Which is why I went with "Sue said..."

She did a lot more than post anecdotes of her own experiences though. If that was all she did we wouldn't still be talking about her.
I don't disagree.... she did solid work to find answers. I'm just trying to inject the "devils advocate" into this conversation.

I regularly see this as a trend on forums; where people quote & reference other threads on the same forum acting as if they are fact. While many may be worthwhile, some are literal bro-science bullshit.
I leave my medical advice to my Doctors
I know a great Dr. Trevor is his name. Caregiving is his game. In the interests of full disclosure he does seem quite close to the funeral industry, I’m sure that doesn’t imply anything about the standard of his medical care though.

Its just shows the degree of concern he has for the recently bereaved.

I just made a real screw up. I posted a picture in the Photo of the month, and it had already been posted so it was no good. Then I posted one that came out bad. So, it also needed to go. Thank God we have good on the ball Mods. Thank you, Renee.
I just made a real screw up. I posted a picture in the Photo of the month, and it had already been posted so it was no good. Then I posted one that came out bad. So, it also needed to go. Thank God we have good on the ball Mods. Thank you, Renee.

Play Spot the Ladybug to make up for your disappointment, Keith!

We released 120 of them across all 5 grow spaces yesterday. This morning I had one on my chest while sitting at my desk 😅
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