I can sit in my boat for any amount of time. Maybe later this week it is supposed to be nice most of the week. I will try to get pictures later today, everyone have a great day.
Damn Keith, I’m feeling more simpatico with you every day! So metal in our backs is something we have in common. Whoo hoo. Lucky us!
Damn Keith, I’m feeling more simpatico with you every day! So metal in our backs is something we have in common. Whoo hoo. Lucky us!
I have 5 screws and a titanium rod in my arm and it’s usually the cold 🥶 or something when it’s raining that it starts aching. Or if I hit the funny bone it’s not @ all funny. Feels like an electric shock with intense pain. CL🍀
I have 5 screws and a titanium rod in my arm and it’s usually the cold 🥶 or something when it’s raining that it starts aching. Or if I hit the funny bone it’s not @ all funny. Feels like an electric shock with intense pain. CL🍀
Ah your arm. Either way. It causes issues. Mine is in my back and used to hold three discs in place for the year after my fall. Now they serve no purpose except to cause me pain. But to remove them means back surgery and months off from growing. Not enough pain yet for that.
Ah your arm. Either way. It causes issues. Mine is in my back and used to hold three discs in place for the year after my fall. Now they serve no purpose except to cause me pain. But to remove them means back surgery and months off from growing. Not enough pain yet for that.
I have so much hardware in my body I set off metal detectors. If I have to go through one, I just tell them to use the handheld detector and tell them where the metal is. It's in my feet knees hips and back. In airports that have them I end up going through the ex-ray machine. I hate the airport if they had their way, I would have to strip naked and then I look like a shark chewed me up and spit me out.
Happy Father’s Day brother Keith. Plants are hella good man, rain and sun is natures best kept secret. Hope you get some sun and the back pain eases off.

I would recommend you a natural remedy for pain but I don’t want you to get in trouble cause I don’t know how things are in the states, here they don’t care.

Poppy tincture 100% guaranty to calm pain in the central nervous system. Used with caution can help your pain, used without caution can cause tolerance build up and get you in to heavyer meds. I make my own using poppy fresh seed pods after the flower dies and cut them in half, put in a maison jar and pour 250 ml or 500ml of brandy or 60% or plus spirits and/or moonshine. The process is a slow alcohol extraction that takes around 3 months. The main components that are morphine and codeine and other alkaloids that can help you calm intense pain.
The entire California poppy plant is medicinal, you can make teas just out of foliage and stems or roots, you will be calmed and sedated, even better fall asleep. I believe you can even find finish products over the counter as the finish product is controlled.

All the best G.
Happy Father’s Day brother Keith. Plants are hella good man, rain and sun is natures best kept secret. Hope you get some sun and the back pain eases off.

I would recommend you a natural remedy for pain but I don’t want you to get in trouble cause I don’t know how things are in the states, here they don’t care.

Poppy tincture 100% guaranty to calm pain in the central nervous system. Used with caution can help your pain, used without caution can cause tolerance build up and get you in to heavyer meds. I make my own using poppy fresh seed pods after the flower dies and cut them in half, put in a maison jar and pour 250 ml or 500ml of brandy or 60% or plus spirits and/or moonshine. The process is a slow alcohol extraction that takes around 3 months. The main components that are morphine and codeine and other alkaloids that can help you calm intense pain.
The entire California poppy plant is medicinal, you can make teas just out of foliage and stems or roots, you will be calmed and sedated, even better fall asleep. I believe you can even find finish products over the counter as the finish product is controlled.

All the best G.
Thanks for the Poppy tincture. but I am already on real heavy meds and if my doctor found anything else in my system he would be pissed. In the states if you are on heavy narcotics, they check your urine every couple month. God knows I hate taking them but have been for over 20 years. I cannot walk without them.
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