They doing the work brother, nice and steady. No issues :thumb:

And nice new seeds both pineapple strains are great. Pineapple Express excellent
Thanks Dani I have been thinking about the Pineapple Express and Pineapple Chunks for a while. Shed suggested them last year the have a shorter flowering time, At least the Pineapple Chunks. I still need to get my hands on some Lemon seeds any Lemon Strain.
Looking lush this morning! Hope they dry out so you can get back to feeding.

If rain is keeping you from feeding, cut out a circle of cardboard a bit bigger than the pot, gouge a hole in the middle about twice the size of the trunk, cut a slit down one side, and slide it around the trunk to cover the soil when it's going to rain. If you torque it while you slide you can slide it in without damaging the plant.

I did that with a paper plate to keep the STS spray out of the soil but your pots are much bigger!
Looking lush this morning! Hope they dry out so you can get back to feeding.

If rain is keeping you from feeding, cut out a circle of cardboard a bit bigger than the pot, gouge a hole in the middle about twice the size of the trunk, cut a slit down one side, and slide it around the trunk to cover the soil when it's going to rain. If you torque it while you slide you can slide it in without damaging the plant.

I did that with a paper plate to keep the STS spray out of the soil but your pots are much bigger!
Great idea.
Just had a lightning storm go through but my plants look ok just drooping a lot, hopefully they will dry out as I have to feed been two days. Hope they will be ok if not dried out. I need sun and a lot of it. If you have not posted pictures for the 420 contests do so there is still a little time.
That’s really cheap and you are really lucky! I paid around 30 bucks for the big bag. CL🍀

Fantastic job Keith, beautiful color and those massive fans. Very nice looking ladies my friend. CL🍀 :thumb: :bravo::welldone::cheesygrinsmiley:
Thanks Capt. I only hope they come out half as good as yours.
Good morning all 420ers, It is a little cloudy out but hopefully the sun will shine through. After all the rain yesterday, I do not know if I will dry out enough to feed my plants, but I have my nutes mixed just in case I can. It is time to vote on the contest again so everyone pick your favorite and vote, The growth on the topped plant continues and I love it, the top of the new stems is bursting. The two Sour Deisel's still have a long way to go but I think they will make it, Apple Fritter is doing well but needs sun and a lot of it. I will have to continue to pray for the sun god. Have a great day and happy growing. VOTE
That’s really cheap and you are really lucky! I paid around 30 bucks for the big bag. CL🍀

Fantastic job Keith, beautiful color and those massive fans. Very nice looking ladies my friend. CL🍀 :thumb: :bravo::welldone::cheesygrinsmiley:
Same here captain 30 bucks a bag at the cheapest up to 50 bucks where im from in canada
Same here captain 30 bucks a bag at the cheapest up to 50 bucks where im from in canada
Yeah I got mine from Wally World and they got it from a nursery in Pa. Btw I live in Chicago. CL🍀
My plants got a little beat up in the storm yesterday, but I think they will be fine. I love the two new main stems from topping, and it is all new to me I am amazed. When I topped it I thought it would never grow. These plants are totally amazing. On another note, I want to thank who ever nominated me for MOTM and GJOTM I am totally honored.
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