Hey Keith, my two ladies outside have those very same leaves doing the same thing. I didn't think twice seeing the rest of them are so healthy looking. I'm staying the course and feeding on schedule and watching.
Yours look great!
I not doing anything special on that one just feed when she is dry. Thats all I know the other Sour Diesel is fine just a couple yellowing leaves.
Good afternoon looks like more rain again today and I have had enough of it. I think my Apple Fritter is showing pistils. I wonder if I should start using Big Data now. If anyone using Prescription Blend knows please tell me. My 2 Sour Diesels are looking very light green and yellowing bottom leaves, they need days of sun so they can dry out. Pictures to follow.









Good afternoon looks like more rain again today and I have had enough of it. I think my Apple Fritter is showing pistils. I wonder if I should start using Big Data now. If anyone using Prescription Blend knows please tell me. My 2 Sour Diesels are looking very light green and yellowing bottom leaves, they need days of sun so they can dry out. Pictures to follow.









beautiful just beautiful. wish i could grow outside.
Good afternoon looks like more rain again today and I have had enough of it. I think my Apple Fritter is showing pistils. I wonder if I should start using Big Data now. If anyone using Prescription Blend knows please tell me. My 2 Sour Diesels are looking very light green and yellowing bottom leaves, they need days of sun so they can dry out. Pictures to follow.









Some people start Big Data when they first see pistils. I am one of them. Others wait until the stretch is over or they first see budlets. My personal feeling is that the plants benefit from having the Big Data for the stretch, so I begin now - first sign of pistils. Do you have enough to finish the grow? If so, if it were me, I’d start now. If not or you’re close, you may want to consider waiting a week or so.
Some people start Big Data when they first see pistils. I am one of them. Others wait until the stretch is over or they first see budlets. My personal feeling is that the plants benefit from having the Big Data for the stretch, so I begin now - first sign of pistils. Do you have enough to finish the grow? If so, if it were me, I’d start now. If not or you’re close, you may want to consider waiting a week or so.
I have plenty now I got a kit. Thanks I will start now.
your whole garden looks alive and healthy. I do se the couple leaves at bottom but your plants are huge man. Not sure I’m much help but I do like 👍🏻 the work you put in your garden.
Thanks Dani
I have plenty now I got a kit. Thanks I will start now.
If it makes you more comfortable, the other reason I begin at first pistils is because if you read the PB feed chart closely, you will see that they say to switch to flower feed (+ Big Data) “at the first sign of flowering.” I call pistils the first sign of flowering.

Also - I was thinking about your leaves and I don’t disagree with most who say not to worry. However, here’s another thing - when you water that girl now - no need to measure anymore. You should be watering her to runoff every time. However much water/feed that takes (I assume you go feed - water - feed -water, correct?). You should be soaking her then letting her dry and have that nice wet/dry cycle going. And since you’re using chem nutes, you don’t want salts building up in your medium. That can cause a lockout and all sorts of problems. Watering to runoff will mitigate this potential problem, and imho eliminate the need too flush at the end. For reference on this, please see @Emilya Green.

Edit: after all the rain that is. Lol!
If it makes you more comfortable, the other reason I begin at first pistils is because if you read the PB feed chart closely, you will see that they say to switch to flower feed (+ Big Data) “at the first sign of flowering.” I call pistils the first sign of flowering.

Also - I was thinking about your leaves and I don’t disagree with most who say not to worry. However, here’s another thing - when you water that girl now - no need to measure anymore. You should be watering her to runoff every time. However much water/feed that takes (I assume you go feed - water - feed -water, correct?). You should be soaking her then letting her dry and have that nice wet/dry cycle going. And since you’re using chem nutes, you don’t want salts building up in your medium. That can cause a lockout and all sorts of problems. Watering to runoff will mitigate this potential problem, and imho eliminate the need too flush at the end. For reference on this, please see @Emilya Green.

Edit: after all the rain that is. Lol!
Jon I have always just feed feed feed
Here me go again I was nominated for GJOM but I see what I am up against and can face the facts my journal is not as informative as most as I cannot give advice on growing, I just do not have the knowledge needed to. I appreciate being nominated but really, I do not think I have much of a chance. I do appreciate all that stop by my journal and please keep coming that's how I learn. It is nice though.
Sorry brother I thought I replied! You plant is big bro and beautiful 😍 u still shouldn't worry about lower leaves they look natural. I'd pull them off if it was me 😂 you plant is concentrating on more important things so that low down stuff will get less and less love as the plant gets bigger. Ull see it everywhere you go look at every large plant or tree you pass it's nature's way! Soon she'll be perfect for a rope swing 😎 😂 sorry can't be too serious. And for the feed I'd always wait untill late stretch but some brands of feed do recommend starting earlier so can't help too much.. I have even used half grow and half bloom before 👍🏽
Here me go again I was nominated for GJOM but I see what I am up against and can face the facts my journal is not as informative as most as I cannot give advice on growing, I just do not have the knowledge needed to. I appreciate being nominated but really, I do not think I have much of a chance. I do appreciate all that stop by my journal and please keep coming that's how I learn. It is nice though.
Good morning, Keith :nomo:

Why shouldn't you be nominated? Your posts are consistent and everything you do in your journal is informative.
We all learn from each other. Your diligence is coming to fruition. Keep up the great work...Can't wait to see the end result! :popcorn:

“Only humility knows how to appreciate and admire the good qualities of others.” ~ Sri Chinmoy
Sorry brother I thought I replied! You plant is big bro and beautiful 😍 I still shouldn't worry about lower leaves they look natural. I'd pull them off if it was me 😂 you plant is concentrating on more important things so that low down stuff will get less and less love as the plant gets bigger. Ull see it everywhere you go look at every large plant or tree you pass it's nature's way! Soon she'll be perfect for a rope swing 😎 😂 sorry can't be too serious. And for the feed I'd always wait untill late stretch but some brands of feed do recommend starting earlier so can't help too much.. I have even used half grow and half bloom before 👍🏽
Thanks, Greenvein I am going to start Bid Data next feeding on the Apple Fritter as I believe that is what PB calls for. :peace: :420:
Jon I have always just feed feed feed
Ah, good. I was thinking about the previous discussion when a bunch of folks suggested you feed more. Cool. I shoulda known. You’re all over this!
Here me go again I was nominated for GJOM but I see what I am up against and can face the facts my journal is not as informative as most as I cannot give advice on growing, I just do not have the knowledge needed to. I appreciate being nominated but really, I do not think I have much of a chance. I do appreciate all that stop by my journal and please keep coming that's how I learn. It is nice though.
This is precisely how I felt the first time I got nominated and won. I felt undeserving because I didn’t think I knew anything and wasn’t feeling super capable of helping anyone else. You know what everyone told me? The same thing I’m going to tell you.

You know a lot more than you think you do and definitely a lot more than you give yourself credit for.

Also, @KeithLemon, the title of your journal leaves no doubt in anyone’s mind that you’re a relative “newbie.” We know. Sometimes a journal is great for reasons other than how much help to others it may provide. Like just the fact that you’re doing it and putting it out there. Your always appropriate expression. Your consistency in asking questions and thanking those who assist you. Your refreshing humility. And how well you’re doing!!! Besides my friend, you are helping more people than you think. If I were a first time grower looking at your journal I’m going to say “I can learn something from this dude.” You never know who is seeing your stuff -many look but don’t comment.

Long story short: you have every right to be nominated, your journal speaks for itself, and take a bit of a bow man!!!
This is precisely how I felt the first time I got nominated and won. I felt undeserving because I didn’t think I knew anything and wasn’t feeling super capable of helping anyone else. You know what everyone told me? The same thing I’m going to tell you.

You know a lot more than you think you do and definitely a lot more than you give yourself credit for.

Also, @KeithLemon, the title of your journal leaves no doubt in anyone’s mind that you’re a relative “newbie.” We know. Sometimes a journal is great for reasons other than how much help to others it may provide. Like just the fact that you’re doing it and putting it out there. Your always appropriate expression. Your consistency in asking questions and thanking those who assist you. Your refreshing humility. And how well you’re doing!!! Besides my friend, you are helping more people than you think. If I were a first time grower looking at your journal I’m going to say “I can learn something from this dude.” You never know who is seeing your stuff -many look but don’t comment.

Long story short: you have every right to be nominated, your journal speaks for itself, and take a bit of a bow man!!!
Jon thanks for the nice words and I hope I can help someone as so many have helped me.
Good morning all 420ers we have sun today after a day of rain yesterday. I have a couple military poncho's I am going to cover my Sour Diesels with tomorrow because more rain in the forecast. I for one have had enough rain for the whole summer. My Apple Fritter does not have a problem with the rain, or should I say it does not show if she does. It may be the pot she is in, and I have another one with stuff in it right now but next year I am going to use it for another cannabis plant. Well going to the lake today so I will not be a round till this evening. Everyone have a great day and stay safe.
Here me go again I was nominated for GJOM but I see what I am up against and can face the facts my journal is not as informative as most as I cannot give advice on growing, I just do not have the knowledge needed to.

Crazy talk Keith! I won after just a few months of growing. The journal is as much for the documentation and entertainment and bringing a group together and generating interest. All of which makes we wonder how on earth I won!

Not every journal win is going to be for being the font of all knowledge. Interest, enagagement. I always loved @Weffalo’s journals. Newbie but passionate. Asked plenty of questions in it, they were cool. (Anyone hears from him let me know please)

Plus I can’t remember the last time there was an outdoor grow journal winner. Eorrying you ain’t good enough ain’t gonna earn you votes! Now get on with the journal. Entertain us! Its like those people spinning plates on sticks writing a journal. You gotta learn, grow, photo, document, write, ask questions, grow, panic, write - repeat.

As I said no idea how I won! 😆

I can see your journal going up again and again, until you win. For me a journal is about the plant and plant only. Whatever it is joking, training, feeding, accessories... So many factors make me want to vote for a specific journal... Why not feel you are at that level ? the level of recognition ?
Why not feel worthy of admiration ?

You are clearly doing something that appeals to the Community. I for one would say your humble attitude and your tenacious work are something to be inspired to achieve by some of the close to 80k people that have watched your journal.

Embrace what is rightly yours and it will materialise.

Have a great weekend.

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