Here’s my plants






Looks like we have a nice stretch of sunny days ahead of us Keith. Your a brave man growing outdoors in Mass these days, the weather is so much more unpredictable than when I grew outside in the 80's. Best of luck
By the time my plants get too big to take inside it will be warmer at night. I am up potting Saturday so they will take up a lot of room if I have to take them in.
Had a chance to look over my plants and there is a lot of new growth right at the nodes I am happy with them. My Apple Fritter is looking a little bit better I think, I feed them all with Prescription Blend which is no longer on the sponsor board and that sucks but after repeated try's no one could get in contact with them. Boy I hope I have enough to get me through because my Sour Deisel plants love it. We will get by in any case I should not even worry about it worse thing I have to go to another nutrient.
Ya can't go rite in the ground with em ?
They are going in 15-gallon grow pots but first into 1-gallon pots which I can still move inside if for some reason I have to. They will be living outdoors soon enough. Up potting is tomorrow. I have my Mykos to put on the roots now and can't wait to see what this stuff does.
Good morning 420ers it is uppot today and I am nervous about my root balls, but they will be what they are. It will be in the 80's today and I am loving it, got my Mykos for the roots and it will be a first for me I can't wait to see what it does in my plants. My nice just sent me pictures of her plants I guess today is garden day for everyone.
Well I will never ever use those pieces of shit peat pots again. I had to tear the shit off the damn root ball and it killed my root balls. I just hope I did not kill my plants. I did uppot them all and I hope they will be ok, I used the Mykos and hope like hell it helps. I am not happy at all.
Well I will never ever use those pieces of shit peat pots again. I had to tear the shit off the damn root ball and it killed my root balls. I just hope I did not kill my plants. I did uppot them all and I hope they will be ok, I used the Mykos and hope like hell it helps. I am not happy at all.
Myco helps with the shock of being uppoted, Imo it’s worth the $$$. You should be fine just want to harden them off again first before putting them in intense sunlight. CL🍀
I hope they will be ok. I am going to say a little prayer to the grow god for some help. I have done tomatoes with worst roots than these and they made it, but I know these are not tomatoes. My whole goal is to just grow some good weed and I am going to school on these plants. I have learned a lot so far from this grow and I am no wear near to the end yet. I need to think positive.
Nice potting up Keith! They're on the way to greatness! That root detangle you had to make probably made them kick into fast forward from what I figure. :thumb:
Thank you, Stone. I need the words of encouragement.
Plants look bigger already Keith, the transplant to a bigger pot will help them get stronger better roots. I’ve read several articles on horticulturist cutting root balls of big trees and the results are beneficial, they grow an even bigger root ball and stronger healthier trees. I can only see good results from the accidental messing up with the roots. Been there with the cardboard single use pots, they always end up with mold and not really improving at all the growth of seedlings. They are single use because one is supposed to dig the pot with the plant in the soil and the pot should biodegrade.

Anyways keep up the good work 2 weeks from now plants will be a totally different thing in a good way.

Plants look bigger already Keith, the transplant to a bigger pot will help them get stronger better roots. I’ve read several articles on horticulturist cutting root balls of big trees and the results are beneficial, they grow an even bigger root ball and stronger healthier trees. I can only see good results from the accidental messing up with the roots. Been there with the cardboard single use pots, they always end up with mold and not really improving at all the growth of seedlings. They are single use because one is supposed to dig the pot with the plant in the soil and the pot should biodegrade.

Anyways keep up the good work 2 weeks from now plants will be a totally different thing in a good way.

Thank you dan I needed that.
Good morning, all, and another beautiful morning going to be in the 90 degrees for a high, my plants did ok last night, and I have them in a shady place for the morning. I think my plants will be fine. Feeling a little better after my up-pot disaster. Gave them all a little Prescription Blend with Superthrieve. I top dressed one of the plants I did not use it on when I up potted it.
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