Your ladies look bloody beautiful man WOW! Looking at them I don't think anything is eating your leaves, could be a little stress how far is that fan leaf from where you topped? Unless it's on quite a few of them in random places I wouldn't worry too much.

If it was me and my little understanding of plant food switching to flower based nutrition doesn't need to happen until after stretch but can be introduced during stretch.. once your in second week of stretching you should still have enough N sitting in soil anyways to get you through so can introduce flower feed for a week before fully switching over. I think it would be difficult to mess it up in those large pots unless the rain really is running through it alot.
I really appreciate the kind words Greenvein I topped the Sour Diesel, and this is the Apple Fritter thanks for the info on flowering. I am going to wait a little until adding flowering nutes.
I get that, I mean in general. I always switch at the beginning of the stretch is why I ask. Is it your opinion that the plants don’t need those nutes for the stretch or are you talking a provable fact? Sorry for my ignorance.
Plants need a lot of nitrogen through stretch because of the rapid growth, but what's provable is that these plants aren't in stretch. Stretch in outside photoperiod plants is a much longer process than in a tent because the plants are losing light measures in only minutes/day. Pistils in less than 2 weeks is common in a tent, and these might be a month.

The phosphorus boost from Big Data is unnecessary based on tissue analysis, and I don't think increase in potassium is something Keith's plants need this early.
Plants need a lot of nitrogen through stretch because of the rapid growth, but what's provable is that these plants aren't in stretch. Stretch in outside photoperiod plants is a much longer process than in a tent because the plants are losing light measures in only minutes/day.

The phosphorus boost from Big Data is unnecessary based on tissue analysis, and I don't think increase in potassium is something Keith's plants need this early.
Understood. Thanks! Yeah he’s not stretching obviously. My question really wasn’t relative to his plant necessarily. I’m not attempting to affect anyone’s behavior. Just wanted your opinion. Thanks.
Morning pictures








You’re absolutely rocking it Keith 🤩outstanding job my friend. CL🍀 :thumb: :bravo::welldone::yahoo:
If that damage isn't a result of topping as Greenvein mentioned then Neem won't help with what's eating those leaves. That looks like either caterpillar or cricket damage. As I recall, crickets and caterpillars eat holes in the middle, where grasshoppers eat from the edges in.

Might want to get yourself some BT concentrate and start spraying with that for caterpillars. You'll probably need it come flower anyway.

Not sure what handles grasshoppers and crickets but I'd grab BT anyway.

He's not in stretch yet 4 days into summer and those plants probably won't show flower for 3 weeks minimum. Plenty of time to introduce Big Data, and with a 3-4 month flower period better he shouldn't run out.
Shed can you tell me what BT is? I think I should get some to go after whatever is eating my plants and I take it that it is ok to use during flower. I am not in flower at this time but as you said I may need it during flower. This will be more tools for my tool box.
BT is a bacteria that only kills caterpillars when they eat the leaves it's sprayed on. Its full name is Bacillus thuringiensis and one of the more popular brands is Monterey BT. Buy the concentrate and mix up what you need in a spray bottle.
Thank you Shed it is much appreciated.
If that damage isn't a result of topping as Greenvein mentioned then Neem won't help with what's eating those leaves. That looks like either caterpillar or cricket damage. As I recall, crickets and caterpillars eat holes in the middle, where grasshoppers eat from the edges in.

Might want to get yourself some BT concentrate and start spraying with that for caterpillars. You'll probably need it come flower anyway.

Not sure what handles grasshoppers and crickets but I'd grab BT anyway.

He's not in stretch yet 4 days into summer and those plants probably won't show flower for 3 weeks minimum. Plenty of time to introduce Big Data, and with a 3-4 month flower period better he shouldn't run out.
Thank you Shed I will pick the Monterey BT up at Walmart.It is another toll in my tool box.
Thank you Shed I will pick the Monterey BT up at Walmart.It is another toll in my tool box.
The kurstaki subspecies is the caterpillar specific one. The israelensis subspecies is what we use against fungus gnat larvae and other grubs.
:ciao: Keith

Beautiful Happy, healthy girls you have there! :love:

Hope you don't mind me following along... :goodluck:

I happy to have you follow along and thank you for the kind words much appreciated. Nanny Boo do you have a journal?
I happy to have you follow along and thank you for the kind words much appreciated. Nanny Boo do you have a journal?

:thanks: Keith & yvw!

I do have a journal my friend...
You prolly have some kind of pests for sure. Ladybugs will go where there’s food . But let’s hope I’m wrong. CL🍀. :morenutes: :cheesygrinsmiley:
I looked with a 30x glass and did not see any but was thinking the same thing you were.
:thanks: Keith & yvw!

I do have a journal my friend...
Hope you do not mind me following your thread/
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