You prolly have some kind of pests for sure. Ladybugs will go where there’s food . But let’s hope I’m wrong. CL🍀. :morenutes: :cheesygrinsmiley:
I am all paranoid now, so I checked it out again but no bugs. I will check it every 30minutes tomorrow now. I hate bugs. I had them on my tomato plants at least a couple of them so I blasted the hell out of them with neem oil. If there is any more, they are dead now.
I am all paranoid now, so I checked it out again but no bugs. I will check it every 30minutes tomorrow now. I hate bugs. I had them on my tomato plants at least a couple of them so I blasted the hell out of them with neem oil. If there is any more, they are dead now.
I don’t think 🤔 you have to check every 30 minutes but I would be checking every day. It’s just a little strange that you have multiple ladybugs. I don’t think I have ever seen that before. CL🍀
I don’t think 🤔 you have to check every 30 minutes but I would be checking every day. It’s just a little strange that you have multiple ladybugs. I don’t think I have ever seen that before. CL🍀
Two lady bugs on the same plant pretty much hanging out in the same place. I will be looking closely.
Hi, Keith- Mind if I follow along?
Two lady bugs on the same plant pretty much hanging out in the same place.
Sounds like they're getting ready to make more Ladybugs...:)
I seen your plants just now, wow exploded!! They look amazingly good, peak health.

May I say something brother;

I grow outdoors bro every year. In pots and ground, in backyards, hill tops in the bush, raised beds, permaculture whatever you throw at me I will grow it outdoors.
Everything you are experiencing is normal. Grasshopper bite on the fans, spiders eat caterpillars and aphids. Ladybug are your friends always and they come in multiple colors. If you have 2, 3 or 10 they are all friends doing the work for you.

I would not spray anything on my plants that’s going to cause all the fauna to leave. Neem helps with some things it doesn’t do miracles.

Staying on top of the plants health is what counts when outdoors. If you want to stay on the safe side I would highly recommend spacing out the inside of your plant. Pest and disease will start where you can’t see them, the weakest link in your plant.
Right now from my point of view you got stunning incredibly healthy plant. In a month from now when buds set and start packing the real challenge will start.

Try to have some sort of way to space out branches so air can flow thru the inside. And if you see a caterpillar just use your fingers and take it off… after they eat they hide under the leaf. Check under the leaf for evidence of pest. Slugs eat too at night and hide under the pot.

Anyways; I know you didn’t ask me for my advice or opinion. But if you growing outdoors… take some advice from the people actually growing outdoors. Indoor tricks don’t work the same in outdoors game.

I seen your plants just now, wow exploded!! They look amazingly good, peak health.

May I say something brother;

I grow outdoors bro every year. In pots and ground, in backyards, hill tops in the bush, raised beds, permaculture whatever you throw at me I will grow it outdoors.
Everything you are experiencing is normal. Grasshopper bite on the fans, spiders eat caterpillars and aphids. Ladybug are your friends always and they come in multiple colors. If you have 2, 3 or 10 they are all friends doing the work for you.

I would not spray anything on my plants that’s going to cause all the fauna to leave. Neem helps with some things it doesn’t do miracles.

Staying on top of the plants health is what counts when outdoors. If you want to stay on the safe side I would highly recommend spacing out the inside of your plant. Pest and disease will start where you can’t see them, the weakest link in your plant.
Right now from my point of view you got stunning incredibly healthy plant. In a month from now when buds set and start packing the real challenge will start.

Try to have some sort of way to space out branches so air can flow thru the inside. And if you see a caterpillar just use your fingers and take it off… after they eat they hide under the leaf. Check under the leaf for evidence of pest. Slugs eat too at night and hide under the pot.

Anyways; I know you didn’t ask me for my advice or opinion. But if you growing outdoors… take some advice from the people actually growing outdoors. Indoor tricks don’t work the same in outdoors game.

Thanks Dani I appreciate your knowledge and it is great to hear from an outdoor grower.
Good morning all 420ers looks like another overcast day threating to storm the Rh is 79 here you can cut it with a knife. My plants look ok this morning and no bugs. I will have to look at doing a little pruning so the light and air movement, but I have to be honest I hate taking any leaves, but it will be needed. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
Morning pictures with some pictures of the leaves that are eaten over all I think they look pretty good tell me what you think about it pruning.









Morning pictures with some pictures of the leaves that are eaten over all I think they look pretty good tell me what you think about it pruning.









There’s other ways of opening up your plant with minimal leave removing. Have you considered using sticks like Jon uses? Or string? Just spitballing ideas here. Plants look 👀 great even with a little insect defoliation. lol CL🍀
Morning pictures with some pictures of the leaves that are eaten over all I think they look pretty good tell me what you think about it pruning.









This is post pruning, yes? Looks much much better. And if you choose to, you could spread the lower and mid branches just enough to clear the foliage and have the best of both worlds - every cola is happy and you get to keep all your leaves.
There’s other ways of opening up your plant with minimal leave removing. Have you considered using sticks like Jon uses? Or string? Just spitballing ideas here. Plants look 👀 great even with a little insect defoliation. lol CL🍀
Thanks Capt. And yes, I have considered Jon does he has a lot of knowledge when it comes to cleaning up a plant as do you.
This is post pruning, yes? Looks much much better. And if you choose to, you could spread the lower and mid branches just enough to clear the foliage and have the best of both worlds - every cola is happy and you get to keep all your leaves.
Thanks Jon, I appreciate you sharing what you know as your knowledge shows in your plants which look great.
Plants look AAA bro; later today I will tag you on my thread I will take a pic or two of my leaf and the grasshopper eating it. I can post pictures here if you want to.

Think about leaf damage as a form of stimulating plant growth hormones; what happens when you top a plant or defoliation happens? a couple days later everything is exploding with new growth. So for one leaf that is eaten there is a new one coming, thats until flower starts... you have potentially all month of July to defol, train and overall prepare the structure of the plant to support the flowering period. Trust me you want to be prepared when you have fat buds and its raining 4-5 times a week.

One love bro
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